There may be a safer fix that is just as easy. Open etc/samba/smb.conf
and find this line:
name resolve order = lmhosts host wins bcast
and change the line to read:
name resolve order = lmhosts wins bcast host.
This appears to have the same ultimate effect.
NetBIOS name resolution
Connecting to ftp servers and pinging machines uses the system hostname
resolution, true; connecting to Windows fileshares, using a protocol
that natively supports NetBIOS names, does not.
And there are security and scalability reasons why it's not feasible to
enable wins as part of hostname resol
Well, more precisely, I could not resolve NetBIOS names before I
implemented this change. I could not even ping them or connect to an
FTP server on those hosts by name. Now I can do so after implementing
that change. Windows has never had a problem recognizing other machines
on the network and i
Hi Sb,
The wins NSS driver is not one that we want to enable by default, and
definitely not in the manner described at the link you gave - yes, there
are security issues with giving wins precedence over DNS, and even when
not giving it precedence, the semantics of NetBIOS are suboptimal for
I've asked the release managers to review. There may be security or
other issues with taking this approach. Steve Langasek, or someone
else,w ill comment shortly.
NetBIOS name resolution broken, but extremely easy to fix
You received this bug notification
Guys this would take two minutes for the developers to fix and it would
save thousands of users many hours of time and frustration. Any way we
can include this for Lucid? Thanks a lot!
NetBIOS name resolution broken, but extremely easy to fix
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