[Bug 292473] Re: KDE4 in Intrepid lacks translations for messages with context or plural forms

2008-11-20 Thread Chusslove Illich
I'm not sure that packaging of kdeqt.po and others should be linked with Qt. These templates have nothing to do with Qt proper; rather, it is KDE project which is extracting them, with custom (and not quite straightforward) mapping of Qt message elements to PO format fields, and kdecore.so which is

[Bug 292473] Re: KDE4 in Intrepid lacks translations for messages with context or plural forms

2008-11-18 Thread Chusslove Illich
KDE language packages also miss POs from qt/ module, e.g. for German KDE 4.1.2: http://websvn.kde.org/tags/KDE/4.1.2/kde-l10n/de/messages/qt/ Possibly an import problem, because it's the only module in upstream packages which does not start with kde*? -- KDE4 in Intrepid lacks translations fo

[Bug 106772] Re: Amarok status bar shows HTML code for songs playing

2007-06-17 Thread Chusslove Illich
Ubuntu has Canadian English too, en_CA. A quick look through Amarok PO file in en_CA shows that the translator mishandled the context in messages. In the message: msgid "" "_: track by artist on album\n" "%1 by %2 on %3" the "_: ...\n" part is a context, and shouldn't be translated, but the en_CA