Re: [arch-general] netbeans freeze

2012-11-18 Thread Martín Cigorraga
On Fri, Nov 16, 2012 at 10:19 AM, Leonidas Spyropoulos wrote: > On 16 Nov 2012 12:12, "Arno Gaboury" wrote: > > > > Dear list, > > > > I recently started a Java certification and installed netbeans. > > > > Firstly: Do you have to stick to netbeans? There are great alternatives and > having used

Re: [arch-general] netbeans freeze

2012-11-16 Thread Alexander Rødseth
Hi, I would consider reporting the issue upstream to the netbeans developers: Also, please consider reporting the issue that breaks things in connection with Android to the OpenJDK developers. Thanks. -- Sincerely, Alexander Rødseth xyproto / TU

Re: [arch-general] netbeans freeze

2012-11-16 Thread Arno Gaboury
After some readings, I installed a plugin which let me control how often netbeans scans, but it is not much improving. I use SUN-Java 1.6, as I need it to build Android (open jre breaks things). I am stick to netbeans for some reasons, and do not understand why it sometimes eat all my CPU. On 16

Re: [arch-general] netbeans freeze

2012-11-16 Thread Leonidas Spyropoulos
On 16 Nov 2012 12:12, "Arno Gaboury" wrote: > > Dear list, > > I recently started a Java certification and installed netbeans. > Firstly: Do you have to stick to netbeans? There are great alternatives and having used others I found netbeans to be bad at simplifying the life of a developer. My opi

[arch-general] netbeans freeze

2012-11-16 Thread Arno Gaboury
Dear list, I recently started a Java certification and installed netbeans. I experience a lot of few seconds freezes, with the CPU up to 100%. These issues arrise even when I am not building neither running any code. My system is usually working very well and has enough CPU to build anything in