On 16 Nov 2012 12:12, "Arno Gaboury" <arnaud.gabo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear list,
> I recently started a Java certification and installed netbeans.

Firstly: Do you have to stick to netbeans? There are great alternatives and
having used others I found netbeans to be bad at simplifying the life of a
developer. My opinion of course..

> I experience a lot of few seconds freezes, with the CPU up to 100%.
What 's the process with the 100%
If it's a Java application (I.e. netbeans) the we would need the Java dump
to see what's happening.

> These issues arrise even when I am not building neither running any
> code.
> My system is usually working very well and has enough CPU to build
> anything in a very short time (kernels, ROM...).
> Is there any settings in netbeans or Arch I missed?
> Any idea where could this comes from?
> It is really annoying, especially for a Java newbie wich find it very
> difficult to write even the smallest code :-(
> TY for help.

Have you tried download the zip of net beans and run it. See if it's
netbeans specific or the package from arch.

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