Wednesday 10 February 2010 skrev Thomas Bächler:
> Your custom kernel is misconfigured, the most likely candidate being:
> $ zgrep CONFIG_SYSFS_DEPRECATED /proc/config.gz
> If this option is set to yes, udev will fail to create devices properly.
> I
Thursday 28 January 2010 skrev Hussam Al-Tayeb:
> I updated to udev, cryptsetup and device mapper from testing the
> installed kernel and rebooted.
Something similar, or the same thing, happened to me.
I updated my system, and then on reboot it could not find the disk /dev/sda
lördagen den 30 augusti 2008 skrev Alessio Bolognino:
> > This might end up in a flamwar, but if we have to remove one editor I
> > would vote vor vim and keep nano. [... more nonsense ]
> v
> *
> ==> * T
torsdagen den 29 maj 2008 skrev Dimitrios Apostolou:
> It's probably the slowest arch machine I 've seen... How much RAM does
> it have? How did you perform the installation? Are you using any desktop
> environment, if so how does it perform?
64MB, which probably can make even a speed monster slo
måndagen den 19 maj 2008 skrev Dimitrios Apostolou:
> Let me start with a P3 800MHz I have running arch.
> Normal wait time: ~11.5s
> acpi=off wait time: ~5s
> What about yours?
Toshiba laptop, pentium 233MHz, wait time 85564ms
tisdagen den 6 maj 2008 skrev Jan de Groot:
> Simple: it installs the first entry it finds in the repositories that
> are in pacman.conf. There's no such thing as installing the latest
> available version.
Ok, that explains a lot of things. I reorder my pacman.conf entries, and then
it does it r
Can someone explain this to me:
1) Check available versions
$ pacman -Si kdepim | grep Version
Version: 3.5.9-2
Ok, which version is newest?
$ vercmp '3.5.9-2' ''
$ vercmp
usage: vercmp
return values:
< 0 : if ver1 < ver
måndagen den 21 april 2008 skrev Alec Hussey:
> I obviously want to keep that package and I even entered it in
> pacman.conf under HoldPkg and seems to have no affect. I dont know what
> I should do.
> Thanks!
> Alec Hussey
If cairo-lcd is a variation of cairo, it should provide cairo, and conf
söndagen den 20 april 2008 skrev Stephen Wilkinson:
> Does anyone have any suggestions as to why this may have stopped
> working in moving from 2.6.23 to 2.6.24? Is it no longer possible to
> run two sound cards together?
I got the same problem with my (only) built-in VIA sound chip. From kernel
With the new abs, community disappeared from /var/abs.
Do I need to do something special to get it?
after abs
shakti:~$ ls /var/abs
core extra local README testing unstable
shakti:~$ grep REPOS /etc/abs.conf
# REPOS to be parsed by abs (in this order)
REPOS=(core extra unstable community tes
måndag 07 april 2008 skrev Jan de Groot:
> /proc and /sys are already hardcoded. About your system being broken
> without these filesystems mounted:
> - SSH (both server and client) won't work without devpts mounted
> - None of the virtual X terminal things will work without devpts mounted
In a c
fredag 04 april 2008 skrev Roman Kyrylych:
> I cannot provide much help here because I never rebuilt the ISO by myself,
> but you should take a look at archboot (used to generate our ISOs)
> and the new archiso tool:
Ok, thank you. I will
I have a new i586 machine and want to install archlinux i586 on it. So I want
to recreate the archlinux install CD. But how do i do it? I have unpacked
the install ISO, and is replacing all the packages, but when it comes to
inird.img, the instructions in the wiki do not work. I cannot mount th
onsdag 20 februari 2008 skrev Attila:
> Hmm, i don't know if i understand you in the right way but the solution
> from the url is to get the new flashplugin 9.0.115 work together with an
> unpatched konqueror. The NPP backend of kmplayer is only used for running a
> Netscape XEmbed plugin and the
onsdag 20 februari 2008 skrev Attila:
> Strange that it makes a difference because the PKGBUILD from abs have a
> line with "make -f admin/Makefile.common dist" too.
Oh, it has? I made the patches to PKGBUILD about a month ago, so I can't
remember exactly what I did and why. Only that building w
tisdag 19 februari 2008 skrev Attila:
> On Montag, 18. Februar 2008 22:26 Karolina Lindqvist wrote:
> > No, it aborts after that.
> Your announcement makes me a little bit nervous about fakeroot so i make
> the same as you. Makepkg runs well under a normal instead i have 4
måndag 18 februari 2008 skrev Jan de Groot:
> It's an ignored error, so you can ignore it too. The fakeroot .so module
> gets preloaded to override systemcalls from glibc. Using fakeroot is
> actually only needed in the make install phase, so you can ignore any
> error during the make phase of a p
When building kdelibs, I always get the following error:
../../kdoctools/meinproc --srcdir=../../kdoctools --check --cache
index.cache.bz2 ./index.docbook
ERROR: object '' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded:
ERROR: object '' from LD_PRELOAD can
måndag 11 februari 2008 skrev Aaron Griffin:
> This has nothing to do with the kernel. It is module related. Your
> best bet is to get a list of all your modules and slowly
> blacklist/whitelist them until you figure out which module is causing
> the issue.
I throught the device driver modules we
söndag 10 februari 2008 skrev Roman Kyrylych:
> After a testing phase kernel has been moved to Core where it
> replaces version
It still crashes at boot. I have investigated a little bit further.
Init comes to "Loading udev uevents"
Then it crashes, with a register printout an
There is some strange stuff going on in the newest kernel. i.e. it did not
work, so I had to go back to the previous one.
First it booted, but then console escape characters (colour) did not work, and
sound with snd_via82xx did not either.
Then when I rebooted, it crashes every time in the udev/u
torsdag 17 januari 2008 skrev Loui:
> I built 1.4.6 it myself and it got past that error but I hit another one:
> Bad URL passed to RA layer: Unrecognized URL scheme for
> '' at
> /usr/bin/git-svn line 1043
I got the some problem with buildin
Is it possible to make the box for comment, in the flag package out-of-date, a
little bit bigger? As it is now, it is hard to see what you write, if you
want to explain your findings.
måndag 07 januari 2008 skrev Attila:
> On Montag, 7. Januar 2008 17:58 Karolina Lindqvist wrote:
> > I got crashes in nspluginviewer all the time.
> Could it be that this happens with flash? If yes, than see here:
> > I solved i
Am I the only one who got problems after the latest KDE update (from testing)?
I got crashes in nspluginviewer all the time.
I solved it by building a new version of kdelibs/kdebase from CVS, which
appears to have some bug-fixes.
Look at this:
$ ecj
Unrecognized option : /usr/share/java/libgcj-4.2.jar
I am not able to get any other respone from ecj, as intalled from the binary
i686 distribution. Does it say the same for everone else? Is it supposed to
say this?
måndag 31 december 2007 skrev Jan de Groot:
> The bug won't be taken care of, since gcc needs eclipse-ecj for the
> compiler to work, and eclipse-ecj needs a runtime to be able to
> function.
And anyway, it does not matter, since even without the loop, the source code
is missing and the package
gcc-gcj depends on eclipse-ecj which depends on gcc-gcj, making a dependency
onsdag 26 december 2007 skrev Mark Constable:
> What about the source packages, are they available ?
> --markc
It will come, I just have to figure out how.
lördag 15 december 2007 skrev JJDaNiMoTh:
> On Sat, 15 Dec 2007 08:00:19 +0100
> Karolina Lindqvist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I guess I am going to maintain this, for my own usage, for quite a while
> > now, since I have a machine that is going to run it. It ap
måndag 17 december 2007 skrev David Moore:
> It's worth plugging a reminder that Arch's failure to do this so far is a
> violation of the GPL for all GPL-licensed packages. This should be
> implemented as soon as possible.
There are quite some packages, mostly in extra, that are not on the sourc
torsdag 20 december 2007 skrev K. Piche:
> I have a i586 file/print server. I even have a mini i386 port but it's
> not much fun to use. :) However I'm not interested in running an
> official i586 port since the packages are stripped down for file
> serving/printing - as in no X and no optional
lördag 15 december 2007 skrev Travis Willard:
> Just a hint, since you were looking to add i586 - find and sed are
> your friends. :D
> find -name PKGBUILD -exec sed -i '/^arch=/ { /i586/ !{
> s/^arch=(/arch=(i586 / } }' {} \;
> That will find every PKGBUILD and add i586 to the packages that do
söndag 16 december 2007 skrev Travis Willard:
> As far as I know we don't have plans for an i586 port. There's
> lowarch, which I think was mentioned around this thread already
> (apologies for not reading the backlogs) - if you're that dedicated
> about maintaining i586 then you should get in co
lördag 15 december 2007 skrev bardo:
> 2007/12/15, Karolina Lindqvist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > To edit each and every PKGBUILD for each and every package and every
> > update appears like quite a big work.
> If you use pacman-git (which a lot of people is usin
söndag 16 december 2007 skrev Mister Dobalina:
> The point is that the developers don't want to get a
> bunch of bug reports for things that might be
> i586-specific problems. They are saying "we've tested
> the package that is built using this PKGBUILD on i686
> and/or x86_64, and if you have a p
lördag 15 december 2007 skrev bardo:
> 2007/12/15, Karolina Lindqvist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > To edit each and every PKGBUILD for each and every package and every
> > update appears like quite a big work.
> If you use pacman-git (which a lot of people is usin
söndag 16 december 2007 skrev Mister Dobalina:
> > That will find every PKGBUILD and add i586 to the
> > packages that don't
> > already have it. Yay!
> No good, many PKGBUILDs have stuff like
> if [ "$CARCH" = "i686" ]; then
> << do something >>
> fi
> in the build() section, where the s
lördag 15 december 2007 skrev Travis Willard:
> Just a hint, since you were looking to add i586 - find and sed are
> your friends. :D
> find -name PKGBUILD -exec sed -i '/^arch=/ { /i586/ !{
> s/^arch=(/arch=(i586 / } }' {} \;
> That will find every PKGBUILD and add i586 to the packages that do
lördag 15 december 2007 skrev Massimiliano Brocchini:
> I agree with Karolina.
> Karolina I would like to encourage you to put a repository up for VIA
> C3, I was interested in lowarch and I tested
> it, but it seems dead/dormant.
> I would like to have an archlinux version
lördag 15 december 2007 skrev Allan McRae:
> Once you log in you will see an "Add new task" button. You can't submit
> bug without a Flyspray account.
Ok, thanks, now I see it. I must somehow have failed logging in before,
without noticing it.
When rebuilding from source, I find build problems here and there. I tried the web-page, but all I can do is looking at bug
reports, but I find no way to report a new bug.
How is it done?
Or maybe build problems should not be reported as bugs, but in some other way?
lördag 15 december 2007 skrev Dan McGee:
> The arch= tag indicates that we, as the Arch Linux developers, have
> successfully built a certain package on the given architecture. Since
> we do not build for i586, we cannot make this claim and so do not add
> this architecture to the arch= line.
lördag 15 december 2007 skrev R. Dale Thomas:
> I'm with you Karolina, I need to support some VIA machines, too.
When I am ready, I will put up a repository of archlinux for VIA i586/C3 that
I use, so that others can have it too. My VIA machine is my internet server.
I call it i586, altho
lördag 15 december 2007 skrev Aaron Griffin:
> Why would we put sed hooks in to fix it when you
> yourself? Arch _does_ have the whole "helper
> scripts are dumb" type philosophy...
> Why would we provide one command (makepkg) to replace one command (sed)?
Well, because I d
There is a problem with compiling with CHOST="i586" with the new
It simply refuses with the message:
pkgname is not available for the 'i586' architecture.
Note that many packages may need a line added to their PKGBUILD
such as arch=('i586').
To edit each
fredag 14 december 2007 skrev Aaron Griffin:
> Things have been moved. I haven't updated the PKGBUILD yet. I'll try
> and get to this when I can this weekend.
Thank you for the fast help. I am upgrading my old i586/C3 archlinux from
I am trying to compile archlinux from source, but I got stuck on pacman, since
it depends on libdownload, and I just can't find libdownload source anywhere
on the net, since the source location
appears to be permanently terminated.
Where can I find the sources?
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