torsdag 17 januari 2008 skrev Loui:

> I built 1.4.6 it myself and it got past that error but I hit another one:
> Bad URL passed to RA layer: Unrecognized URL scheme for
> '' at
> /usr/bin/git-svn line 1043

I got the some problem with building subversion from source, any version. That 
packet need some attention! Since I wanted to use it, not fix it, I just made 
it work somehow, which amounted to follow the instructions given and download 
an earlier version of neon and put it into the source directory renamed to 
neon. Not the "right" way to do it maybe, but just to make it work, since 
subversion is essential to get other things to work. And just in waiting for 
a real fix from whoever understands the how and why of all the extra stuff in 
the PKGBUILD for it.

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