Re: [arch-general] gbd missing from extra?

2010-03-12 Thread Tobias Kieslich
Typo? your subject on the mail states you searched for gbd instead of gdb maybe? -T On Sat, 13 Mar 2010, richard terry wrote: > couldn't retreive the gnu debugger from pacman -S gdb, and looking in the > extra repo it didn't seem to be present. > > any reason? > > Richard

Re: [arch-general] Tiny webserver to run as root

2010-01-03 Thread Tobias Kieslich
Hi, I had a look at the 3.x version awhttpd. Select based(fast), small, cgi scripts(fork based). Unfortunately this version is not maintained anymore since the team moved on to 4.0 (heavy integration of a scheme interpreter). 3.x is entirely ANSI C. However, an even smaller version of the same c

Re: [arch-general] usable browser?

2009-11-27 Thread Tobias Kieslich
Don't jump to conclusions here. Inspecting the headers in th HTTP transfer exposes that the may send gzip content without setting a proper content-encoding. That might be cause by inproper caching setup on their side(they use squid) And the result they send is different from request to request: Fi

Re: [arch-general] usable browser?

2009-11-26 Thread Tobias Kieslich
dillo, simplistic, bone simple, limitations on the functionality Bottomline, if you need the features live with the overload. In Linux there are three full featured rendering engines: - gecko - webkit - opera you ruled out all of them, so what's left has serious short comings. -T On Fri,

Re: [arch-general] AUR: gcc-java-4.3.3.tar.bz2.part ==> ERROR: Build Failed.

2009-11-13 Thread Tobias Kieslich
On Fri, 13 Nov 2009, David C. Rankin wrote: > On Friday 13 November 2009 02:48:28 and regarding: > > >> What to check? > > > > > > > > > Enabled the required locale in /etc/locale.gen and then execute > > > `locale-gen' as root. > > > > > > > That is due to how gcc detects language settings so

Re: [arch-general] Segmentation fault in X after last upgrade

2009-11-11 Thread Tobias Kieslich
On Mon, 02 Nov 2009, Magnus Therning wrote: > Well, all I'm really interested in is finding out whether it's > xorg-server or xf86-video-nv which is broken. Then raise a bug, and > get it fixed :-) I just add here that I had a similar issue, which I *thought* I was able to track down to a broken

Re: [arch-general] preferred laptops.

2009-11-04 Thread Tobias Kieslich
On Thu, 05 Nov 2009, Mike Sampson wrote: > The HP2140 is a very nice looking netbook. Two of my co workers have them. Yeah, it was my second best purchase this year, right after a DR650 which admittedly is more fun :P I'm surprised how much actual stuff I get done on the HP with the smaller scree

Re: [arch-general] preferred laptops.

2009-11-04 Thread Tobias Kieslich
Notebooks so far: Twinhead R15D: centrino, 1.86GHz, Intel 915, 1Gig Ram - everything worked nicely out of the box Thinkpad T400: Intel X4100, 3G Ram: Actually it's a dual graphic but I never really tried to get the ATI running. It's set to use the integrated in the BIOS and that works smoothely.

Re: [arch-general] ssh broken?

2009-10-29 Thread Tobias Kieslich
Thanks Thomas, sounds good. I think I'll wait until I update my server :P -T On Thu, 29 Oct 2009, Thomas Bächler wrote: > > > I'll push a version with > [ -d /var/empty ] || mkdir -p /var/empty > in the init script tonight. This is the safest way IMO.

[arch-general] ssh broken?

2009-10-29 Thread Tobias Kieslich
Hi, I frequently ssh into localhost to sync files with unison. THat seems to be broken after the lates pacman -Syu which removed /var/empty. Is there sombody else who sees the same behavior? -T

Re: [arch-general] Netbook recommendations

2009-09-28 Thread Tobias Kieslich
Since that seems important to you, the keyboard is really nice for its dimensions and it has a hardware button to turn of the trackpad. On Mon, 28 Sep 2009, Tobias Kieslich wrote: > Well, I dunno what's best these days, I'm more interested in what works. > I got a HP2140 ... -T

Re: [arch-general] Netbook recommendations

2009-09-28 Thread Tobias Kieslich
Well, I dunno what's best these days, I'm more interested in what works. I got a HP2140, as "business" netbook on the pricier side, but with the 5105 released the 2140 should be available for cheaper somewhere. I paid $700 CAD but that includes taxes, our beloved "you just pay that because you are

Re: [arch-general] vim 7.2.245-1

2009-09-21 Thread Tobias Kieslich
On Mon, 21 Sep 2009, Aaron Griffin wrote: > > Hrrm, I don't know if we should be using the 'after' dir for default > plugins installed by pacman. It seem like these actually belong in > /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/plugin/. The after directory has a special > purpose, and none of the plugins I can thin

Re: [arch-general] vim 7.2.245-1

2009-09-21 Thread Tobias Kieslich
> > There is a /usr/share/vim folder and inside of it /plugin, /vim72 and > /vimfiles > I tried to copy my files from ~/.vim to all of that places and nothing > worked. Don't know what to try else. We try to be more compliant with upstream vim: the out of the box path consists of /usr/share/vim

Re: [arch-general] vim syntax file broken??

2009-07-29 Thread Tobias Kieslich
what happened is, that I improperly left the runtimepath in archlinx.vim will be fixed in next release. so creating the symlink is not quite the proper solution :P On Wed, 29 Jul 2009, Patrick Brisbin wrote: > this was the same error i got and fixed with > > sudo ln -s /usr/share/vim/vim72 /

Re: [arch-general] New path for vim plugins

2009-07-20 Thread Tobias Kieslich
Wow, who can find my spelling mistakes ... can keep them. It's a bargain tonight ... -T On Mon, 20 Jul 2009, Tobias Kieslich wrote: > Hi guys, > > sorry for lacking the announcement ... but I guess that's why it is > still in testing. The vimcurrent syml

Re: [arch-general] New path for vim plugins

2009-07-20 Thread Tobias Kieslich
Hi guys, sorry for lacking the announcement ... but I guess that's why it is still in testing. The vimcurrent symlink was modelled after debian's behaviour. Turns out that's a necessary as a third tit. Vim actually automatically akak out of the box checks /usr/share/vim/vimfiles as part of

Re: [arch-general] Location of Vim files...

2009-07-07 Thread Tobias Kieslich
Not really, I was aiming for a vimcurrent symlink like debian but taht was opposed as there seems to be another standard location. Hopefully I will have another and maybe final vim in teesting by the weekend and once that is done there will be some documentation(probably in the wiki) but certainly

Re: [arch-general] Location of Vim files...

2009-07-07 Thread Tobias Kieslich
As far as vi/vim(7) in extra is concerned, it was always installed in /usr/share/vim. So vim files location has NOT changed yet again. vim files in testing are getting installed into /usr/share/vim/vim72 but that is the future. -T On Tue, 07 Jul 2009, Magnus Therning wrote: > It seems tha

Re: [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] [idea] global link database for all packages

2009-07-01 Thread Tobias Kieslich
Ahem, isn't that part of the base install, and people have to or used to have explicitely uncheck it on install? That would explain that number. -T On Wed, 01 Jul 2009, Loui Chang wrote: > > > > Good question - does anyone actually use it? > >

Re: [arch-general] New vi/vim/gvim in testing requires intervention

2009-05-12 Thread Tobias Kieslich
On Tue, 12 May 2009, Aaron Schaefer wrote: > This will mean that all plugin packages will have to be rebuilt for > each minor Vim release? Is that how other distro's handle it? Seems a > bit odd... Minor releases don't happend more than once a year. It's not that much of a biggie. Honestly, I on't

Re: [arch-general] New vi/vim/gvim in testing requires intervention

2009-05-12 Thread Tobias Kieslich
On Tue, 12 May 2009, Magnus Therning wrote: >>> And a quick guess, it looks like the new vim package puts its colors here: >>> /usr/share/vim/vim72/colors/ >>> >>> Any reason the old /usr/share/vim/ shouldn't be on the default runtimepath? > > Looking at other distros it seems using /usr/share/vim/

Re: [arch-general] vi/vim/gvim without ruby support

2009-05-09 Thread Tobias Kieslich
Allan, the ruby in testing as of 3 days ago. That would be 1.8 I think. we can build gvim(the only one with ruby enabled) without ruby support for the time being. I don't think that many people actually script vim with ruby and there aren't all that many ruby-vim scripts out there.

Re: [arch-general] New vi/vim/gvim in testing requires intervention

2009-05-05 Thread Tobias Kieslich
On Tue, 05 May 2009, bs wrote: > > hello, > as a linux newbie i am a little confused about the "sudo rm > /usr/bin/{view/rview}" command. typing it with the "{}"s does not > work, file or directory not found. am i supposed to delete > /usr/bin/view (which is a link)? i am probably missing somethi

[arch-general] New vi/vim/gvim in testing requires intervention

2009-05-05 Thread Tobias Kieslich
Hi, Finally, the new vi* packages are up. There will be a little migration pain. For optimal results, I recommend to "sudo rm /usr/bin/{view/rview}" before you run "sudo pacman -Syu" -T

Re: [arch-general] Gimp and gimp-devel

2008-10-24 Thread Tobias Kieslich
we usually just keep -devel sticvking around once the gimp devel package gets up to snuff. so when 2.7.x becomes usable gimp-devel will cover that while gimp stays at the 2.6 level. -Tobias On Sat, 25 Oct 2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > > Hello, > > why are there two packages gimp and

Re: [arch-general] vim 7.2.25

2008-10-08 Thread Tobias Kieslich
with the limited vi capabilities. Not really X related. On Wed, 08 Oct 2008, Sergey Rudchenko wrote: > Hello, Arch Community. > > I'm unable to contact the vi package maintainer (Tobias Kieslich) so I > decided to write here. > > I have prepared an update for the vim package (see

Re: [arch-general] About Arch pkg compress format

2008-05-21 Thread Tobias Kieslich
On Wed, 21 May 2008, Denis Alessandro Altoe Falqueto wrote: > > It seems that LZMA lib is licensed with LGPL and has an special > exception that permits to link (statically or dinamicaly) without > being bound by the LGPL terms. I thought LGPL permist statically linking anyways, which is why WXw

Re: [arch-general] Banshee needs an update

2008-04-18 Thread Tobias Kieslich
Hi, to defend the basic feature set in the PKGBUILD, not every developer always uses ALL the packages he maintains. So we are not always up to snuff when it comes to the latest bells and whistles. In Banshees case, to make matters worse, changing the microversion aka the number behind the

Re: [arch-general] Xfce plugins

2007-12-08 Thread Tobias Kieslich
On Sat, 08 Dec 2007, _saiko wrote: > i didn't say it happened in the latest upgrade... > i noticed that after some upgrade maybe even some months ago > > pity i didn't take any action then my too, I saw it and thought .. just a minor annoyance..maybe the system is maxed out ... but I really can;t