
        to defend the basic feature set in the PKGBUILD, not every developer
always uses ALL the packages he maintains. So we are not always up to
snuff when it comes to the latest bells and whistles. In Banshees case,
to make matters worse, changing the microversion aka the number behind
the second dot is what I would call royally screwed up versioning when
it means major feature adding.

my 2 c


On Fri, 18 Apr 2008, Timm Preetz wrote:

> On Fri, 2008-04-18 at 10:19 +0300, Grigorios Bouzakis wrote:
> > Current banshee version is 0.98.1 and latest is 0.98.3. Even though i
> > dont know i doubt the features added are that essential to cause this
> > fuzz.
> Oh, they are. Banshee had a complete rewrite and the 0.98.1 version is
> really really basic.
> 0.98.3 adds new stuff like shuffling, video support etc.
> I think I would call that major features.

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