On Mon, Apr 23, 2012 at 5:04 AM, Paulo Roberto P. Evangelista
> Hello,
> I have a notebook lenovo G470 recently realized that the battery only
> charges up to 49% searched the wiki and found that there is a software
> called ts_mapi, he is not installed, but my computer is behaving as if
Madhurya Kakati
() ascii ribbon campaign - against html e-mail
/\ www.asciiribbon.org - against proprietary attachments
Description: PGP signature
On Feb 15, 2012 11:35 PM, "jwbirdsong"
> > Dude, what are these extra repos for? Can you tell me how to include
them in my
> > pacman.conf?
> > Thanks.
> One REALLY has to wonder about the wisdom of a statment like that.. What
> are those repos for... i want them.. REALLY?? why would you w
free is up to date
> arch-fonts is up to date
> archaudio-nightly is up to date
> archaudio-experimental is up to date
Dude, what are these extra repos for? Can you tell me how to include them in my
Madhurya Kakati
() ascii ribbon campaign - against html
Do I have to remove gcc-libs-multilib?
Madhurya Kakati
() ascii ribbon campaign - against html e-mail
/\ www.asciiribbon.org - against proprietary attachments
Description: PGP signature
> Calvin Morrison
Not sure if sarcasm or for real. :P
Madhurya Kakati
() ascii ribbon campaign - against html e-mail
/\ www.asciiribbon.org - against proprietary attachments
Description: PGP signature
l26, as that is what causes it to
> conflict with the Arch one
OK. I read the wiki page once more and found out my mistake. Since my kernel
has already been compiled can I create the package without compiling it again?
Madhurya Kakati
() ascii ribbon campaign - against html e-mail
/\ www.asciiribbon.org - against proprietary attachments
I have attached the PKGBUILD.
Madhurya Kakati
() ascii ribbon campaign - against html e-mail
/\ www.asciiribbon.org - against proprietary attachments
# $Id: PKGBUILD 130991 2011-07-09 12:23:51Z thomas $
# Maintainer: Tobias Powalowski
# Maintainer: Thomas Baechler
On Jan 29, 2012 4:13 PM, "Thanasis Georgiou" wrote:
>>Look at the command carefully. I used python2. That means it is running
> > 2.7.2. Right now I am downloading python2.6 from AUR. Hope that helps.
> > --
> > Madhurya Kakati
> Yes but check, for
I used python2. That means it is running python
2.7.2. Right now I am downloading python2.6 from AUR. Hope that helps.
Madhurya Kakati
() ascii ribbon campaign - against html e-mail
/\ www.asciiribbon.org - against proprietary attachments
Description: PGP signature
except DownloadError, e:
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
I think the problem is with python2.
[1] http://hyper-choi.blogspot.com/2012/01/andorid-x86-ics-on-qemu.html
Madhurya Kakati
() ascii ribbon campaign - against html e-mail
/\ www.asciiribbon.org - against p
patch to the repos soon.
Madhurya Kakati
() ascii ribbon campaign - against html e-mail
/\ www.asciiribbon.org - against proprietary attachments
On 01/13/12 at 08:55am, Alfredo Palhares wrote:
> Excerpts from Madhurya Kakati's message of Fri Jan 13 07:23:43 +0100 2012:
> > Mailed just to say that all of my problems have been resolved. It was a
> > weird
> > bug with mutt.
> Yeah like, adding "Re:" on every fucking message and not using
Mailed just to say that all of my problems have been resolved. It was a weird
bug with mutt.
I am trying to send and receive emaisl using mutt. I am using
offlineimap to download and store all my emails from two of my gmail
accounts. I have followed the following two guides [1] [2] to setup my
configuration. My problem is that when I try to compose an email, mutt
automatically chooses
Wishing everyone a happy and prosperous new year. Let's hope that the new
year means larger user base and popularity for arch and its derivatives.
Keep up with your good work developers.
Also it was rather sad Japan had to face an earthquake on the very first
day. :(
> On 15/12/2011, at 8:32 PM, Frédéric Perrin wrote:
> > On 14.12.2011 01:02, Sébastien Leblanc wrote:
> >>In your case it would be the Australian English locale (en_AU, I
> >> think).
> >
> > What is the difference between en_GB, en_US and en_AU ? Is the motd
> > updated to tell you "Good mor
On Dec 16, 2011 9:06 AM, "Kazuo Teramoto" wrote:
> On 2011-12-16T01:21:22, Calvin Morrison wrote:
> >Yeah lets all just spam fuck gmail devs because they won't add a
> >bottom posting feature.
> >
> I don't think this is a solution.
> Part of the whole 'bottom posting' thing is abo
On Dec 5, 2011 4:48 PM, "Tom Gundersen" wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 5, 2011 at 8:54 AM, Madhurya Kakati
> > Is there no way other than installing gdm. It installs pulseaudio and
> > messes everything on my system. Happened the last time. Don't want to go
On Nov 29, 2011 8:11 PM, "Tom Gundersen" wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 12:18 PM, Madhurya Kakati
> > Sorry to break the flow here, but how do I solve my problem.
> You did not (as far as I could see) answer my initial question:
> "Are you a
Sorry to break the flow here, but how do I solve my problem.
On Saturday, November 26, 2011, Clive Cooper wrote:
> On 25 November 2011 15:12, Madhurya Kakati
> >
> wrote:
> > Well what I said is true. When I first started using arch I didn't mind
> > when stuff broke. But now after setting up the OS according to my tastes
ry work OS and it really is hurting productivity as
I tend to work on a lot of removal drives.
On Nov 25, 2011 6:00 PM, "Tom Gundersen" wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 25, 2011 at 1:22 PM, Madhurya Kakati
> wrote:
> > After a recent update, I am unable to mount any drives by clicking
After a recent update, I am unable to mount any drives by clicking their
names in nautilus side panel like I used to do before. I use awesome wm and
start it via slim which itself is started via the inittab method.
I have dbus installed and it starts up automatically at boot. Also in my
On Saturday, October 22, 2011, J. Bakshi wrote:
> Dear list,
> I have come from the debian world. I am a debian user and stick to the
> light-weight applications since
> beginning. I have found arch wiki/tutorial etc... are extremely knowledge
> based.. hence I have joined
> the list to gain my
My virtualbox still ain't working and I haven't got a satisfactory solution
till now. :(
On Thursday, October 13, 2011, Richard Schütz wrote:
> Am 13.10.2011 19:48, schrieb Madhurya Kakati:
>> Even kvm doesn't seem to work. I loaded the kvm-amd module and added
>> myself
>> to the kvm group. When I try to run qemu with kvm I get this error:
On Thursday, October 13, 2011, Ionut Biru wrote:
> On 10/13/2011 08:28 PM, Madhurya Kakati wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I installed Virtual/box from the official repos. However when I try to run
>> a
>> Virtual OS it gives me the following error. http://i.imgur.com/sBzl4
On Thursday, October 13, 2011, Victor Silva wrote:
> Yeah. I meant rc.d sorry I lsed here to check the place of thefile but
> forgot in running ubuntu at work.
> 2011/10/13 Richard Schütz >
> > Am 13.10.2011 19:31, schrieb Victor Silva:
> >
> > Have you tried to run?
> >> /etc/init.d/vboxdrv
I installed Virtual/box from the official repos. However when I try to run a
Virtual OS it gives me the following error. http://i.imgur.com/sBzl4.png I
followed all the instructions after installing it.
On Monday, October 10, 2011, Martti Kühne wrote:
> 2011/10/10 Roman V.Leon. >:
> >> On Monday, October 10, 2011, Martti Kühne wrote:
> >>
> >>> On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 3:25 AM, Madhurya Kakati
> >>>
> >>> wrote:
> >>> > O
On Monday, October 10, 2011, Martti Kühne wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 3:25 AM, Madhurya Kakati
> >
> wrote:
> > On Sunday, October 9, 2011, Martti Kühne wrote:
> >
> >> On Sun, Oct 9, 2011 at 7:09 PM, Madhurya Kakati
> >>
> >
> >> w
On Sunday, October 9, 2011, Martti Kühne wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 9, 2011 at 7:09 PM, Madhurya Kakati
> >
> wrote:
> >
> > The last entry in mpd.log is from 02 oct. I doubt that will help.
> However
> > when I try to start mpd I get this error,
> > [
On Sunday, October 9, 2011, Martti Kühne wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 9, 2011 at 7:09 PM, Madhurya Kakati
> >
> wrote:
> >
> > The last entry in mpd.log is from 02 oct. I doubt that will help.
> However
> > when I try to start mpd I get this error,
> > [
On Sunday, October 9, 2011, Martti Kühne wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 9, 2011 at 7:02 PM, Madhurya Kakati
> >
> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I ran pacman -Syu just now after a gap of almost 3 weeks. After the
> update I
> > restarted my system and now I can't play audio. Even
I ran pacman -Syu just now after a gap of almost 3 weeks. After the update I
restarted my system and now I can't play audio. Even mpd doesn't start up.
alsamixer shows Card: PulseAudio and Chip:PulseAudio. Please help me as I
can't do work on my computer with listening to music. :( I have pulse
On Friday, October 7, 2011, Ángel Velásquez wrote:
> 2011/10/6 Aurélien Chabot >:
> > Here is my job on the cube, i did some change on the content according to
> my
> > taste. Hope you like it.
> >
> >
> https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0B2ztTvm_fgrCZDQxZjc2YWItZjA
can safe some space for another
> >> command. Perhaps add du next to df or something like that?
> >>
> >> 2011/10/5 Ángel Velásquez >
> >>
> >>> 2011/10/5 Ángel Velásquez >:
> >>> > 2011/10/5 Ángel Velásquez >:
> >>>
On Wednesday, October 5, 2011, cantabile wrote:
> On 10/05/2011 08:38 AM, Madhurya Kakati wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I saw cheat cubes for Fedora and Ubuntu. However someone has created a
>> cheatcube for archlinux but it is in Spanish. I was wondering if anyone
>> c
On Wednesday, October 5, 2011, Ángel Velásquez wrote:
> 2011/10/5 Ángel Velásquez :
> > 2011/10/5 cantabile :
> >> On 10/05/2011 08:38 AM, Madhurya Kakati wrote:
> >>>
> >>> Hi,
> >>> I saw cheat cubes for Fedora and Ubuntu. However someone ha
I saw cheat cubes for Fedora and Ubuntu. However someone has created a
cheatcube for archlinux but it is in Spanish. I was wondering if anyone
could translate it into english.
Here is the link for the Spanish cheatcube
On Monday, September 26, 2011, Andrew Wong wrote:
> Installed icedtea-web?
> On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 2:13 PM, Madhurya Kakati
> >wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I am unable to run the java applet on the site keepvid.com(or any other
> > video downloading site for
I am unable to run the java applet on the site keepvid.com(or any other
video downloading site for that matter). I tried both firefox and chromium.
I have openjdk6 6.b22_1.10.3-1 installed.
On Thursday, September 22, 2011, Madhurya Kakati wrote:
> On Thursday, September 22, 2011, Joshua Stiefer wrote:
>> On Thu, 2011-09-22 at 11:53 +0530, Madhurya Kakati wrote:
>> > On Thursday, September 22, 2011, marshall wrote:
>> >
>> > >
On Thursday, September 22, 2011, Joshua Stiefer wrote:
> On Thu, 2011-09-22 at 11:53 +0530, Madhurya Kakati wrote:
> > On Thursday, September 22, 2011, marshall wrote:
> >
> > > On 22/09/11 06:02, Madhurya Kakati wrote:
> > >
> > >> On
On Thursday, September 22, 2011, marshall wrote:
> On 22/09/11 06:02, Madhurya Kakati wrote:
>> On Thursday, September 22, 2011, marshall wrote:
>> On 22/09/11 04:58, Madhurya Kakati wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>>> One of the very few reaso
On Thursday, September 22, 2011, marshall wrote:
> On 22/09/11 04:58, Madhurya Kakati wrote:
>> Hi,
>> One of the very few reasons that I still Dual boot windows is that I don't
>> know how to convert media files from one format to another in Linux. On
One of the very few reasons that I still Dual boot windows is that I don't
know how to convert media files from one format to another in Linux. On
windows I use 2 very easy to use softwares namely FormatFactory and
ConvertXToDVD for my needs. Can you guys tell me about any Linux alternative
you could try MAC spoofing. :P It would work if your neighbor has
blocked your MAC address.
On Sat, Aug 27, 2011 at 6:49 AM, Loui Chang wrote:
> On Sat 27 Aug 2011 09:12 +0530, Madhurya Kakati wrote:
>> Hi,
>> My system tends to slow down a lot when I copy files to and from a pen
>> drive or even from one hard disk to another. Even my mouse cursor
>> slo
My system tends to slow down a lot when I copy files to and from a pen
drive or even from one hard disk to another. Even my mouse cursor
slows down. The system becomes almost unusable. I more than enough RAM
and I am using a tiling window manager. So I am not even using a lot
of RAM. Why is thi
On Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 12:19 PM, Vitor Garcia
> Good morning.
> I have been trying to my Dell LTO-120 SCSI Tape Drive on Arch without
> success.
> I have tried to run $ modprobe st, but still, I have no /dev/st0 and
> neither /dev/nst0. dmesg | grep -i tape shows nothing too.
> Is th
On Sun, Aug 7, 2011 at 6:41 PM, Martti Kühne wrote:
> R7h0re4 said it works on Debian 32. As I understand it, it should be
> possible to clone the config on other distributions. If you can't
> clone it, ask the debian devs what they did there.
> Another hacky suggestion, although not very nice to
On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 6:52 PM, Ray Rashif wrote:
> On 10 August 2011 19:44, Madhurya Kakati wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I was quite surprised to see a language pack for LibreOffice for my
>> mother tongue in the extra repo(libreoffice-as). I was wondering as to
>> how to w
I was quite surprised to see a language pack for LibreOffice for my
mother tongue in the extra repo(libreoffice-as). I was wondering as to
how to write it? Do I need to buy a special keyboard or will this
qwerty keyboard work?
On Tue, Aug 9, 2011 at 12:03 PM, Manolo Martínez
> Hello everyone,
> I would like to ask you for help with a weird piece of behaviour of my arch
> box (now 3.0, but it was the same with older kernels):
> * Shutdown works OK when on A/C, but, when on battery, the computer ends up
> with
On Sun, Aug 7, 2011 at 7:41 AM, R7h0re4 wrote:
> Madhurya Kakati writes:
>> Canon has terrible linux support. I have a canon LBP2900B laser
>> printer and haven't been able to print using there official CAPT
>> driver. Its some
On Sun, Aug 7, 2011 at 7:57 AM, Martti Kühne wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 7, 2011 at 4:11 AM, R7h0re4 wrote:
>> That would make sense It does work under Debian 32 so I could always
>> plug in my netbook if I needed something to print. As it stands I am
>> using a print server which hooks to a windows
On Sat, Aug 6, 2011 at 9:15 AM, Karol Blazewicz
> On Sat, Aug 6, 2011 at 5:43 AM, Madhurya Kakati wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I ran pacman -Syu and now I am seeing more info than shown before
>> during boot. VERBOSE is set to 3 in rc.conf. Whats happening? Any
>> changes
I ran pacman -Syu and now I am seeing more info than shown before
during boot. VERBOSE is set to 3 in rc.conf. Whats happening? Any
changes to boot process?
On Sat, Aug 6, 2011 at 12:24 AM, R7h0re4 wrote:
> I have a canon MP280 printer and am unable to print using turboprint, as
> well as a regular cups using gutenprint drivers or Turboprint drivers or
> the .ppd files downloaded from Canon's site.
> When I check the aur most of the packaged drivers
I want to install the bluediving application from AUR but it is only
for 32 bit arch. How can I compile and run it in my 64 bit arch?
Is there any way we can get all the document templates in one package?
On 7/20/11, Andreas Radke wrote:
> Am Wed, 20 Jul 2011 07:27:11 +0530
> schrieb Madhurya Kakati :
>> What about templates?
> What do you mean?
Sent from my mobile device
On Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 9:26 PM, Andreas Radke wrote:
> Am Tue, 19 Jul 2011 21:17:19 +0530
> schrieb Madhurya Kakati :
>> Is is possible to get many libreoffice plugins in a single group?
> All provided extensions have this included ;)
> groups=(&
On Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 4:59 PM, Andreas Radke wrote:
> It's done. LibreOffice has been split into libreoffice-common
> and application packages -writer,base,calc,...
> For better look'n feel you should also install libreoffice-gnome for
> use in any gtk desktop and libreoffice-kde4 if you want.
Same case here in India. We buy, suppose a lenovo laptop(standard
config - core i3, 15" LCD, 2GB RAM, 160 GB HDD), for 35,000 INR.
However the price of the lowest apple laptop is about 65,000 INR (with
student discounts). So the number of Apple laptops used is very low.
Also I have never touche
On Wed 06 Jul 2011 09:08:10 PM IST, Yaro Kasear wrote:
> On Tuesday, July 05, 2011 09:31:56 PM Madhurya Kakati wrote:
>> Hi,
>> After a recent system upgrade fbsplash fails to run during boot. However
>> while shutting down i can see the splash. Its only during the start up
After a recent system upgrade fbsplash fails to run during boot. However
while shutting down i can see the splash. Its only during the start up
that I can't see it.
This is the /var/log/boot some days before the upgrade
and this is the log after the upgrade http://p
On 06/19/2011 10:13 PM, Mauro Santos wrote:
> Really silly questions:
> - Are you using any repos other than [core], [extra], [community] and
> [multilib]?
> - Are you using any pacman wrappers?
> I'm asking because pacman can't find anything to do with catalyst here
> and I'm using all the abo
Guess what solved the problem? I disabled [catalyst] in pacman.conf.
Thanks for helping everyone But if anyone can help me removing that
message I get everytime I try to upgrade with catalyst repo enabled,
please reply.
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
On 06/19/2011 06:12 PM, Heiko Baums wrote:
> Am Sun, 19 Jun 2011 12:16:36 +0530
> schrieb Madhurya Kakati :
>> I am having this weird problem. Whenever I run pacman -Syu or pacman
>> -Su it asks me to replace lib32-libgl with lib32-catalyst-utils.
>> [papul@papuldes
On 06/19/2011 01:34 PM, jesse jaara wrote:
> yaourt -Rdd ati-dri libgl
> yaourt -S catalyst catalyst-utils.
> You should also change the lib32gl package to
> catalyst-utils as if you don't 32bit apps won't work :(
I don't want to install catalyst because Gnome3 doesn't work with
catalyst. That w
I am having this weird problem. Whenever I run pacman -Syu or pacman -Su
it asks me to replace lib32-libgl with lib32-catalyst-utils.
[papul@papuldesktop chromium]$ sudo pacman -Su
:: Starting full system upgrade...
:: Replace lib32-libgl with catalyst/lib32-catalyst-utils? [Y/n] y
resolving depend
On 06/16/2011 11:21 PM, cantabile wrote:
> On 06/16/2011 08:44 PM, Madhurya Kakati wrote:
>> On 06/16/2011 10:57 AM, Christian Hesse wrote:
>>> Madhurya Kakati on Thu, 16 Jun 2011 10:38:35
>>> +0530:
>>>> I want to test the linux3.0 kerne. Whats the most
On 06/16/2011 10:57 AM, Christian Hesse wrote:
> Madhurya Kakati on Thu, 16 Jun 2011 10:38:35
> +0530:
>> I want to test the linux3.0 kerne. Whats the most easiest way to test
>> it? Is there a AUR package? I couldn't find it.
> kernel26-mainline 3.0rc3-1
> https://a
I want to test the linux3.0 kerne. Whats the most easiest way to test
it? Is there a AUR package? I couldn't find it.
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
On 06/10/2011 10:29 PM, Madhurya Kakati wrote:
> On 06/10/2011 10:21 PM, Richard Schütz wrote:
>> Am 10.06.2011 18:47, schrieb Madhurya Kakati:
>>> Hello,
>>> Recently mpd has stopped working. It doesn't start up at boot and when i
>>> run "rc.d sta
On 06/10/2011 10:21 PM, Richard Schütz wrote:
> Am 10.06.2011 18:47, schrieb Madhurya Kakati:
>> Hello,
>> Recently mpd has stopped working. It doesn't start up at boot and when i
>> run "rc.d start mpd" I get this error /etc/rc.d/mpd: line 6: 24502
Recently mpd has stopped working. It doesn't start up at boot and when i
run "rc.d start mpd" I get this error /etc/rc.d/mpd: line 6: 24502
Aborted /usr/bin/mpd /etc/mpd.conf &>/dev/null.
I am using gnome3(if thats somehow causing the problem.) I believe its
due to some ALSA
On 06/09/2011 07:25 AM, Carlos Alberto Ospina wrote:
> Hi everybody
> I have trouble connecting to msn through empathy, the other protocols work
> fine (msn irc facebook), when trying to connect " network error". If someone
> could help me, thanx from Colombia
May be the msn servers are unrea
I am using archlinux with gnome 3.
I am trying hard to change my icon theme to human but it just doesnt
change. ~/.gtkrc-2.0 http://pastie.org/1983860 and ~/.gtkrc.mine
I tried lxappearance too. After I click on apply and close it gnome
kinda restarts and when i open
On Sat, Apr 16, 2011 at 12:57 AM, Ionuț Bîru wrote:
> On 04/15/2011 10:04 AM, Madhurya Kakati wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I recently installed and then uninstalled gnome 3
>> (gnome-unstable/gnome gnome-unstable/gnome-extra). Now whenever I try
>> to start some gtk app
I recently installed and then uninstalled gnome 3
(gnome-unstable/gnome gnome-unstable/gnome-extra). Now whenever I try
to start some gtk app I get some error regaring python.
Here are 2 examples:
[papul@papuldesktop ~]$ blueman-applet
Traceback (most recent call last):
I recently installed and then uninstalled gnome 3
(gnome-unstable/gnome gnome-unstable/gnome-extra). Now whenever I try
to start some gtk app I get some error regaring python.
Here are 2 examples:
[papul@papuldesktop ~]$ blueman-applet
Traceback (most recent call last):
I installed gnome 3 from the testing repo. I haven't been able to
start. Noe from KDE if I try to run gedit I get this error.
[papul@papuldesktop ~]$ gedit
gedit: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libgtk-3.so.0: undefined symbol:
Please help.
Please, someone restart powerpill development. It was awesome. I had
to remove it in order to upgrade to pacman 3.5 but now I can't find it
On 3/28/11, Corrado Primier wrote:
> 2011/3/28 Nicolas Bigaouette :
>> I guess it would make sense if your own bandwidth is bigger then the
>> mirr
On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 3:35 PM, Richard Schütz wrote:
> Am 16.03.2011 04:55, schrieb Madhurya Kakati:
>> Hi,
>> I am facing some problems with alsa. During booting it shows some
>> errors. But I don't know how to copy those and paste them here. Can
>> s
On Thu, Mar 17, 2011 at 3:31 AM, Richard Schütz wrote:
> Am 16.03.2011 20:27, schrieb Tobias Powalowski:
>> Hi guys,
>> please signoff 2.6.38 series for both arches.
>> Upstream
>> changes:
>> http://kernelnewbies.org/LinuxChanges
>> Features included:
>> - kernel image is now xz compress
2011/3/17 Cédric Girard :
> 2011/3/17 Cédric Girard
>> I cannot access (timeout) any archlinux web site except AUR
> Well, seems back. Sorry for the noise.
> --
> Cédric Girard
Next time please wait for sometime before reporting on mailing list. :)
> Hector
> On 16 March 2011 05:55, Madhurya Kakati wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am facing some problems with alsa. During booting it shows some
>> errors. But I don't know how to copy those and paste them here. Can
>> someone please tell me where can I fi
On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 3:35 PM, Richard Schütz wrote:
> Am 16.03.2011 04:55, schrieb Madhurya Kakati:
>> Hi,
>> I am facing some problems with alsa. During booting it shows some
>> errors. But I don't know how to copy those and paste them here. Can
>> s
I am facing some problems with alsa. During booting it shows some
errors. But I don't know how to copy those and paste them here. Can
someone please tell me where can I find the log file?
On Wed, Mar 9, 2011 at 12:06 AM, Jeremiah Dodds
> On Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 2:13 AM, Madhurya Kakati wrote:
>> I will be using awesomeWM
> FWIW, that doesn't stop you from using the gnome or kde libs for ... well,
> whatever. You'll likely end
On Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 5:57 PM, Karol Babioch wrote:
> What kind of Desktop Environment are you using? As far as I know GNOME
> offers to ability to share folders, which can be configured through a GUI.
> Otherwise you will have to setup Samba manually, which can be tricky
> sometimes and needs
Hi all,
Got hold of a cheap laptop. I want to use it as my download rig. It
will be on most of the time downloading torrents.
The laptop actually came with Windows XP installed. I setup the laptop
ip as and my desktop (running Windows 7) ip as After doing that I connected b
On Sat, Jan 15, 2011 at 10:45 PM, Jelle van der Waa wrote:
> On Sat, 2011-01-15 at 22:28 +0530, Madhurya Kakati wrote:
>> So what will I do now? Any way I can downgrade? I have lots of torrents on
>> Vuze.
>> On 1/15/11, Thomas Dziedzic wrote:
>> > On S
So what will I do now? Any way I can downgrade? I have lots of torrents on Vuze.
On 1/15/11, Thomas Dziedzic wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 15, 2011 at 10:02 AM, Thomas Dziedzic wrote:
>> On Sat, Jan 15, 2011 at 9:47 AM, Madhurya Kakati
>> wrote:
>>> HI,
>>> I just upda
On Sat, Jan 15, 2011 at 2:45 AM, Brad Fanella wrote:
> Signoff both architectures :-D
> P.S. I apologize if this actually starts a new thread on the mailing
> list. I wasn't subscribed to arch-general when you sent this message.
and it did :)
I just updated Vuze bittorrent client to its latest version and now it
doesn't run. I am using 64 bit arch and openjdk6. The output when I
run vuze on the terminal is:
$ vuze
Starting Azureus...
Suitable java version found [java = 1.6.0_20]
Configuring environment...
Java exec found in PATH. V
2011/1/11 dario
> > Date: Sun, 9 Jan 2011 20:24:53 -0300
> > From: Nicol?s Reynolds
> > To: General Discussion about Arch Linux
> > Subject: Re: [arch-general] Welcome to Arch
> > Message-ID: <20110109232453.gg5...@ponape>
> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> >
> > El 09/01/11 08:15,
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