Same case here in India. We buy, suppose a lenovo laptop(standard
config - core i3, 15" LCD, 2GB RAM, 160 GB HDD), for 35,000 INR.
However the price of the lowest apple laptop is about 65,000 INR (with
student discounts). So the number of Apple laptops used is very low.
Also I have never touched an android,ios or blackbery device till date.
Its because they are so costly that none of my close relatives and
friends can afford these(forget about me. I am very poor. :P). Most
OEMS now provide genuine windows 7 with their machines, which I believe
is a pretty good OS. So the number of pirated windows users who bought
a new laptop since about november last year are very low. But almost
all of my friends have Linux Mint installed. And I am trying hard to
get it installed on as many computers as possible. Some of my friends
have even started using ArchLinux.