Re: [arch-general] USB flash installation medium in BIOS machines

2020-11-02 Thread Damjan Georgievski via arch-general
enu (which looks like systemd-boot menu) with only options >>> for UEFI boot and EFI shell option. -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] No login after update

2020-08-20 Thread Damjan Georgievski via arch-general
ake a coffee - your screen saver was activated, you are locked out. Now I don't understand all the defensiveness - let's all work together to improve things. This is not a non-issue. -- damjan

[arch-general] pam-1.3.1-2 -> 1.4.0-3 breaking change

2020-08-19 Thread Damjan Georgievski via arch-general
/pam.d/ after upgrades. -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] mkinitcpio hook for custom root decryption with systemd boot

2020-07-23 Thread Damjan Georgievski via arch-general
a service that configures the keyring before the cryptsetup service. -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] pacman --assume-installed in a config file?

2020-06-18 Thread Damjan Georgievski via arch-general
/ -- damjan

[arch-general] pacman --assume-installed in a config file?

2020-06-18 Thread Damjan Georgievski via arch-general
t's also a 90MB package I don't need. -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] USB not assining port number

2020-05-05 Thread Damjan Georgievski via arch-general
> but no USB port given > > lsusb gives > Bus 002 Device 011: ID 1781:0c9f Multiple Vendors USBtiny what is this "usb port" that you expect? USBtiny is a HID device as far as I can remember. -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] sway package systemd service

2020-01-31 Thread Damjan Georgievski via arch-general
his topic, see the files here, how to integrate sway with systemd --user even better -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] Why "systemd --user" process hanging around after logout?

2020-01-25 Thread Damjan Georgievski via arch-general
running under > it). -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] [mkinitpcio] running as non-root creates non-root files in the cpio

2020-01-20 Thread Damjan Georgievski via arch-general
itcpio Thanks, didn't know the github repo -- damjan

[arch-general] [mkinitpcio] running as non-root creates non-root files in the cpio

2020-01-20 Thread Damjan Georgievski via arch-general
ng patches? -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] do i need to configure mkinitcpio.conf for my md array ?

2020-01-16 Thread Damjan Georgievski via arch-general
ything necessary is configure before i do > that. you need the "mdadm" hook in HOOKS in /etc/mkinitcpio.conf, and rebuild the initramfs. the hook would auto-detect the raid setup, but it will also include /etc/mdadm.conf if it exists. -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] journalctl

2019-12-02 Thread Damjan Georgievski via arch-general
the second instruction "exec 0< <( while..." played alone works perfectly > in my terminal, but not as a redirection for journalctl. > any leads ? > regards, lacsaP. Why don't you just replace the PAGER/SYSTEMD_PAGER from less to your own tool (multitail even? never used it). -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] New kernel packages and mkinitcpio hooks

2019-11-11 Thread Damjan Georgievski via arch-general
ed in /boot by the kernel package, but by post-install mkinitcpio scripts. So it ends back there in /boot anyway. -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] New kernel packages and mkinitcpio hooks

2019-11-11 Thread Damjan Georgievski via arch-general
kernel/cmdline But I guess I might be missing something. [1] especially compared to dracut (not that they do the same thing), which seems much more complex, and that complexity did introduce bugs - for which I've sent a PR -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] new packaging of the kernel/mkinitcpio/kmod

2019-10-31 Thread Damjan Georgievski via arch-general
On Thu, 31 Oct 2019 at 14:55, Giancarlo Razzolini wrote: > > Em outubro 31, 2019 9:46 Damjan Georgievski via arch-general escreveu: > > Can someone explain in better detail the changes in > > * kmod 26-3 > > * mkinitcpio 27-1 > > * linux > > around p

[arch-general] new packaging of the kernel/mkinitcpio/kmod

2019-10-31 Thread Damjan Georgievski via arch-general
able signed for secure-boot, and it seems I'll have to adopt to a newer setup. -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] Input, Uinput, and udev problems with user access

2019-09-09 Thread Damjan Georgievski via arch-general
TAG+=\"uaccess\", GROUP=\"uinput\"' >> > /etc/udev/rules.d/99-fenrirscreenreader.rules > > Now, however, while it can still read the screen, the keyboard does > nothing. Has something changed, and if so, what do I need to do differently > to get it working again? > What kind of keyboard is it?? You mention xterm, so you're running XOrg I presume? -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] Mkinitcpio replacement with Dracut

2019-08-22 Thread Damjan Georgievski via arch-general
On Thu, 22 Aug 2019 at 21:36, Giancarlo Razzolini wrote: > Em agosto 22, 2019 16:29 Damjan Georgievski via arch-general escreveu: > > Are there any news/updates on this front? > > > > I have dracut installed in one test VM, but I have to run it manually > after > >

Re: [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] Mkinitcpio replacement with Dracut

2019-08-22 Thread Damjan Georgievski via arch-general
dracut installed in one test VM, but I have to run it manually after each kernel update. The wiki page [1] is still empty, so how do I configure proper hooks to build the initramfs (and possibly also disable the mkinitcpio ones)? [1] -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] Opening a document with unicode in path

2019-08-04 Thread Damjan Georgievski via arch-general
* copy the document using Dolphin (from Plasma) - it works > * check $LANG - its set to `en_CA.UTF8` > Does `locale -a` show that locale? -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] Mkinitcpio replacement with Dracut

2019-06-11 Thread Damjan Georgievski via arch-general
t? ie. I want to sign the uefi image with sbsign, after it's built with `dracut --uefi …` -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] Mkinitcpio replacement with Dracut

2019-05-27 Thread Damjan Georgievski via arch-general
ticed another issue about the uefi stub and sent a PR: -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] Mkinitcpio replacement with Dracut

2019-05-27 Thread Damjan Georgievski via arch-general
t: line 1069: arch: command not found dracut: Architecture '' not supported to create a UEFI executable any ideas why?? dracut 049-3 on an Arch [testing] VM -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] Mkinitcpio replacement with Dracut

2019-05-21 Thread Damjan Georgievski via arch-general
nzas. [1] -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] Keyboard shortcuts which change based on current app

2019-02-14 Thread Damjan Georgievski via arch-general
(in X)? > > My intended use-case is to use the additional buttons on my drawing tablet > to do various functions, but depending on the current app. So in Gimp they > would do one thing, in Libreoffice another, in Inkscape another. > Don't your applications have an option to customize the shortcuts? -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] Proposal: minimal base system

2019-01-22 Thread Damjan Georgievski via arch-general
is: (FS#54887 - [openssl] remove perl from dependency of the openssl package) -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] Kernel 4.19 preventing Firefox from playing videos

2018-11-14 Thread Damjan Georgievski via arch-general
running Gnome on a Thinkpad X201. are you running wayland, modsettings or the intel X11 driver (the X modesetting is perhaps recommended) maybe try another compositor, instead of the gnome one -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] i3stats depends on wireless_tools, causing "firmware load for regulatory.db failed" w/o wireless-regdb

2018-08-12 Thread Damjan Georgievski via arch-general
> boot triggers an attempt I don't see anything in the wireless_tools package that would trigger on boot. there are no udev rules or systemd services. -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] systemd --user enable: Failed to connect to bus: No such file or directory

2018-06-28 Thread Damjan Georgievski via arch-general
lution because "systemctl --user enable" > should also work. What distro are you running? And what are the versions of systemd and dbus? You also should have (so confirm that) /usr/lib/systemd/user/dbus.socket and /usr/lib/systemd/user/dbus.service files and a /usr/lib/systemd/user/ symlink too -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] Why no git --depth=1 option for makepkg?

2018-03-04 Thread Damjan Georgievski via arch-general
>> This means that PKGBUILDs which checkout a specific revision are >> actually worse than the rest, as you cannot even get the source without >> knowing how many commits you need (rather than failing afterwards in >> pkgver() or something). > > Right. I had assumed that git clone -b/--branch did a

Re: [arch-general] Disable vboxadd.service & vboxadd-service.service after guest additions included in 4.15?

2018-02-11 Thread Damjan Georgievski via arch-general
--- > [Unit] > After=kernel-version-less-then@4.15.service > Requires=kernel-version-less-then@4.15.service > > In this way, if my bash-fu is correct, the version compare will fail the > kernel-version-less-then@4.15.service and vboxadd and vboxadd-service will > not start there is ConditionKernelVersion= man systemd.unit -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] pacman man page needs at least one update

2017-08-22 Thread Damjan Georgievski via arch-general
On 22 August 2017 at 19:01, Jude DaShiell wrote: > pacman -g and pacman --groups both appear no longer working. Neither in > that form generates a current list of groups. pacman -Sg and pacman -Qg seem to work -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] Handling python venv packages breaking on glibc update

2017-08-21 Thread Damjan Georgievski via arch-general
libresolv (which is > part of glibc in Arch, explaining why the Arch psycopg2 package works fine, > even without a recompile). Where's the right place for me to fix this? With > the psycopg2 pip maintainers or somewhere else? why not just use the Arch package? I prefer that for pacakges that link to system libraries. -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] How can I set CAPS LOCK as Escape throughout reboot

2017-08-17 Thread Damjan Georgievski via arch-general
depends on your login manager and the desktop environment. Gnome will overwrite XKB settings anyway. KDE would if configured. some login managers (or their Xsession scripts) will read ~/.Xkbmap as options to setxkbmap -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] Why there is no NetworkManager in ArchISO

2017-07-24 Thread Damjan Georgievski via arch-general
reason NM is not on ArchISO is becaues in the past it didn't have a simple enough support for a console UI, which made it very useless in the ArchISO text-only envrionement. Nowdays, with `nmtui` I'd say it would be ok to have it. NM has been buggy in the past, but these days, it's a great tool. -- damjan

[arch-general] nginx package compiled on testing?

2017-07-13 Thread Damjan Georgievski via arch-general
27;t compile a dynamic module for nginx -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] Sébastien Luttringer and Tobias Powalowski

2017-07-03 Thread Damjan Georgievski via arch-general
y --version > > ... > > Because I don't think git works that way, but I am willing to be proven > wrong. Also I bet the git developers would be fascinated to hear the > details, you might even get some sort of bounty for successfully hacking > git like that. On the other hand, the systemd-stable repo doesn't have signed tags (or commits) and Arch is probably going to move to that since it has post-release fixes for regressions and bugs. -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] kernel-install in archlinux

2017-06-22 Thread Damjan Georgievski via arch-general
On 22 June 2017 at 14:42, Mauro Santos via arch-general wrote: > On 22-06-2017 12:58, Damjan Georgievski via arch-general wrote: >> Is there any plan for moving ArchLinux to the kernel-install >> infrastructure[1] >> >> I've seen some talk about it from a year ago

[arch-general] kernel-install in archlinux

2017-06-22 Thread Damjan Georgievski via arch-general
, and currently I have to do that manually whenever the initramfs is updated. [1] [2] -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] gnupg: systemd enable in post_install

2017-06-09 Thread Damjan Georgievski via arch-general
package at first and people complained that > they couldn't "disable" the pulseaudio socket and "mask" also prevented a > manual start. got it. makes sense though users will need root privileges to disable it then, but I guess for Arch that doesn't matter. -- damjan

[arch-general] gnupg: systemd enable in post_install

2017-06-09 Thread Damjan Georgievski via arch-general
to enable them in post_install, and linking them in /etc/ Why doesn't the PKGBUILD make the symlinks in /usr/lib/systemd/user/ ? dbus does that for ex. -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] Unable to start gnome-terminal from KDE session

2017-06-08 Thread Damjan Georgievski via arch-general
ions: > > (1) Where would I put this command so that it's run by SDDM on login? isn't that already done via: /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/ which is sourced by /usr/share/sddm/scripts/Xsession -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] makepkg bind-9 FAILED (unknown public key F1B11BF05CF02E57)

2017-03-13 Thread Damjan Georgievski via arch-general
de //typedef String huh, that's a C++ style #include* and you are compiling with a C compiler (and obviously app.c is a C program) have no idea, see upstream. * and indeed /usr/include/json/config.h is part of jsoncpp "C++ library for interacting with JSON" how did that get included in a C program??? -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] makepkg bind-9 FAILED (unknown public key F1B11BF05CF02E57)

2017-03-13 Thread Damjan Georgievski via arch-general
gpg... > bind-9.11.0-P3.tar.gz ... FAILED (unknown public key F1B11BF05CF02E57) -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] Firefox 52 Audio broken

2017-03-07 Thread Damjan Georgievski via arch-general
> With the old defaults, the user can choose to use pulse audio (or JACK) or > stay with plain ALSA support. -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] ownCloud vs. nextcloud

2017-01-31 Thread Damjan Georgievski via arch-general
e, if you run the app with its own user (for ex. uwsgi systemd service, user nextcloud). [1] -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] Ping: 100% package loss

2017-01-29 Thread Damjan Georgievski via arch-general
y pinging [2a00:1450:401b:801::2004] (an address I get for also, ping now has the -4 and -6 options to specify which protocol to use. otherwise, AFAIK the resolver in glibc autodetects if it'll use ipv4 or ipv6 by defult -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] uwsgi-2.0.14-15 segfaults with php plugin

2017-01-17 Thread Damjan Georgievski via arch-general
t; explained here, which shouldn't have much of an effect on the uwsgi > itself though): > > > > Has anyone had the same issue? > I can't seem to find out, what has changed between revision 1 and 5 or > if it needs another rebuild. > > Best, > David > > > -- > -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] Preparing OpenVPN 2.4.x - possible incompatible changes

2016-11-29 Thread Damjan Georgievski via arch-general
7;t need privileges for that. That's my setup with a bridged tap interface for tap interfaces, networkd can also do the ip setup, for tun interfaces, openvpn would need to use ... sudo? -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] howto remove old package version

2016-11-12 Thread Damjan Georgievski via arch-general
tried pacman -R but had dependency problems. you should've mentioned that this is ArchLinux Arm and yes, they reverted those packages (at leat on armv6 for raspberrypi) I dunno why, don't even care -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] Cannot no longer resolve local hostname with the new nsswitch.conf

2016-11-08 Thread Damjan Georgievski via arch-general
On 8 November 2016 at 18:43, Patrick Burroughs (Celti) via arch-general wrote: > On Tue, 8 Nov 2016 18:01:32 +0100 > Damjan Georgievski via arch-general wrote: > >> > $ getent -s resolve hosts $(hostname) >> >> this should fail since you don't have the resolv

Re: [arch-general] Cannot no longer resolve local hostname with the new nsswitch.conf

2016-11-08 Thread Damjan Georgievski via arch-general
s getent -s dns hosts $(hostname) getent -s myhostname hosts $(hostname) return ? also are you up-to-date with systemd 232? -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] Cannot no longer resolve local hostname with the new nsswitch.conf

2016-11-08 Thread Damjan Georgievski via arch-general
ping works fine: do you have systemd-resolved running? what does `getent -s resolve hosts ` return? -- damjan

[arch-general] new /etc/nsswitch.conf

2016-11-06 Thread Damjan Georgievski via arch-general
there's a new /etc/nsswitch.conf file in filesystem-2016.11 Maybe someone would care to explain the changes? maybe even a news post? -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] how to restore root and boot directory

2016-09-23 Thread Damjan Georgievski via arch-general
kernel, the initramfs - which can be recreated if you reinstall the "linux" package and probably some bootloader files that you can also reinstall depending on the boot loader: - grub-install - extlinux - bootctl -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] efivars mounted read-write, but "operation not permitted, "

2016-08-03 Thread Damjan Georgievski via arch-general
I am wanting to > remove the default boot entry created by systemd-boot, but receive an > “Operation not permitted,” message when trying to do so, even as root. try efibootmgr -- damjan

[arch-general] texinfo, a dependency for libidn and libtasn1

2016-07-17 Thread Damjan Georgievski via arch-general
Do libidn and libtasn1 really require texinfo? makes texinfo uninstallable, but I don't need docs on this system. Does any of the "requiires" of texinfo[1] actualy require it? shouldn't it be an opt-depend? [1] -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] Announcing pacpak

2016-07-13 Thread Damjan Georgievski via arch-general
ns-and-unity-8/ This is for their non-deb (deb-less?) distro version, they install debs in containers, each getting their own XMir server. Good for non-trustworthy or exposed apps. -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] time setting problem after installing.

2016-07-03 Thread Damjan Georgievski via arch-general
enable it with: timedatectl set-ntp yes -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] Kernel version in hooks

2016-05-17 Thread Damjan Georgievski
On 17 May 2016 at 14:50, Damjan Georgievski wrote: > Can I somehow get the kernel version from a hook invoked on the kernel > package update? so I ended up with this (for now): The reason was, I needed to run mkinitcpio b

Re: [arch-general] Kernel version in hooks

2016-05-17 Thread Damjan Georgievski
dules/* ? that'll have some unwanted targets though (the extramodules on for ex.) -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] Kernel version in hooks

2016-05-17 Thread Damjan Georgievski
On 17 May 2016 at 14:50, Damjan Georgievski wrote: > Can I somehow get the kernel version from a hook invoked on the kernel > package update? by version I mean the "4.5.4-1-ARCH" kernel version, not the "4.5.4-1" package version -- damjan

[arch-general] Kernel version in hooks

2016-05-17 Thread Damjan Georgievski
Can I somehow get the kernel version from a hook invoked on the kernel package update? -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] Adding new disks > 2T to system that boots with grub, can GPT be used for new disks?

2016-03-20 Thread Damjan Georgievski
s grub 0.9x not grub2. grub2 can boot of GPT easily (it just needs a 2mb legacy boot partition). -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] most efficient way to get linux kernel statistics

2016-03-07 Thread Damjan Georgievski
be useful if the original poster > wants parsing to be slightly simpler and does not mind the additional > dependency. My impression was that they considered parsing to be too > inefficient. there's also `sysinfo(2)` -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] libvirt and VirtualBox

2016-03-03 Thread Damjan Georgievski
irtualBox alone (i.e. when managed by VBoxManage or > similar) and libvirt when used to manage QEMU/KVM sessions work fine. > > Any hints about what I'm missing? > > > TIA & cheers, > > Jukka > > -- > This email fills a much-needed gap in the archives. -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] Alternative init system proposal

2016-02-09 Thread Damjan Georgievski
a filesystem/mount namespace for the process(es) and mount's a /tmp/systemd-private-/ directory as /tmp. from the point of view of the process it will never see anything else from the outer /tmp -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] systemd user accounts are created in a inconsistent way

2016-02-02 Thread Damjan Georgievski
/etc/passwd should probably not be included in any package since it changes in the lifetime of the distro and updates are hard to merge. -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] Why does a regular user have access to /dev/uinput (and why only temporary)

2016-02-02 Thread Damjan Georgievski
device nodes tagged with 'uaccess' by udev are given to the current seat user by logind. see what has TAG+="uaccess" in /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/ -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] btrfs/snapper hook for pacman 5.0?

2016-02-02 Thread Damjan Georgievski
On 2 February 2016 at 10:40, Damjan Georgievski wrote: >> > > do hook files need to end in .hook ? > I couldn't find it mentioned in man alpm-hooks or pacman Also, `Exec =` requires a full path to the executable -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] btrfs/snapper hook for pacman 5.0?

2016-02-02 Thread Damjan Georgievski
> do hook files need to end in .hook ? I couldn't find it mentioned in man alpm-hooks or pacman -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] Chromium Favorites Bar Partially Inoperative

2016-01-31 Thread Damjan Georgievski
fine. some people on the forums noticed something similar too -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] FireFox 44 turning the bookmark toolbar+ extensions area + current tab into light gray (like selected) [gist image]

2016-01-30 Thread Damjan Georgievski
irefox so it's hard to say what you expect to be right and how your expectation doesn't meet reality. -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] systemd user unit files from custom directory

2016-01-30 Thread Damjan Georgievski
d: No > such file or directory. > > am i doing it wrong, or? the daemon reads and starts the service not systemctl. in recent versions of systemd you can symlink the service file from ouside ~/.config/systemd/ too ps. what exactly are you testing? there's also systemd-run -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] systemctl --user problems

2016-01-29 Thread Damjan Georgievski
> 3. and also I've found that XDG_RUNTIME_DIR and XDG_SESSION_ID are not > set (neither before or after restarting user@) as should be the case > from [1] and [2]. are you using a proper login manager, do you have pam_systemd in your pam configs? -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] Unknown Trust and Corrupted Package

2016-01-25 Thread Damjan Georgievski
t be updated from a keyserver. -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] Unknown Trust and Corrupted Package

2016-01-25 Thread Damjan Georgievski
>> I'm receiving message about unknown trust while trying to install the confuse >> package. >> > > Looks like people tend to forget about updating pacman keyring. > > pacman-key --refresh-keys is'n this done automatically? should it? -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] Firefox without signature checking

2016-01-02 Thread Damjan Georgievski
efox? There will be support for that of course -- damjan

[arch-general] virt-manager empty package?

2015-12-22 Thread Damjan Georgievski
Does anyone know why virt-manager is an empty package? The package depends on virt-install which contains the virt-manager program, and just adds its dependencies. Is this intentional? The PKGBUILD suggests it tries to do something. -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] [RFC] Filesystem package update

2015-12-18 Thread Damjan Georgievski
> > I assume this is a copy paste error... Seems like you're suggesting we > use > > resolved by default? > Yes it is, the new hosts line will be: > hosts: files resolve mymachines myhostname > > Yes too, I'm suggesting to use nss-resolve by default, as it switch to > nss-dns > for configuration wi

Re: [arch-general] Rerun bootloader from initramfs

2015-11-20 Thread Damjan Georgievski
ta on the disk *now* and it wont work in a USB enclosure? anyway, maybe you could use kexec in your PBA and run the installed linux kernel with that. -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] Problems with movie playback (HTML5)

2015-11-18 Thread Damjan Georgievski
> Yes, I saw this with mpv on the command line under X. A restart of the WM > and X > did not solve the problem for me. As with the others I had to reboot my > machine. > > Would be really nice to know what's the root cause. systemctl --user restart pulseaudio -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] Policy about packages and file capabilities

2015-11-16 Thread Damjan Georgievski
to be done in a proper package. I'd rather make it 750, and root/wpa_supplicant > In general, why is this necessary? What kind of attack (besides DoS) is > possible against wpa_supplicant? there have been buffer overflows etc. in wpa supplicant, not good for a root process. -- damjan

[arch-general] Policy about packages and file capabilities

2015-11-16 Thread Damjan Georgievski
work in that scenario. so I hope an update is due. -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] systemd-networkd and netctl with multiple interfaces

2015-11-11 Thread Damjan Georgievski
ine the default route passing through the WiFi interface in >> > your scenario. >> >> If I plug in LAN while having an active WIFI connection, it seems to >> steal the route. I checked it by monitoring steam download speeds. >> >> Thanks! >> >> Cheers, >> Bennett >> >> -- >> GPG fingerprint: 871F 1047 7DB3 DDED 5FC4 47B2 26C7 E577 EF96 7808 >> >> -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] how to remove template service from systemd

2015-10-07 Thread Damjan Georgievski
; >> > systemctl disable is not making this service disabled. The first call to > "systemctl disable vboxvmservice@A" removed a link from > /etc/systemd/system/ correctly. > > daemon-reload does not help. > > I suspect that reboot will get rid of it but on server I would not like to > reboot just because systemctl shows failure of non existent service. > > Regards, > Łukasz > -- damjan

[arch-general] race condition when upgrading the new ncurses package

2015-09-15 Thread Damjan Georgievski
execute correctly ( 4/70) upgrading bash -- damjan

[arch-general] systemd-networkd 226 in virtual machines

2015-09-09 Thread Damjan Georgievski
set [Match]Name=en* or some such before rebooting. [1] -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] Process 13696 (systemctl) of user 0 dumped core ??

2015-08-24 Thread Damjan Georgievski
On 25 August 2015 at 01:17, Damjan Georgievski wrote: >> Mon 2015-08-24 15:32:05 CDT 13580 0 0 7 * /usr/bin/systemctl >> Mon 2015-08-24 15:53:37 CDT 13696 0 0 7 * /usr/bin/systemctl > >> >> I haven't seen or noticed this happening before,

Re: [arch-general] Process 13696 (systemctl) of user 0 dumped core ??

2015-08-24 Thread Damjan Georgievski
everything Arch up-to-date vanilla or do you have some custom stuff? if you're vanilla, run memtest on the machine. -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] NetworkManager warn logs, Is it something to be concerned?

2015-08-14 Thread Damjan Georgievski
urnalctl.txt probably fixed in this commit -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] Additional mouse (Lenovo N700) gesture binding

2015-08-06 Thread Damjan Georgievski
Super_L (left Windows key) >>> key release 37 Control_L >>> >>> Right swipe:- >>> key press 54 c >>> key press 133Super_L (left Windows key) >>> key release 54 c >>> key release 133Super_L (left Windows key) -- damjan

[arch-general] Signing kernel modules

2015-07-25 Thread Damjan Georgievski
dules, but people could optionally use the "enforcemodulesig=1" kernel command line option if they want to. Thoughts? [*] though packages are gpg signed, and modules use x.509 -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] systemd new dependencies impede using OpenRC

2015-07-02 Thread Damjan Georgievski
or my laptop/desktop, Debian and Ubuntu on servers, sometimes Centos/RHEL). And I can hardly wait for distros to standardize on networkd too. Finally some long needed standardization in the basic setup of a Linux system. -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] "error: unknown encoding UTF8: using iso88591 as fallback"

2015-05-30 Thread Damjan Georgievski
> I suspect an inconsistency with the file system. that doesn't make no sense. Unix filesystems don't care about encodings at all. ever -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] "error: unknown encoding UTF8: using iso88591 as fallback"

2015-05-30 Thread Damjan Georgievski
also if "LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 claws-mail" still complains the problem is in the application and you should ask upstream. btw, is there any real issue or just the annoying logs? -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] "error: unknown encoding UTF8: using iso88591 as fallback"

2015-05-29 Thread Damjan Georgievski
> [rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ claws-mail try [rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ LANG=en_US.UTF-8 claws-mail -- damjan

Re: [arch-general] "error: unknown encoding UTF8: using iso88591 as fallback"

2015-05-29 Thread Damjan Georgievski
On 29 May 2015 at 15:02, Rodrigo Rivas wrote: > On Fri, May 29, 2015 at 2:38 PM, Damjan Georgievski wrote: >>>>> error: unknown encoding UTF8: using iso88591 as fallback >> ... >> it seems for these apps it MUST be en_US.UTF-8 - that's the canonical >>

Re: [arch-general] "error: unknown encoding UTF8: using iso88591 as fallback"

2015-05-29 Thread Damjan Georgievski
C_TELEPHONE="en_US.utf8" > LC_MEASUREMENT="en_US.utf8" > LC_IDENTIFICATION="en_US.utf8" > LC_ALL= > [rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ so, your locale is set somewhere else, probablly .profile .bashrc or .xprofile. it seems for these apps it MUST be en_US.UTF-8 - that's the canonical name of the encoding UTF-8 (with the dash). -- damjan

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