On 30 January 2017 at 17:00, David Runge <d...@sleepmap.de> wrote:
> Helloes!
> I wonder what Arch's/Sergej Pupykin's position towards nextcloud is.
> It seems that ownCloud lost most of its developers to the schism
> introduced last year.
> This led to many apps not being (mainly) developed by them anymore and
> moving into the hands of nextcloud and/or being more actively developed
> by nextcloud now (bookmarks, news, calendar, etc.)
> There definitely also has been a problem transitioning from php 7.0.x to
> 7.1 as the current version of ownCloud now has a "hotfix" applied that
> just suppresses the error message (which would render owncloud useless,
> as owncloud < 9.2 suppossedly doesn't work with php 7.1).
> The bookmark app is currently unusable (unable to add new bookmarks due
> to an old version of guzzlehttp dependency) and I wonder how much more
> of that we'll have incoming.
> Wouldn't it be better to switch to nextcloud in the community repository at
> this point?

I'd just vote for the package (if it enters community) to remove the
set-perms[1] script
since it makes no sense, if you run the app with its own user (for ex.
uwsgi systemd service, user nextcloud).



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