I'm also getting warnings with a ThinkPad W510.
^^^battery life
On Sun, Jan 29, 2012 at 4:12 PM, Jan Steffens wrote:
> You seem to possess the misconception that the existence of PA on a
> system is somehow in conflict with pro-audio software.
It's true that professional users typically make some compromises to
have the best system for audio.
But.. not using
AUR is outdated for a *very* long time...
Try the version in archaudio svn or archstudio.
pacman -U
I mean `quiet'
`archaudio-preview' is pretty stable, `archaudio-production' is almost
empty. I think the reason for that is people who use `-preview' are quite.
They have some advantages over AUR. You can group install all plugins
lv2-plugins etc), and they are maintained by the same group of pe
Looks like 3.0 is our new LTS
3.0.y - this is the new "longterm" kernel release, it will be
maintained for 2 years at the minimum by me.
2.6.32.y - this is the previous "longterm" kernel release. It is
approaching it's end-of-life, and I think I only have
Just try to support Haskell Platform in extra/community. That's enough.
Haskell platform was released with the latest stable GHC (7.0.4 of course).
Guys, what's happening with haskell support in Arch?
Xmonad, and now GHC and lots of packages in the supported repos are
not keeping update with upstream.
-- Forwarded message --
From: Don Stewart
Date: Sat, Dec 17, 2011 at 1:04 PM
Subject: [Haskell-cafe] Announce: The Haskell Platform 2011.4
To: hask...@haskell.org, haskell-cafe ,
We're pleased to announce the release of the Haskell Platfor
download from AUR and adapt the packages with your custom options
you can then compile your custom linux and ardour packages yourself
and install with pacman,
that is safer then `make installing`
On Sun, Dec 11, 2011 at 9:39 AM, Ralf Mardorf
>> grep audio /media/archlinux/etc/security/limits.conf
> @audio - rtprio 65
> @audio - nice -10
> @audio - memlock 4
A recent jack update sets those limits for you.
A layer above pacman taking advantage of ARM?
If I still may:
roll-back and reproducible configuration was already proposed in the past?
The idea raised by Nix devs was the a purely functional approach was a
way to implement it. Of course people can have similar ideas with
other techniques.
If it a very practical question because I'm sure a
In KDE I don't have this problem.
It happens with xmonad and openbox.
pcmanfm can configure that too, but automatic picks the last installed
package that handle this type of file, and wine is always the last
thing I install in the system..
On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 2:03 PM, Bernardo Barros
> And after a complex upgrade you could roll-back to a particular
> configuration that happened to work very well for you in a recent
> past.
They do it from grub even if the kernel wasn't update.
I agree that's
But also the idea of reproducible system configurations is also
interesting. You could say, hey, this configuration will work for this
because it was tested in such and such a way.
And after a complex upgrade you could roll-back to a particular
configuration that happened to work very well f
dpkg-reconfigure ? No.. it's not that at all.
In fact pacman already have some of those ideas,
it tries to be safe when it keeps old package in /var/cache/pacman/pkg,
but Nix goes further and tries to make sense of all those changes in the system.
I just see some other ideas that could be inspiri
Those guys wrote their ideas down here for those interested:
On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 11:40 AM, Thorsten Töpper
> Seriously, it's probably meant like this but your mail reads like a
> "Hey why don't you learn $INSERT_LANG_HERE and rewrite your whole
> system."
Hello Thorsten, no, you got it wrong.
It's about ideas not languages. I think it makes s
Perhaps the developers want to take a look at this distribution.It is
reported that is written in a `purely functional package management'
and tries to be a highly safe OS, where `upgrading a system is as
reliable as reinstalling from scratch'.
> Because the files of a n
Anyway, I'm testing it right now, let's see how it goes =)
I agree with what is on the first e-mail from [arch-haskell].
Vesa idea is quite good. I quote here:
> Future==
> The actions I'm about to do are following:
> - remove haskell-platform and all its libs from extra - only
> keep ghc in extra- alex, happy and cabal-install and t
I read the other thread in arch-haskell, but I didn't see a reason for
that. I don't understand why it conflicts with the 'arch philosophy'
since upstream is telling us it is not ready yet...
Of course you can test it! That's why it was released, but the
[testing] repository is for stuff that will
I believe that's the reason that haskell platform is waiting, and I
think arch should wait a couple of weeks too...
On Sat, Nov 19, 2011 at 3:54 PM, Bernardo Barros
> "This 7.2.2 release is intended to be more of a "technology preview"
> than normal GHC stable b
"This 7.2.2 release is intended to be more of a "technology preview"
than normal GHC stable branches. In particular, it supports a
significantly improved version of DPH, as well as new features such as
compiler plugins and "safe Haskell". The design of these new features
may evolve as we get more e
text files opening automatically with wine is really a VERY annoying thing...
I mean, you can get the feeling that it won't break anything,
but we will have to do a lot of testing before.
At least 2 weeks, right? Maybe a month?
And when those extensive testing phase will end,
it will be time to the stable release already... (like in one month?)
I don't see the point.
I just find it strange..
But he is aware that ghc 7.2.2 is not tagged as "stable" but as
"feature preview", right?
Why ghc 7.2.2 is in [testing]?
People are planing to include it in [extra]? It's a "feature preview" release.
It is not a stable release as far as I know. The haskell platform is
scheduled to be released "late 2011" with the next stable version.
Or even better, write a haskell program to p0arse the data and to that =))
Yeah, it is *just* VLC, that's why I sent the email.
I will see if it disappears eventually.
Last VLC package is giving me distorted sounds, not happening with
vlc-1.1.7-6 from
Or with *any other* program installed in my computer, just VLC after
version 1.1.7-6
Anyone experiencing this bug?
If they have just this kernel, how they will boot the machine in order
to fix it?
If I may: I think if they (devs) work with that particular program,
they should know better if a -O3 optimization is more adequate or not
then a -O2 or whatever, more then the packager -- that is not so
deeply involved with the project anyway.
-- Forwarded message --
From: Chong Yidong
Date: Tue, Aug 2, 2011 at 1:05 PM
Subject: Corrected tarballs for Emacs 23.2 and 23.3.
To: info-gnu-em...@gnu.org
GNU Emacs 23.2 and 23.3 were released absent grammar files from which
the parsers used in its CEDET component were generate
Hi Tom,
Thanks for the reply!
Maybe it's not udev because the issue is not that the soundcard does
not show up, it actually does. The problem is that JACK does not work
with it. And also I downgrade udev at the time. The problem should be
a fine-tuning somewhere
At the time Fedora 15 was using u
All those issues regarding sound cards and lv2 plug-ins right now.
This all mean it will take time until Ardour3 (stable) come out and
udev fixes and updates?
I tried to figure out the differences between my fedora and arch
boxes, I cound not find an easy explanation why the firewire soundcard
And I'm still trying to find out why my FireWire/FFADO (MOTU UltraLite)
works on Fedora and not on Arch...
Arch udev mysteries...
Apple is just about to open a big (computer/ipad/i-xxx) factory in Brazil.
It is growing and invading various niches here, which is equally
threatening to freedom...
But now we have ArchAudio that will prove an strong alternative in the
fields of Music and ProAudio too!
Maybe try xfce or lxde with then?
It will be clever because gnome2 will not give you updates anymore,
and will be harder and harder to keep things working in the long run.
(Unless someone forked gnome2 and is working on that right now)
Specially xfce is very closed to gnome2,
and maybe
here too :-)
2011/6/21 Oon-Ee Ng :
> Systemd to come? =)
kernel-lts 2.6.32 is compatible with systemd anyway?
*before* nvidia update I had very strange artifacts and freezes with
lxterminal. now it's all right with all kernels and applications.
works fine here with thinkpad - NVIDIA GPU Quadro FX 880M - latest
linux and nvidia on kde.
tested on rekonq and chromium.
anyone got problems with texlive 2011 usage so far?
2011/6/1 XeCycle
> Recently I need to chmod it manually after reboot. It's now
> 600, belong to root, group audio, I think 660 is better.
here too... very very very annoying. that was last udev update.
Is there a reason not to update Lyx 1.6 to 2.0? Or at least create two
packages lyx1 and lyx?
Is there known bugs there?
Just 'linux' is the most pure and KISS choice. :-)
If the 3 will stand the the third decade (as the idea is to make a
system based on time not features), in 10 years we would have to
rename it again to 'kernel4'.
Hi there,
There are rumors that the next version number of the Linux Kernel is
going to be 3.0.
Since we choosed 'kernel26' as the package name, we will have to
modify it anyway.
Why not just 'linux 3.0'? Just an idea.. since we have the fellow
project 'Arch Hurd' providing 'hurd' as an alternativ
2011/5/17 Ángel Velásquez :
> And answering your question, I don't know if there is any kind of
> alternative worst or better on the repos (I don't use dropbox or
> similar), the fact is, you are asking about unofficial packages here,
> and probably you won't get many lights.
Dear Ángel,
My re
2011/5/17 Cédric Girard :
> There is no such things as "DropBox" in the official repo. Please post to
> aur-general instead.
(Tell me if there is a better / better-supported alternative.)
Recently I am having problems with DropBox. I have it installed
(1.1.31-1)and there is indeed a file named "/opt/dropbox/dropbox", but
the daemon seems not to find it:
~/ dropboxd
/usr/bin/dropboxd: line 10: /opt/dropbox/dropbox: No such file or directory
That's only me or other people
2011/4/10 Nephyrin Zey :
> Gnome 3 is, frankly, not ready yet. It's a bit like the original KDE4
> situation - it has promise, but also serious rough edges (20% CPU usage when
> moving the mouse, complete no-go with binary nvidia drivers, ...), and is
> lacking basic features gnome 2 had. (sensors
Hi guys,
Can't pulseaudio be moved to optdepends?
2011/4/5 Rémy Oudompheng
> Fedora 15 has not been released and is in Alpha phase, which certainly
> does not mean it can be considered as stable.
I know, but they committed themselves to release it soon
I just look at the list of new Features for Fedora 15.. It will have Gnome 3
and gcc 4.6 and a bunch of other things. This means that those projects are
reaching a "stable" phase now? They are currently considered unstable and/or
in testing on Arch
Any predictions on the current and near future s
With and nvidia 270.30 I get a very strange artifact at the
start-up of KDE, just about a second when it makes the desktop, then
everything seems normal. With OpenBox it's all good here.
I'd like to know if it is possible to use ThinkPad W510 touchscreen on Linux.
I see there are a bunch of kernel modules for touchscreens, but I
can't find this information on the Wiki.
Bernardo is out :-)
I spoke too soon, not sure if it's related, but I had trouble using my
USB soundcard Edirol-PCR1. I'll wait next release to test it again.
Just as a side note: I'm using 2.6.38 without problems here, with fair
realtime performance btw.
is your build already with qt4? if not, any idea when this could happen?
Thank you all.
could you give an example of a bash function that gets the $pkgver from a file?
(in case not all of then are installed, then pacman would do it)
2011/2/5 jesse jaara :
> Can't you just open it in nano or vim?
Of course... or even better, Emacs. :-)
But I'd like to know if I could do something like 'get-pkg-version',
so from time to time I could use a script to create a list with the
packages and the version numbers.
Then would be easy t
Hey all,
How to have access and change PKGBUILD variables? Is there
command-line tools for this kind of job, so one could easily check,
for example, the version number, change it and update the checksum?
thanks a bunch,
2011/1/5 Ng Oon-Ee :
> At this point in time leaving it enabled for compatibility in kernel26
> is fine IMO. Those who need it disabled for specific reasons (the one I
> can think of is task latency for audio) should already be used to
> compiling patched kernels, so it wouldn't be a big deal for n
Thanks Cédric!
Also in Google Code:
Hello everyone!
I set up a repository based on a modified version of ArchAudio, with
some of my stuff and lots of PKGBUILDs from AUR's contributors. Hope
this helps to update and maintain ArchAudio alive and updated. Just
source for now, no binaries.
It is a hg repo, so it can also be hosted inBi
My experience is that pulseaudio sometimes works for simple desktop audio.
Any serious work with audio it just cause (or potentially cause) problems...
(again, just my experience)
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