---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Don Stewart <don...@gmail.com> Date: Sat, Dec 17, 2011 at 1:04 PM Subject: [Haskell-cafe] Announce: The Haskell Platform 2011.4 To: hask...@haskell.org, haskell-cafe <haskell-c...@haskell.org>, "haskell-platf...@projects.haskell.org" <haskell-platf...@projects.haskell.org>
We're pleased to announce the release of the Haskell Platform: a single, standard Haskell distribution for everyone. Download the Haskell Platform 2011.4.0.0: http://haskell.org/platform/ The specification, along with installers (including Windows, Apple and Unix installers for a full Haskell environment) are available. The Haskell Platform is a single, standard Haskell distribution for every system, in the form of a blessed library and tool suite for Haskell distilled from the thousands of libraries on Hackage, along with installers for a wide variety of systems. It saves developers work picking and choosing the best Haskell libraries and tools to use for a task. When you install the Haskell Platform, you get the latest stable compiler, an expanded set of core libraries, additional development tools, and cabal-install – so you can download anything else you need from Hackage. What you get is specified here: http://hackage.haskell.org/platform/contents.html Thanks! -- The Platform Infrastructure Team P.S. Special thanks to Mark Lentczner for his excellent work on this release.