Re: [arch-general] Fully wroking GTK3(+GTK2) theme for Gnome 3.8?

2013-05-18 Thread Armando M. Baratti
On 16-05-2013 04:15, Magnus Therning wrote: > It seems it's a rather common problem that GTK3 themes partly break > Gnome3.8 by preventing having a nice desktop background while letting > the file manager draw the background: > > > https://bbs.archl

Re: [arch-general] testing/systemd 191-1 failed to boot

2012-09-30 Thread Armando M. Baratti
On 29-09-2012 20:41, Allan McRae wrote: On 30/09/12 09:32, Heiko Baums wrote: schrieb Martín Cigorraga : The replies by Martin and Heiko had not technical aspect and were not asking for help. Both accounts are banned for one week. Allan Authoritarian and despotic. My ban, please. Ar

Re: [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] time to drop openjdk6 ?

2012-06-13 Thread Armando M. Baratti
On 13-06-2012 19:08, Armando M. Baratti wrote: On 13-06-2012 18:43, Guillaume ALAUX wrote: On 13 June 2012 22:02, Leonidas Spyropoulos wrote: On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 8:57 PM, Chris Sakalis wrote: Hello, not a very important application, and there may be some workarounds, but with openjdk7

Re: [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] time to drop openjdk6 ?

2012-06-13 Thread Armando M. Baratti
On 13-06-2012 18:43, Guillaume ALAUX wrote: On 13 June 2012 22:02, Leonidas Spyropoulos wrote: On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 8:57 PM, Chris Sakalis wrote: Hello, not a very important application, and there may be some workarounds, but with openjdk7 Minecraft [1] fails to load the correct bundled li

Re: [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] Dropping squirrelmail

2012-05-08 Thread Armando M. Baratti
On 07-05-2012 20:58, Eric Bélanger wrote: pkgstats only shows packages with more than 1% usage. Squirrelmail might have users but it's less than 1%, i.e. not enough to keep it in repo. Or, maybe, only 1% of Arch users use pkgstats and it's dangerous to take decisions based on it :)

Re: [arch-general] Anybody else have problems with the new Nvidia drivers (275.09.07-1)

2011-06-18 Thread Armando M. Baratti
Em 18-06-2011 05:03, Richard Schütz escreveu: I don't think so. Epiphany is based on WebKit these days. And because I can trigger the bug in EOG (Eye of GNOME) it doesn't look like a browser problem for me at all. Perhaps it is a problem of GTK together with nvidia 275.09.07. I tried feh (a sim

Re: [arch-general] [translation] Pacman 3.5.2 string freeze

2011-04-15 Thread Armando M. Baratti
Em 15-04-2011 12:54, Dan McGee escreveu: On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 2:13 PM, Dan McGee wrote: This is a message to all past/present/future translators that I'd like to do the pacman 3.5.2 release around the end of this week, so if you could take a look at the translations and get them up to date t

Re: [arch-general] xfce4's terminal does not understand unicode/utf8?

2011-01-17 Thread Armando M. Baratti
Em 17-01-2011 15:07, Nicolas Bigaouette escreveu: Hi all, I have set LOCALE="fr_CA.utf8" in rc.conf since I installed Arch some years ago. Since then, I was using KDE and I could see utf8 characters in the terminal. I've switched to Xfce 4.6 some weeks ago but now I get "??" in the terminal when

Re: [arch-general] Patent protection

2010-12-08 Thread Armando M. Baratti
Em 08-12-2010 20:32, Jan de Groot escreveu: On Wed, 2010-12-08 at 19:47 -0200, Armando M. Baratti wrote: It works because the patents are granted perpetually to OIN members that have jointed before the closing date, even in the case of a sell (like occurred in this case). If Microsoft wants

[arch-general] Patent protection

2010-12-08 Thread Armando M. Baratti
Probably many of you know about the acquisition of 882 of Novell's patents by a Microsoft organized consortium [1]. What you may not know is that, as Novell was part of OIN (Open Invention Network), those that join OIN *before* the closing date for the acquisition (about january 23) will be pr

Re: [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] nilfs-utils moving in core

2010-12-08 Thread Armando M. Baratti
Em 08-12-2010 09:57, Heiko Baums escreveu: Am Tue, 7 Dec 2010 23:25:06 -0500 schrieb Loui Chang: So those packages are affected: e2fsprogs reiserfsprogs btrfs-progs(-unstable) nilfs-utils jfsutils xfsprogs nfs-utils package files

Re: [arch-general] Python 3 Rationale?

2010-10-21 Thread Armando M. Baratti
Em 20-10-2010 13:21, Daenyth Blank escreveu: On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 11:16, Armando M. Baratti wrote: Em 20-10-2010 05:24, Stefano Z. escreveu: anyone know if reportlab does work with python3 ? No, reportlab doesn't work with python3. Neither Django, nor Twisted. As well the mo

Re: [arch-general] Python 3 Rationale?

2010-10-20 Thread Armando M. Baratti
Em 20-10-2010 05:24, Stefano Z. escreveu: anyone know if reportlab does work with python3 ? No, reportlab doesn't work with python3. Neither Django, nor Twisted. As well the modules below are incompatible with python3 (to mention a few): - PyGTK2 - Pyjamas - Kiwi - Beaker - Cheetah - CherryPy

Re: [arch-general] [OffTopic] Wireless keyboard Security

2010-09-06 Thread Armando M. Baratti
Em 06-09-2010 08:45, Mike Sampson escreveu: If the OP went with a wireless keyboard with properly implemented encryption it could actually be more secure than a wired keyboard. [1] [2] http://lasecwww.epfl.

Re: [arch-general] 3 minutes and 12 seconds Youtube video of My Arch Linux

2010-08-30 Thread Armando M. Baratti
Em 29-08-2010 21:25, Ng Oon-Ee escreveu: On Sun, 2010-08-29 at 12:16 -0500, Thomas Dziedzic wrote: On Sun, Aug 29, 2010 at 11:01 AM, Gary Wright wrote: On Sun, Aug 29, 2010 at 5:56 AM, Mr. Teo En Ming (Zhang Enming) of Singapore wrote: My Arch Linux is essentially a Linux from Scratch (LFS)

Re: [arch-general] How to change gdm greeter theme?

2010-07-26 Thread Armando M. Baratti
Em 26-07-2010 22:02, Javier Adrián Ortiz de la Tabla escreveu: How do you get around this: gdm:x:120:120:Gnome Display Manager:/var/lib/gdm:/sbin/nologin su, gksu say account is not available. Do you just change the :sbin/nologin part? How -- safely? I've never messed with something like that b

Re: [arch-general] test

2010-05-28 Thread Armando M. Baratti
On 28-05-2010 00:51, Nilesh Govindarajan wrote: On Fri, May 28, 2010 at 7:58 AM, papul wrote: Sorry for this useless message. testing some service. You're send a test message to 500-1000 people on a mailing list. Idiotic. Create a mail account on another provider and test your thing. Don't

Re: [arch-general] Burning From Command Line

2010-05-22 Thread Armando M. Baratti
On 22-05-2010 01:24, Nilesh Govindarajan wrote: On 05/21/2010 08:14 PM, Armando M. Baratti wrote: In fact I *use* cdrecord. I've just pointed to the wiki page as it was handy and the options are (at most) the same. My fault not mentioning the other project. Armando cdrecord is sa

Re: [arch-general] Burning From Command Line

2010-05-21 Thread Armando M. Baratti
On 21-05-2010 05:29, Joerg Schilling wrote: "Armando M. Baratti" wrote: Arch Linux Wiki: (see "Burning an iso image") The URL you mention gives bad advise as it encourages you to use software that i

Re: [arch-general] Burning From Command Line

2010-05-20 Thread Armando M. Baratti
On 20-05-2010 13:26, Carlos Mennens wrote: How do I create a bootable install disk from an .ISO image I downloaded from the Arch site? I would like to know how to do this via CLI only rather than using a front end GUI like Gnome Baker, K3B, or Brasero. Does anyone know the command to burn the ima

Re: [arch-general] can't register for Arch forums

2010-03-05 Thread Armando M. Baratti
On 04-03-2010 22:11, Allan McRae wrote: On 05/03/10 11:03, Andreas Wagner wrote: Hello, I am thoroughly enjoying using arch linux so I have tried to register for the Arch forums. I have tried several times but I get the message: "Bots are unwelcome here. The door is right over there, don't let

Re: [arch-general] An old, tiresome discussion: cdrtools vs cdrkit - tone it down

2010-02-01 Thread Armando M. Baratti
On 01-02-2010 06:17, Joerg Schilling wrote: "Armando M. Baratti" wrote: Strange, I have had the opposite experience. Trying to burn some CDs with cdrkit (on CentOS) give some problem with not being able to generate Joliet system and I have had trouble with utf-8 too. First I tho

Re: [arch-general] An old, tiresome discussion: cdrtools vs cdrkit - tone it down

2010-01-31 Thread Armando M. Baratti
On 30-01-2010 12:58, Baho Utot wrote: I don't think you "get it". First of all, I don't care what happened when the split or fork happened. It makes _ZERO_ difference to me. This is what I have done because of _your_ direct actions on this list and other actions by you on some news groups I rea

Re: [arch-general] usable browser?

2009-11-29 Thread Armando M. Baratti
Dieter Plaetinck wrote: On Fri, 27 Nov 2009 17:05:11 -0800 Tobias Kieslich wrote: Don't jump to conclusions here. Inspecting the headers (..) yes this a known issue. libsoup doesn't support compression, and some sites send out gzipped content when they shouldn't. So and others canno

Re: [arch-general] keepassx crashing?? (Ver 0.4.1-1 )

2009-11-09 Thread Armando M. Baratti
David C. Rankin wrote: Just a note; keepassx, which has worked reliably for years, began crashing today. I don't know whether it is keepassx, or qt (suspicion is qt). The errors are: 18:31 alchemy:~> keepassx Found Metastream: KPX_CUSTOM_ICONS_4 Found Metastream: KPX_GROUP_TREE_STATE Segmenta

Re: [arch-general] /dev/tty* borked ...

2009-10-10 Thread Armando M. Baratti
Xavier wrote: On Fri, Oct 9, 2009 at 2:20 PM, Thomas Bächler wrote: Xavier schrieb: Unfortunately we can no longer check the cvs repo afaik. We cannot see earlier than April 2008 : I am also curious to know how did that file s

Re: [arch-general] dd and bash_completion

2009-09-24 Thread Armando M. Baratti
Sergey Manucharian wrote: On Thu, 24 Sep 2009 22:40:28 +0200 Thomas Bächler wrote: Aaron Griffin schrieb: And this appears to be fixed in git

Re: [arch-general] New Page added to wiki - Add_New_Partitions_To_Existing_System

2009-07-02 Thread Armando M. Baratti
David C. Rankin wrote: Listmates, After running out of room on my / partition on my Archlinux install and recovering by adding a couple of additional partitions, I put together a little howto in the wiki concerning the process in case anyone else finds themselves in the same situation

Re: [arch-general] [EMAIL PROTECTED] Midori + sun jre plugin

2008-12-05 Thread Armando M. Baratti
Javier Vasquez wrote: Hi, Does anyone know how to enable sun jre plugin within midori. Midori actually recognizes the flash plugin pretty well, but I can't get it to work on web pages requiring jre... I'm liking midori because of being lighter than seamonkey on my box, but I miss jre support..

Re: [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] pkgstats: first results

2008-11-10 Thread Armando M. Baratti
Charly Ghislain wrote: On Monday 10 November 2008 23:12:49 Hubert Grzeskowiak wrote: a pacman which sends informations home - unasked?! are you serious? that would be a data privacy horror! i don't want to have to observe pacman's traffic the whole time fearing leaks. a feature/bug like that wou

Re: [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] Snort UID / GID

2008-07-17 Thread Armando M. Baratti
Aaron Griffin wrote: On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 10:40 AM, Hugo Doria <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Thus this way snort can work out of the box with less privileges. Anyone who wants can put snort to run with another user. And, in any case, this email was just a question. I don't see why people have

Re: [arch-general] community/mc-utf8 to extra/mc

2008-07-02 Thread Armando M. Baratti
Sergej Pupykin wrote: Yes it also under mc 4.6.1-5. But this is a very minor thing, and i noticed that this only occurs whit german locale (ok, i don't tested others). But with LANG=C this doesn't happend. So it's maybe a (german) locale issue (false translation character in .po ?). In russian

Re: [arch-general] usb keyboard and mouse

2008-06-30 Thread Armando M. Baratti
Sergej Pupykin wrote: I use MS Inteli Mouse. And it does not want to work without usbmouse module if I plug it in into usb (without usb->ps/2 connector) Here my xorg.conf mouse section: Section "InputDevice" Identifier "mouse" Driver "evdev" Option "ButtonNumb

Re: [arch-general] resurrecting srcpac

2008-05-25 Thread Armando M. Baratti
Michael Klier wrote: Jason Chu wrote: Alrighty, mostly a couple questions: Would it be an idea to build as the original users who ran srcpac? I guess if you use sudo, that won't quite work... you'd need something pointing back to that user... I don't know if that's possible, because you don'

Re: [arch-general] [English] New Distro - Can't Read German

2008-03-31 Thread Armando M. Baratti
Dan McGee wrote: On Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 7:21 PM, pyther <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I need you guys to recommend a new distro. Unfortunately I made a terrible mistake by taking Spanish two years ago (didn't learn much, but still...). This means I do not know German I will be unable to re

Re: [arch-general] Installation: after first reboot ext3 superblock mount time in future

2008-03-29 Thread Armando M. Baratti
Dan McGee wrote: On Sat, Mar 29, 2008 at 8:12 AM, Gerhard Brauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hello, i've noticed this meanwhile quiet often after many installations. Currently after a test with 2008.03-0.3, but also with older ISOs: After install and first reboot i got such fsc

Re: [arch-general] Missing man pages

2008-02-28 Thread Armando M. Baratti
Allan McRae wrote: Armando M. Baratti wrote: Mordechai Peller wrote: Michael Towers wrote: Mordechai Peller wrote: I notice that some of the man pages are missing, including: find, cat, ls, uniq, tee, and tail. They were in man-pages-2.74-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz, but not man-pages-2.77-1-i686

Re: [arch-general] Missing man pages

2008-02-27 Thread Armando M. Baratti
Mordechai Peller wrote: Michael Towers wrote: Mordechai Peller wrote: I notice that some of the man pages are missing, including: find, cat, ls, uniq, tee, and tail. They were in man-pages-2.74-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz, but not man-pages-2.77-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz or man-pages-2.78-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz.