Charly Ghislain wrote:
On Monday 10 November 2008 23:12:49 Hubert Grzeskowiak wrote:
a pacman which sends informations home - unasked?! are you serious? that
would be a data privacy horror! i don't want to have to observe pacman's
traffic the whole time fearing leaks. a feature/bug like that would
rather raise a huge scandal than appreciation. i have no doubt on this.

Of course i dont want this to happen neither. Im just saying it would be the best population of result, 'statistically speaking'.

As of pkgstat, yes it is heavily discussed, but i never installed it before i started reading this thread.


I agree with the statistical issue.

Statistics is a funny thing. Maybe about 1500 user isn't a very significant part of the community.

And as pointed by Charly, it could be a biased sample.
Not to mention the problems with using IP to determine the uniqueness of the submissions (many machines under same IP, dinamic IPs).

I'm not saying pkgstats is invalid. Only that the statistical results from it must be taken with a grain of salt.


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