Re: [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] Out-of-date orphans in repo

2009-03-07 Thread Eric Bélanger
On Sat, Mar 7, 2009 at 6:19 PM, Thomas Bächler wrote: > Damjan Georgievski schrieb: >> >> I use userui (since I use a TuxOnIce patched kernel) .. and I'm >> updateing this package myself too. >> >> Recently /usr/sbin/tuxoniceui_fbsplash can't be compiled on Arch since >> the Arch freetype package

Re: [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] Out-of-date orphans in repo

2009-03-07 Thread Thomas Bächler
Damjan Georgievski schrieb: I use userui (since I use a TuxOnIce patched kernel) .. and I'm updateing this package myself too. Recently /usr/sbin/tuxoniceui_fbsplash can't be compiled on Arch since the Arch freetype package doesn't include the static (.a) library. So I can test an updated pack

Re: [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] Out-of-date orphans in repo

2009-03-07 Thread Damjan Georgievski
> Lately, I've been updating out-of-date orphans. So far I did the ones > that were easy to update/test so this is a status report on the > remaining ones.  The purpose here is, ideally, to find maintainers for > them or at least testers (devs or users). > > BTW, make sure that you are listed as ma

Re: [arch-general] Scim and arphic fonts update in [testing]

2009-03-07 Thread Eric Bélanger
On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 10:59 PM, Eric Bélanger wrote: > Hi all, > > I've just updated several scim-related packages. They are in the > [testing] repo. The updated packages are: > > anthy > libchewing > libhangul > scim > scim-anthy > scim-chewing > scim-tables > uim > scim-uim (no update, just re

Re: [arch-general] cryptsetup and udev

2009-03-07 Thread Thomas Bächler
Henri Häkkinen schrieb: ACTION="add", ENV{DEVTYPE}="partition", ENV{ID_SERIAL}="", RUN+="/usr/sbin/cryptsetup --key-file /etc/keyfile luksOpen /dev/%k usbhd" ACTION="remove", ENV{DEVTYPE}="partition", ENV{ID_SERIAL}="", RUN+="/usr/sbin/cryptsetup luksClose usbhd" Udev seems to recognize my drive

[arch-general] cryptsetup and udev

2009-03-07 Thread Henri Häkkinen
Hello, I am trying to setup udev to automatically open a LUKS partition of my external USB drive once it is plugged in. I have written the following udev rules script: ACTION="add", ENV{DEVTYPE}="partition", ENV{ID_SERIAL}="", RUN+="/usr/sbin/cryptsetup --key-file /etc/keyfile luksOpen /dev/%k us

Re: [arch-general] Include sbcl sources with a fixed system path

2009-03-07 Thread Jürgen Hötzel
On Sat, Mar 07, 2009 at 06:24:21PM +1000, Daniel White wrote: > Presently the pathname translation for "SYS" is > '/tmp/sbcl/trunk/src/sbcl-1.0.24/'. This kind of makes it hard for > 'M-.' to work well in slime. Thanks for the information. I will fix this in sbcl-1.0.25-1. Jürgen

[arch-general] Include sbcl sources with a fixed system path

2009-03-07 Thread Daniel White
Presently the pathname translation for "SYS" is '/tmp/sbcl/trunk/src/sbcl-1.0.24/'. This kind of makes it hard for 'M-.' to work well in slime. This patch for the PKGBUILD generates a modified core with the translation for "SYS" changed to the '/usr/share/sbcl-source/'. Basically it means that we