Hello, I am trying to setup udev to automatically open a LUKS partition of my external USB drive once it is plugged in. I have written the following udev rules script:
ACTION="add", ENV{DEVTYPE}="partition", ENV{ID_SERIAL}="<serial number of the drive>", RUN+="/usr/sbin/cryptsetup --key-file /etc/keyfile luksOpen /dev/%k usbhd" ACTION="remove", ENV{DEVTYPE}="partition", ENV{ID_SERIAL}="<serial number of the drive>", RUN+="/usr/sbin/cryptsetup luksClose usbhd" Udev seems to recognize my drive but instead of creating /dev/mapper/usbhd I get some nonsense like /dev/mapper/temporary-cryptsetup-7501 or similar. I don't know what this is but it seems not to work when I try to mount it. Any ideas? -- Henri Häkkinen