Re: [arch-general] Netflix in Arch?

2014-10-14 Thread Hugo Osvaldo Barrera
On 2014-10-14 08:49, Sebastiaan Lokhorst wrote:
> 2014-10-14 8:40 GMT+02:00 Doug Newgard :
> > On Tue, 14 Oct 2014 08:28:46 +0200
> > Sebastiaan Lokhorst  wrote:
> >
> > > 2014-10-14 8:13 GMT+02:00 Hugo Osvaldo Barrera :
> > >
> > > > There would be little point in getting it to work with Chromium
> > > > anyway. Why would you care if you're using an open source browser
> > > > if you're gonna add a propietary DRM plugin onto it?
> > > > Just pick Chrome and avoid the hastle. That is, after all, what
> > > > Chrome is: Chromium + propietary addons (+ some rebranding).
> > > >
> > >
> > > A proprietary plugin can be sandboxed, to be sure it doesn't do
> > > anything it's not supposed to do. That's at least the idea that the
> > > Firefox people want to implement.
> > >
> > > Besides that, just using Chrome is indeed the easiest solution right
> > > now. The only problem is that it is not in the official Arch
> > > repositories, leading to more hassle.
> > >
> > > Would it be possible to move it there from the AUR? We have lots of
> > > closed-source software in the official repositories, and I think
> > > Chrome (with EME and Flash Player built in!) would be very useful for
> > > people. We already have the old NPAPI Flash Player, so I don't see
> > > why this would be a problem.
> > >
> > > Sebastiaan
> >
> > I believe the closed source portions are non-redistributable.
> >
> Unfortunately, you seem to be right...
> From :
> "5.3 Unless you have been specifically permitted to do so in a separate
> agreement with Google, you agree that you will not reproduce, duplicate,
> copy, sell, trade or resell the Services for any purpose."
> Thanks for the quick reply anyway! :)
> Sebastiaan

If you're really interested in doing so, you may ask google for permission.
This has already been done for skype [0].



Hugo Osvaldo Barrera
A: Because we read from top to bottom, left to right.
Q: Why should I start my reply below the quoted text?

Description: PGP signature

Re: [arch-general] [arch-dev-public] Changes to microcode updates

2014-10-14 Thread Mike Cloaked
On Sun, Oct 12, 2014 at 9:16 PM, Mauro Santos 

> I'm replying here as (obviously) I don't have posting rights at arch-dev :)
> From what I've been able to understand [1-3], for grub (legacy and
> grub2) it should work by using multiple initrd lines or like this:
> initrd /path/to/ucode/update /path/to/arch/initrd
> I haven't tested it though, so it might be broken and I have no idea of
> how to integrate it with the automagical grub.cfg configuration
> (grub-mkconfig).

In case there is interest in a related discussion there is also a thread on
this topic on the arch forum at:

mike c

[arch-general] pacman: List not required and not opt-required.

2014-10-14 Thread Hugo Osvaldo Barrera
Pacman now warns when trying to uninstall a package that is an optdepend for
another, however, I was wondering if we could take this a step further, and
have a flag to list "packages that are not mandatory OR optional dependencies
for other packages".

A typical usage is: pacman -Rnsu $(pacman -Qdtq)

This uninstalls any leftover dependencies, INCLUDING optional dependencies. I'd
love to exclude these, but there's no programatical way to obtain a list of
packages that are "installed as dependencies and not mandatory or optional
dependencies for other".

Are there any plans to add such a flag? Maybe "-tt"? Is there any interest in
this on behalf of anyone else?

Hugo Osvaldo Barrera
A: Because we read from top to bottom, left to right.
Q: Why should I start my reply below the quoted text?

Description: PGP signature

Re: [arch-general] pacman: List not required and not opt-required.

2014-10-14 Thread Florian Pritz
On 14.10.2014 09:16, Hugo Osvaldo Barrera wrote:
> Are there any plans to add such a flag? Maybe "-tt"? Is there any interest in
> this on behalf of anyone else?

Wrong list, ask on pacman-dev or #archlinux-pacman on

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [arch-general] qupzilla

2014-10-14 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Fri, 2014-10-10 at 07:26 +0200, Jens Adam wrote:
> it's already fixed in 1.8.2, see
> (that diff -> first facepalm of the day)


[arch-general] ircii-current.tar.gz in aur

2014-10-14 Thread Jude DaShiell
The package fails since one or more files fails validity checks with md5s.

  I have irssi working over here but was asked to install ircii and picked 
this version to install and the package failed validity checks twice.  I 
tried the download twice using yaourt -S ircii-current since I wasn't sure 
if it was a network transmission problem but this one appears to be a 
defective files problem.

 jude  Twitter: @jdashiel