Hi Marco,

On Tuesday, 28 July 2020, 09:48:17 CEST, Marco Felsch wrote:
> Hi Christian,
> On 20-07-27 14:45, Christian Eggers wrote:
> > When hw_random device's quality is non-zero, it will automatically fill
> > the kernel's entropy pool at boot.  For this purpose, one conservative
> > quality value is being picked up as the default value.
> IMHO your value is not conservative enough and the commit message should
> explain why we should use 900. Unfortunately I had not enough time to
> send my patch addressing this. However please check my commit message
> why 900 is not good:
ok, you caught me. I found the value of 900 in several other drivers and 
simply took it. Even parts of my commit message were simply copied...

As I have no real idea about determining the right quality, I will leave this 
task for you :-)


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