Extend driver support with chacha20, rfc7539(chacha20,poly1305) and
rfc7539esp(chacha20,poly1305) ciphers.
The patchset has been tested with the eip197c_iesb and eip197c_iewxkbc
configurations on the Xilinx VCU118 development board, including the
crypto extra tests.

Note that this patchset applies on top of the earlier submitted
"Add support for the CBCMAC" series.

Pascal van Leeuwen (2):
  crypto: inside-secure - Added support for the CHACHA20 skcipher
  crypto: inside-secure - Add support for the Chacha20-Poly1305 AEAD

 drivers/crypto/inside-secure/safexcel.c        |   3 +
 drivers/crypto/inside-secure/safexcel.h        |  11 +
 drivers/crypto/inside-secure/safexcel_cipher.c | 335 +++++++++++++++++++++++--
 3 files changed, 335 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)


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