This patchset adds support for the (AES) CBCMAC family of authentication algorithms: AES-CBCMAC, AES-XCBCMAC and AES-MAC It has been verified with a Xilinx PCIE FPGA board as well as the Marvell Armada A8K based Macchiatobin development board.
Pascal van Leeuwen (3): crypto: inside-secure - Added support for the AES CBCMAC ahash crypto: inside-secure - Added support for the AES XCBC ahash crypto: inside-secure - Added support for the AES-CMAC ahash drivers/crypto/inside-secure/safexcel.c | 3 + drivers/crypto/inside-secure/safexcel.h | 3 + drivers/crypto/inside-secure/safexcel_hash.c | 462 ++++++++++++++++++++++++--- 3 files changed, 427 insertions(+), 41 deletions(-) --