(+mailing list +davem)
> > Finally, I noticed that aead.h defines an additional callback 
> > 'setauthsize', which the
> > driver currently also keeps at NULL and that *seems* to work fine with all 
> > current
> > testmgr tests ... so I do wonder whether that is a must implement or not?
> > And if so, which subset of auth sizes MUST be implemented?
> This however must be implemented *if* the underlying algorithm
> (IOW refer to the generic implementation) supports them.  The
> set of supported values must not be smaller than that of the
> generic algorithm.
> In practice this shouldn't be a big deal as it's just a matter
> of truncating the ICV.
Hmmm .... for a HW driver, the HW would have to do the truncation.
So it must be capable of doing that AND it must be instructed to do so.
I guess big deal is a relative term :-)

> Note that you don't actually need to supply a setauthsize function
> if all values (less than maxauthsize are supported).
If I don't implement that function that I cannot tell my HW how the
tag should be truncated ...

> Cheers,
> --
> Email: Herbert Xu <herb...@gondor.apana.org.au>
> Home Page: http://gondor.apana.org.au/~herbert/
> PGP Key: http://gondor.apana.org.au/~herbert/pubkey.txt

Pascal van Leeuwen
Silicon IP Architect, Multi-Protocol Engines @ Verimatrix

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