
Just browsing through include/crypto/skcipher.h and include/crypto/aead.h I 
noticed that
struct skcipher_alg and struct aead_alg define callbacks named 'init' and 
'exit' as well as a
field called 'chunksize'. The inside-secure driver is currently initializing 
these fields to NULL
or 0 and that appears to work fine, but the respective heade files mention that 
all fields
should be filled in except for 'ivsize' ...

>From the code I deduce that init and exit are not called if they are null 
>pointers, which is
fine for me as I have no need for such callbacks, but can I rely on that going 

I also deduce that if chunksize is set to 0, the chunksize will actually be 
taken from
cra_blocksize, which is at least fine for block ciphers. Again, can I rely on 
If so, I guess I would  still have to set it for CTR modes which have 
cra_blocksize is 1?

Finally, I noticed that aead.h defines an additional callback 'setauthsize', 
which the
driver currently also keeps at NULL and that *seems* to work fine with all 
testmgr tests ... so I do wonder whether that is a must implement or not?
And if so, which subset of auth sizes MUST be implemented?

Pascal van Leeuwen
Silicon IP Architect, Multi-Protocol Engines @ Verimatrix

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