Hi Kalyani,

On Mon, Jan 07, 2019 at 02:32:55PM +0530, Kalyani Akula wrote:
> This patch adds SHA3 driver suuport for the Xilinx
> ZynqMP SoC.
> Signed-off-by: Kalyani Akula <kalyani.ak...@xilinx.com>
> +
> +static struct ahash_alg sha3_alg = {
> +     .init           = zynqmp_sha_init,
> +     .update         = zynqmp_sha_update,
> +     .final          = zynqmp_sha_final,
> +     .finup          = zynqmp_sha_finup,
> +     .digest         = zynqmp_sha_digest,
> +     .export         = zynqmp_sha_export,
> +     .import         = zynqmp_sha_import,
> +     .halg = {
> +             .digestsize     = SHA384_DIGEST_SIZE,
> +             .statesize      = sizeof(struct sha256_state),
> +             .base   = {
> +                     .cra_name               = "xilinx-keccak-384",
> +                     .cra_driver_name        = "zynqmp-keccak-384",
> +                     .cra_priority           = 300,
> +                     .cra_flags              = CRYPTO_ALG_ASYNC,
> +                     .cra_blocksize          = SHA384_BLOCK_SIZE,
> +                     .cra_ctxsize            = sizeof(struct zynqmp_sha_ctx),
> +                     .cra_alignmask          = 0,
> +                     .cra_module             = THIS_MODULE,
> +                     .cra_init               = zynqmp_sha_cra_init,
> +             }
> +     }
> +};

cra_name needs to match an algorithm that has a generic implementation.
It should be "sha3-384", or is your hardware not compatible?
Also does your hardware not support sha3-256 and sha3-512?

- Eric

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