On Mon, Jan 08, 2018 at 05:43:18PM +0100, Kamil Konieczny wrote:

> Is it mandatory for both async hash and shash ?
> in crypto/ahash.c in function
> static int crypto_ahash_init_tfm(struct crypto_tfm *tfm)
> there is:
>       hash->export = ahash_no_export;
>       hash->import = ahash_no_import;
> and later in the same function:
>       if (alg->export)
>               hash->export = alg->export;
>       if (alg->import)
>               hash->import = alg->import;

That's just a leftover from the old days before we started requiring
them.  These should be removed so that the registration fails if
they're not provided.

The requirement has been in place for a while now and we have been
failing any algorithms with a zero statesize which is only used by

Email: Herbert Xu <herb...@gondor.apana.org.au>
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