On 08.01.2018 16:56, Herbert Xu wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 08, 2018 at 02:11:21PM +0100, Kamil Konieczny wrote:
>> On 07.01.2018 00:01, Tobin C. Harding wrote:
>>> SPHINX build emits multiple warnings of kind:
>>>     warning: duplicate section name 'Note'
>>> (when building kernel via make target 'htmldocs')
>>> This is caused by repeated use of comments of form:
>>>     * Note: soau soaeusoa uoe
>>> We can change the format without loss of clarity and clear the build
>>> warnings.
>>> Add '**[mandatory]**' or '**[optional]**' as kernel-doc field element
>>> description prefix
>>> This renders in HTML as (prefixes in bold)
>>> final
>>>     [mandatory] Retrieve result from the driver. This function finalizes the
>>>     transformation and retrieves the resulting hash from the driver and
>>>     pushes it back to upper layers. No data processing happens at this
>>>     point unless hardware requires it to finish the transformation (then
>>>     the data buffered by the device driver is processed).
>>> Signed-off-by: Tobin C. Harding <m...@tobin.cc>
>>> ---
>>> This patch begs the question why the other members of struct ahash_alg
>>> are not marked? Some are marked 'optional' some 'mandatory'. It would
>>> seem that if the marking were necessary for some members it is necessary
>>> for all to eliminate ambiguity?
>>> thanks
>> import, export are optional
> No import/export must be implemented for all hashes.

Is it mandatory for both async hash and shash ?

in crypto/ahash.c in function

static int crypto_ahash_init_tfm(struct crypto_tfm *tfm)

there is:

        hash->export = ahash_no_export;
        hash->import = ahash_no_import;

and later in the same function:

        if (alg->export)
                hash->export = alg->export;
        if (alg->import)
                hash->import = alg->import;

Best regards,
Kamil Konieczny
Samsung R&D Institute Poland

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