Am Dienstag, 21. März 2017, 14:23:31 CET schrieb Harsh Jain:

Hi Harsh,

> Yes, Driver can figure out when to discard dst SGL but for that Driver
> has to put checks before accessing dst SGL. Isn't better if AF_ALG
> sends NULL for dst SGL.

With the code in [1], the first longer patch is planned to be merged after the 
memory management changes are agreed upon. That patch contains:

+               /* chain the areq TX SGL holding the tag with RX SGL */
+               if (!last_rsgl) {
+                       /* no RX SGL present (e.g. only authentication) */
+                       sg_init_table(areq->, 2);
+                       sg_chain(areq->, 2, areq->tsgl);
+               } else {
+                       /* RX SGL present */
+                       struct af_alg_sgl *sgl_prev = &last_rsgl->sgl;
+                       sg_unmark_end(sgl_prev->sg + sgl_prev->npages - 1);
+                       sg_chain(sgl_prev->sg, sgl_prev->npages + 1, areq-
+               }

This code snipped would exactly do what you want: the SGL is always 
initialized. Besides, the code will do an in-place cipher operation.


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