On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 4:29 PM, Harsh Jain <harshjain.p...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 3:34 PM, Stephan Müller <smuel...@chronox.de> wrote:
>> Am Dienstag, 21. März 2017, 07:13:53 CET schrieb Harsh Jain:
>> Hi Harsh,
>>> Hi,
>>> For tag only AEAD decrypt operation(Zero length Payload). The dst sg
>>> list pointer panic with general protection fault. I think it should be
>>> NULL when output buffer is supposed to be empty.
>>> Kcapi command to re-produce the issue
>>> ./kcapi -x 2   -c "gcm(aes)" -i 0d92aa861746b324f20ee6b7 -k
>>> f4a6a5e5f2066f6dd9ec6fc5169c29043560ef595c9e81e76f42d29212cc581c -a ""
>>> -t "5f24c68cbe6f32c29652442bf5d483ad" -q ""
>>> Its decrypt operation. Expected result should be EBADMSG.
>> Executing this command on a 4.9 kernel, I get:
>> bin/kcapi -x 2   -c "gcm(aes)" -i 0d92aa861746b324f20ee6b7 -k
>> f4a6a5e5f2066f6dd9ec6fc5169c29043560ef595c9e81e76f42d29212cc581c -a "" -t
>> "5f24c68cbe6f32c29652442bf5d483ad" -q ""
> Probably because s/w implementation is not trying to access dst sg
> pointer because there's nothing to copy in destination buffer.  1
> question If we don't have data to copy to destination buffer what
> should dst pointer contains? I think either NULL or null sg entry.
>> There is no GP or other error. Can you please provide some details about your
>> system? I.e. which kernel version and what cipher implementation resolves to
>> gcm(aes)?
> I tried with 4.10.13. It's with gcm(aes-chcr). changes which trigger
> issue is not submitted to community yet.
    typo Its 4.10.0-rc3+
>> Thanks
>> Ciao
>> Stephan

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