On 06/15/2015 07:29 PM, Herbert Xu wrote:
>> I thought that the ctx needs to be available for implementations to store 
>> private data.
>> > This way we can allocate and store any type of key in the 
>> > <alg>_parse_key() helper and still have the cxt
>> > available for implementations to use for their stuff (e.g. HW context).
> No for symmetric key algorithms we always store the key in the
> context and never in the tfm proper.
> Think about it, the generic tfm doesn't have any idea on what
> the key contains so how can it store it? Only the implementation
> knows the key format and can store it in a useful way.

Ok I wanted to handle everything in the parse_key helper without any help from 
the implementation.
I can change the helper to return the key and implementation will store it in 
the ctx. Is this
what you are suggesting?
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