On 06/15/2015 07:27 PM, Herbert Xu wrote:
>> The two functions will be almost identical. We can do it this way if we want 
>> to check
>> > if all the required elements of the key are provided. Currently I'm 
>> > checking this in the
>> > actual operation.
> Right now your RSA setkey function only works if you supply both
> the public key and the private key.  If the user supplies only one
> key how are you going to tell whether it's public or private?

User can supply only public key and invoke encrypt() or verify() without any 
When the user invokes decrypt() or sign() then it will work only after the 
setkey was
given a private key. This is checked in the actual operation.
So the user is responsible for providing an appropriate key for given operation.
We can split it if you think this is the right thing to do, but currently it 
works fine.

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