On Thu, 9 Oct 2014 17:54:10 +0300
Tudor Ambarus <tudor.amba...@freescale.com> wrote:

> +static int rfc4106_set_sh_desc(struct crypto_aead *aead)
> +     /*
> +      * Job Descriptor and Shared Descriptors
> +      * must all fit into the 64-word Descriptor h/w Buffer
> +      */
> +     if (DESC_RFC4106_DEC_LEN + DESC_JOB_IO_LEN +
> +         ctx->enckeylen <= CAAM_DESC_BYTES_MAX)
> +             key_fit_inline = true;

we need to reset encrypt descriptor's keys_fit_inline setting to
false before doing this.

Also, the singular of "keys_fit_inline" is "key_fits_inline", but
I'd prefer we not gratuitously rename the variable from the rest of
the driver's keys_fit_inline for consistency's sake, thanks.
[TA] Agreed.

> +     /*
> +      * Job Descriptor and Shared Descriptors
> +      * must all fit into the 64-word Descriptor h/w Buffer
> +      */
> +         ctx->split_key_pad_len + ctx->enckeylen <=
> +         CAAM_DESC_BYTES_MAX)
> +             key_fit_inline = true;

we need to reset the variable here too.
[TA] Agreed.

> +static int rfc4106_setauthsize(struct crypto_aead *authenc,
> +                            unsigned int authsize)
> +{
> +     struct caam_ctx *ctx = crypto_aead_ctx(authenc);
> +
> +     switch (authsize) {
> +     case 8:
> +     case 12:
> +     case 16:
> +             break;
> +     default:
> +             return -EINVAL;
> +     }

the h/w can handle more authsizes than that, so we
shouldn't be blocking it from doing so here.

[TA] rfc4106 says that "Implementations MUST support a full-length 16-octet 
ICV, and MAY support 8 or 12 octet ICVs, and MUST NOT support other ICV 
Do we want to support other ICV lengths?

> @@ -2601,6 +2986,23 @@ static struct caam_alg_template driver_algs[] = {
>                                  OP_ALG_AAI_HMAC_PRECOMP,
>               .alg_op = OP_ALG_ALGSEL_SHA512 | OP_ALG_AAI_HMAC,
>       },
> +     {
> +             .name = "rfc4106(gcm(aes))",
> +             .driver_name = "rfc4106-gcm-aes-caam",
> +             .blocksize = 1,
> +             .type = CRYPTO_ALG_TYPE_AEAD,
> +             .template_aead = {
> +                     .setkey = rfc4106_setkey,
> +                     .setauthsize = rfc4106_setauthsize,
> +                     .encrypt = aead_encrypt,
> +                     .decrypt = aead_decrypt,
> +                     .givencrypt = aead_givencrypt,
> +                     .geniv = "<built-in>",
> +                     .ivsize = 8,
> +                     .maxauthsize = 16,


[TA] I don't think we should change the blocksize value to AES_BLOCK_SIZE.

Thank you,


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