Add support for AES working in Galois Counter Mode.

There is a limitation related to IV size, similar to the one present in
SW implementation (crypto/gcm.c):
The only IV size allowed is 12 bytes. It will be padded by HW to the right
with 0x0000_0001 (up to 16 bytes - AES block size), according to the GCM

Signed-off-by: Tudor Ambarus <>
Signed-off-by: Horia Geanta <>
 drivers/crypto/caam/caamalg.c | 330 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 320 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/crypto/caam/caamalg.c b/drivers/crypto/caam/caamalg.c
index a80ea85..6178e95 100644
--- a/drivers/crypto/caam/caamalg.c
+++ b/drivers/crypto/caam/caamalg.c
@@ -74,6 +74,10 @@
+#define DESC_GCM_BASE                  (3 * CAAM_CMD_SZ)
+#define DESC_GCM_ENC_LEN               (DESC_GCM_BASE + 23 * CAAM_CMD_SZ)
+#define DESC_GCM_DEC_LEN               (DESC_GCM_BASE + 19 * CAAM_CMD_SZ)
 #define DESC_ABLKCIPHER_BASE           (3 * CAAM_CMD_SZ)
                                         20 * CAAM_CMD_SZ)
@@ -630,6 +634,235 @@ static int aead_setauthsize(struct crypto_aead *authenc,
        return 0;
+static int gcm_set_sh_desc(struct crypto_aead *aead)
+       struct aead_tfm *tfm = &aead->base.crt_aead;
+       struct caam_ctx *ctx = crypto_aead_ctx(aead);
+       struct device *jrdev = ctx->jrdev;
+       bool keys_fit_inline = false;
+       u32 *key_jump_cmd, *zero_payload_jump_cmd,
+           *zero_assoc_jump_cmd1, *zero_assoc_jump_cmd2;
+       u32 *desc;
+       if (!ctx->enckeylen || !ctx->authsize)
+               return 0;
+       /*
+        * AES GCM encrypt shared descriptor
+        * Job Descriptor and Shared Descriptor
+        * must fit into the 64-word Descriptor h/w Buffer
+        */
+           ctx->enckeylen <= CAAM_DESC_BYTES_MAX)
+               keys_fit_inline = true;
+       desc = ctx->sh_desc_enc;
+       init_sh_desc(desc, HDR_SHARE_SERIAL);
+       /* skip key loading if they are loaded due to sharing */
+       key_jump_cmd = append_jump(desc, JUMP_JSL | JUMP_TEST_ALL |
+                                  JUMP_COND_SHRD | JUMP_COND_SELF);
+       if (keys_fit_inline)
+               append_key_as_imm(desc, (void *)ctx->key, ctx->enckeylen,
+                                 ctx->enckeylen, CLASS_1 | KEY_DEST_CLASS_REG);
+       else
+               append_key(desc, ctx->key_dma, ctx->enckeylen,
+                          CLASS_1 | KEY_DEST_CLASS_REG);
+       set_jump_tgt_here(desc, key_jump_cmd);
+       /* class 1 operation */
+       append_operation(desc, ctx->class1_alg_type |
+                        OP_ALG_AS_INITFINAL | OP_ALG_ENCRYPT);
+       /* cryptlen = seqoutlen - authsize */
+       append_math_sub_imm_u32(desc, REG3, SEQOUTLEN, IMM, ctx->authsize);
+       /* assoclen + cryptlen = seqinlen - ivsize */
+       append_math_sub_imm_u32(desc, REG2, SEQINLEN, IMM, tfm->ivsize);
+       /* assoclen = (assoclen + cryptlen) - cryptlen */
+       append_math_sub(desc, REG1, REG2, REG3, CAAM_CMD_SZ);
+       /* if cryptlen is ZERO jump to zero-payload commands */
+       append_math_add(desc, VARSEQOUTLEN, ZERO, REG3, CAAM_CMD_SZ);
+       zero_payload_jump_cmd = append_jump(desc, JUMP_TEST_ALL |
+                                           JUMP_COND_MATH_Z);
+       /* read IV */
+       append_seq_fifo_load(desc, tfm->ivsize, FIFOLD_CLASS_CLASS1 |
+                            FIFOLD_TYPE_IV | FIFOLD_TYPE_FLUSH1);
+       /* if assoclen is ZERO, skip reading the assoc data */
+       append_math_add(desc, VARSEQINLEN, ZERO, REG1, CAAM_CMD_SZ);
+       zero_assoc_jump_cmd1 = append_jump(desc, JUMP_TEST_ALL |
+                                          JUMP_COND_MATH_Z);
+       /* read assoc data */
+       append_seq_fifo_load(desc, 0, FIFOLD_CLASS_CLASS1 | FIFOLDST_VLF |
+                            FIFOLD_TYPE_AAD | FIFOLD_TYPE_FLUSH1);
+       set_jump_tgt_here(desc, zero_assoc_jump_cmd1);
+       append_math_add(desc, VARSEQINLEN, ZERO, REG3, CAAM_CMD_SZ);
+       /* write encrypted data */
+       append_seq_fifo_store(desc, 0, FIFOST_TYPE_MESSAGE_DATA | FIFOLDST_VLF);
+       /* read payload data */
+       append_seq_fifo_load(desc, 0, FIFOLD_CLASS_CLASS1 | FIFOLDST_VLF |
+                            FIFOLD_TYPE_MSG | FIFOLD_TYPE_LAST1);
+       /* jump the zero-payload commands */
+       append_jump(desc, JUMP_TEST_ALL | 7);
+       /* zero-payload commands */
+       set_jump_tgt_here(desc, zero_payload_jump_cmd);
+       /* if assoclen is ZERO, jump to IV reading - is the only input data */
+       append_math_add(desc, VARSEQINLEN, ZERO, REG1, CAAM_CMD_SZ);
+       zero_assoc_jump_cmd2 = append_jump(desc, JUMP_TEST_ALL |
+                                          JUMP_COND_MATH_Z);
+       /* read IV */
+       append_seq_fifo_load(desc, tfm->ivsize, FIFOLD_CLASS_CLASS1 |
+                            FIFOLD_TYPE_IV | FIFOLD_TYPE_FLUSH1);
+       /* read assoc data */
+       append_seq_fifo_load(desc, 0, FIFOLD_CLASS_CLASS1 | FIFOLDST_VLF |
+                            FIFOLD_TYPE_AAD | FIFOLD_TYPE_LAST1);
+       /* jump to ICV writing */
+       append_jump(desc, JUMP_TEST_ALL | 2);
+       /* read IV - is the only input data */
+       set_jump_tgt_here(desc, zero_assoc_jump_cmd2);
+       append_seq_fifo_load(desc, tfm->ivsize, FIFOLD_CLASS_CLASS1 |
+                            FIFOLD_TYPE_IV | FIFOLD_TYPE_FLUSH1 |
+                            FIFOLD_TYPE_LAST1);
+       /* write ICV */
+       append_seq_store(desc, ctx->authsize, LDST_CLASS_1_CCB |
+                        LDST_SRCDST_BYTE_CONTEXT);
+       ctx->sh_desc_enc_dma = dma_map_single(jrdev, desc,
+                                             desc_bytes(desc),
+                                             DMA_TO_DEVICE);
+       if (dma_mapping_error(jrdev, ctx->sh_desc_enc_dma)) {
+               dev_err(jrdev, "unable to map shared descriptor\n");
+               return -ENOMEM;
+       }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+       print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR, "gcm enc shdesc@"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
+                      DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, desc,
+                      desc_bytes(desc), 1);
+       /*
+        * Job Descriptor and Shared Descriptors
+        * must all fit into the 64-word Descriptor h/w Buffer
+        */
+           ctx->enckeylen <= CAAM_DESC_BYTES_MAX)
+               keys_fit_inline = true;
+       desc = ctx->sh_desc_dec;
+       init_sh_desc(desc, HDR_SHARE_SERIAL);
+       /* skip key loading if they are loaded due to sharing */
+       key_jump_cmd = append_jump(desc, JUMP_JSL |
+                                  JUMP_TEST_ALL | JUMP_COND_SHRD |
+                                  JUMP_COND_SELF);
+       if (keys_fit_inline)
+               append_key_as_imm(desc, (void *)ctx->key, ctx->enckeylen,
+                                 ctx->enckeylen, CLASS_1 | KEY_DEST_CLASS_REG);
+       else
+               append_key(desc, ctx->key_dma, ctx->enckeylen,
+                          CLASS_1 | KEY_DEST_CLASS_REG);
+       set_jump_tgt_here(desc, key_jump_cmd);
+       /* class 1 operation */
+       append_operation(desc, ctx->class1_alg_type |
+                        OP_ALG_AS_INITFINAL | OP_ALG_DECRYPT | OP_ALG_ICV_ON);
+       /* assoclen + cryptlen = seqinlen - ivsize - icvsize */
+       append_math_sub_imm_u32(desc, REG3, SEQINLEN, IMM,
+                               ctx->authsize + tfm->ivsize);
+       /* assoclen = (assoclen + cryptlen) - cryptlen */
+       append_math_sub(desc, REG2, SEQOUTLEN, REG0, CAAM_CMD_SZ);
+       append_math_sub(desc, REG1, REG3, REG2, CAAM_CMD_SZ);
+       /* read IV */
+       append_seq_fifo_load(desc, tfm->ivsize, FIFOLD_CLASS_CLASS1 |
+                            FIFOLD_TYPE_IV | FIFOLD_TYPE_FLUSH1);
+       /* jump to zero-payload command if cryptlen is zero */
+       append_math_add(desc, VARSEQOUTLEN, ZERO, REG2, CAAM_CMD_SZ);
+       zero_payload_jump_cmd = append_jump(desc, JUMP_TEST_ALL |
+                                           JUMP_COND_MATH_Z);
+       append_math_add(desc, VARSEQINLEN, ZERO, REG1, CAAM_CMD_SZ);
+       /* if asoclen is ZERO, skip reading assoc data */
+       zero_assoc_jump_cmd1 = append_jump(desc, JUMP_TEST_ALL |
+                                          JUMP_COND_MATH_Z);
+       /* read assoc data */
+       append_seq_fifo_load(desc, 0, FIFOLD_CLASS_CLASS1 | FIFOLDST_VLF |
+                            FIFOLD_TYPE_AAD | FIFOLD_TYPE_FLUSH1);
+       set_jump_tgt_here(desc, zero_assoc_jump_cmd1);
+       append_math_add(desc, VARSEQINLEN, ZERO, REG2, CAAM_CMD_SZ);
+       /* store encrypted data */
+       append_seq_fifo_store(desc, 0, FIFOST_TYPE_MESSAGE_DATA | FIFOLDST_VLF);
+       /* read payload data */
+       append_seq_fifo_load(desc, 0, FIFOLD_CLASS_CLASS1 | FIFOLDST_VLF |
+                            FIFOLD_TYPE_MSG | FIFOLD_TYPE_FLUSH1);
+       /* jump the zero-payload commands */
+       append_jump(desc, JUMP_TEST_ALL | 4);
+       /* zero-payload command */
+       set_jump_tgt_here(desc, zero_payload_jump_cmd);
+       /* if assoclen is ZERO, jump to ICV reading */
+       append_math_add(desc, VARSEQINLEN, ZERO, REG1, CAAM_CMD_SZ);
+       zero_assoc_jump_cmd2 = append_jump(desc, JUMP_TEST_ALL |
+                                          JUMP_COND_MATH_Z);
+       /* read assoc data */
+       append_seq_fifo_load(desc, 0, FIFOLD_CLASS_CLASS1 | FIFOLDST_VLF |
+                            FIFOLD_TYPE_AAD | FIFOLD_TYPE_FLUSH1);
+       set_jump_tgt_here(desc, zero_assoc_jump_cmd2);
+       /* read ICV */
+       append_seq_fifo_load(desc, ctx->authsize, FIFOLD_CLASS_CLASS1 |
+                            FIFOLD_TYPE_ICV | FIFOLD_TYPE_LAST1);
+       ctx->sh_desc_dec_dma = dma_map_single(jrdev, desc,
+                                             desc_bytes(desc),
+                                             DMA_TO_DEVICE);
+       if (dma_mapping_error(jrdev, ctx->sh_desc_dec_dma)) {
+               dev_err(jrdev, "unable to map shared descriptor\n");
+               return -ENOMEM;
+       }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+       print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR, "gcm dec shdesc@"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
+                      DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, desc,
+                      desc_bytes(desc), 1);
+       return 0;
+static int gcm_setauthsize(struct crypto_aead *authenc, unsigned int authsize)
+       struct caam_ctx *ctx = crypto_aead_ctx(authenc);
+       ctx->authsize = authsize;
+       gcm_set_sh_desc(authenc);
+       return 0;
 static u32 gen_split_aead_key(struct caam_ctx *ctx, const u8 *key_in,
                              u32 authkeylen)
@@ -703,6 +936,36 @@ badkey:
        return -EINVAL;
+static int gcm_setkey(struct crypto_aead *aead,
+                     const u8 *key, unsigned int keylen)
+       struct caam_ctx *ctx = crypto_aead_ctx(aead);
+       struct device *jrdev = ctx->jrdev;
+       int ret = 0;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+       print_hex_dump(KERN_ERR, "key in @"__stringify(__LINE__)": ",
+                      DUMP_PREFIX_ADDRESS, 16, 4, key, keylen, 1);
+       memcpy(ctx->key, key, keylen);
+       ctx->key_dma = dma_map_single(jrdev, ctx->key, keylen,
+                                     DMA_TO_DEVICE);
+       if (dma_mapping_error(jrdev, ctx->key_dma)) {
+               dev_err(jrdev, "unable to map key i/o memory\n");
+               return -ENOMEM;
+       }
+       ctx->enckeylen = keylen;
+       ret = gcm_set_sh_desc(aead);
+       if (ret) {
+               dma_unmap_single(jrdev, ctx->key_dma, ctx->enckeylen,
+                                DMA_TO_DEVICE);
+       }
+       return ret;
 static int ablkcipher_setkey(struct crypto_ablkcipher *ablkcipher,
                             const u8 *key, unsigned int keylen)
@@ -1292,6 +1555,7 @@ static struct aead_edesc *aead_edesc_alloc(struct 
aead_request *req,
        int ivsize = crypto_aead_ivsize(aead);
        int sec4_sg_index, sec4_sg_len = 0, sec4_sg_bytes;
        unsigned int authsize = ctx->authsize;
+       bool is_gcm = false;
        assoc_nents = sg_count(req->assoc, req->assoclen, &assoc_chained);
@@ -1326,15 +1590,31 @@ static struct aead_edesc *aead_edesc_alloc(struct 
aead_request *req,
                return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
-       /* Check if data are contiguous */
-       if (assoc_nents || sg_dma_address(req->assoc) + req->assoclen !=
-           iv_dma || src_nents || iv_dma + ivsize !=
-           sg_dma_address(req->src)) {
-               all_contig = false;
+       if (((ctx->class1_alg_type & OP_ALG_ALGSEL_MASK) ==
+             OP_ALG_ALGSEL_AES) &&
+           ((ctx->class1_alg_type & OP_ALG_AAI_MASK) == OP_ALG_AAI_GCM))
+               is_gcm = true;
+       /*
+        * Check if data are contiguous.
+        * GCM expected input sequence: IV, AAD, text
+        * All other - expected input sequence: AAD, IV, text
+        */
+       if (is_gcm)
+               all_contig = (!assoc_nents &&
+                             iv_dma + ivsize == sg_dma_address(req->assoc) &&
+                             !src_nents && sg_dma_address(req->assoc) +
+                             req->assoclen == sg_dma_address(req->src));
+       else
+               all_contig = (!assoc_nents && sg_dma_address(req->assoc) +
+                             req->assoclen == iv_dma && !src_nents &&
+                             iv_dma + ivsize == sg_dma_address(req->src));
+       if (!all_contig) {
                assoc_nents = assoc_nents ? : 1;
                src_nents = src_nents ? : 1;
                sec4_sg_len = assoc_nents + 1 + src_nents;
        sec4_sg_len += dst_nents;
        sec4_sg_bytes = sec4_sg_len * sizeof(struct sec4_sg_entry);
@@ -1361,14 +1641,26 @@ static struct aead_edesc *aead_edesc_alloc(struct 
aead_request *req,
        sec4_sg_index = 0;
        if (!all_contig) {
-               sg_to_sec4_sg(req->assoc,
-                             (assoc_nents ? : 1),
-                             edesc->sec4_sg +
-                             sec4_sg_index, 0);
-               sec4_sg_index += assoc_nents ? : 1;
+               if (!is_gcm) {
+                       sg_to_sec4_sg(req->assoc,
+                                     (assoc_nents ? : 1),
+                                     edesc->sec4_sg +
+                                     sec4_sg_index, 0);
+                       sec4_sg_index += assoc_nents ? : 1;
+               }
                dma_to_sec4_sg_one(edesc->sec4_sg + sec4_sg_index,
                                   iv_dma, ivsize, 0);
                sec4_sg_index += 1;
+               if (is_gcm) {
+                       sg_to_sec4_sg(req->assoc,
+                                     (assoc_nents ? : 1),
+                                     edesc->sec4_sg +
+                                     sec4_sg_index, 0);
+                       sec4_sg_index += assoc_nents ? : 1;
+               }
                                   (src_nents ? : 1),
                                   edesc->sec4_sg +
@@ -2309,6 +2601,24 @@ static struct caam_alg_template driver_algs[] = {
                .alg_op = OP_ALG_ALGSEL_SHA512 | OP_ALG_AAI_HMAC,
+       /* Galois Counter Mode */
+       {
+               .name = "gcm(aes)",
+               .driver_name = "gcm-aes-caam",
+               .blocksize = 1,
+               .type = CRYPTO_ALG_TYPE_AEAD,
+               .template_aead = {
+                       .setkey = gcm_setkey,
+                       .setauthsize = gcm_setauthsize,
+                       .encrypt = aead_encrypt,
+                       .decrypt = aead_decrypt,
+                       .givencrypt = NULL,
+                       .geniv = "<built-in>",
+                       .ivsize = 12,
+                       .maxauthsize = 16,
+                       },
+               .class1_alg_type = OP_ALG_ALGSEL_AES | OP_ALG_AAI_GCM,
+       },
        /* ablkcipher descriptor */
                .name = "cbc(aes)",

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