On Mon, Sep 09, 2013 at 06:56:27PM +0300, Alex Porosanu wrote:
> This patch series attempts to fix some identified issues and add some new
> functionalities regarding the RNG4 block in the CAAM driver:
> o if the CAAM driver isn't properly instantiated (e.g. RNG4 initialization
>   fails), then there's an illegal memory access generated by the modules
>   depending on it; patch 1 in the patch-set fixes this;
> o if the CAAM module is removed, the state handles are not uninstantiated;
>   patch 3  in the patch-set adds the necessary descriptor to uninstantiate
>   state handle 0;
> o the RNG4 block in CAAM needs to be 'seeded' first before being used
>   for generating pseudo-random data. The 'seeding' is done by getting
>   entropy from the TRNG ring oscillator. The RTFRQMAX register controls
>   the maximum allowable number of samples that can be acquired during
>   an entropy sample. Depending on the clock at which the RNG4 block
>   (and for that matter the SEC block) runs, it's possible that a
>   hard-coded value for the maximum frequency is inadequate, i.e. more
>   samples than needed are taken. This leads to failures on devices
>   like BSC913x. Patch number 2 fixes this issue by using a kind of
>   a software loop to increase the maximum number of samples taken
>   until the state handle can be properly initialized; o there are two
>   state handles present in the RNG4 block and only one
>   is initialized; patch 5 in the patch-set fixes this issue, also
>   adding the necessary code for deinstantiation only the handles that were
>   instantiated by the driver.

All applied.  Thanks.
Email: Herbert Xu <herb...@gondor.apana.org.au>
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