This patch series attempts to fix some identified issues and add some new
functionalities regarding the RNG4 block in the CAAM driver:
o if the CAAM driver isn't properly instantiated (e.g. RNG4 initialization
  fails), then there's an illegal memory access generated by the modules
  depending on it; patch 1 in the patch-set fixes this;
o if the CAAM module is removed, the state handles are not uninstantiated;
  patch 3  in the patch-set adds the necessary descriptor to uninstantiate
  state handle 0;
o the RNG4 block in CAAM needs to be 'seeded' first before being used
  for generating pseudo-random data. The 'seeding' is done by getting
  entropy from the TRNG ring oscillator. The RTFRQMAX register controls
  the maximum allowable number of samples that can be acquired during
  an entropy sample. Depending on the clock at which the RNG4 block
  (and for that matter the SEC block) runs, it's possible that a
  hard-coded value for the maximum frequency is inadequate, i.e. more
  samples than needed are taken. This leads to failures on devices
  like BSC913x. Patch number 2 fixes this issue by using a kind of
  a software loop to increase the maximum number of samples taken
  until the state handle can be properly initialized; o there are two
  state handles present in the RNG4 block and only one
  is initialized; patch 5 in the patch-set fixes this issue, also
  adding the necessary code for deinstantiation only the handles that were
  instantiated by the driver.

Alex Porosanu (7):
  crypto: caam - fix RNG state handle instantiation descriptor
  crypto: caam - fix hash, alg and rng registration if CAAM driver not
  crypto: caam - fix RNG4 instantiation
  crypto: caam - split RNG4 instantiation function
  crypto: caam - uninstantiate RNG state handle 0 if instantiated by
    caam driver
  crypto: caam - fix RNG4 AAI defines
  crypto: caam - enable instantiation of all RNG4 state handles

 drivers/crypto/caam/caamalg.c  |    7 +
 drivers/crypto/caam/caamhash.c |    7 +
 drivers/crypto/caam/caamrng.c  |    7 +
 drivers/crypto/caam/ctrl.c     |  400 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 drivers/crypto/caam/desc.h     |   17 +-
 drivers/crypto/caam/intern.h   |    6 +
 drivers/crypto/caam/regs.h     |   14 +-
 7 files changed, 364 insertions(+), 94 deletions(-)


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