Miloslav Trmac wrote:
> ----- "Stefan Richter" <> wrote:
>> Miloslav Trmač wrote:
>>> --- /dev/null
>>> +++ b/crypto/userspace/utils.c
>> [...]
>>> +#ifdef CONFIG_COMPAT
>>> +/* max() is too clever for compile-time constants */
>>> +#define CONST_MAX(A, B) ((A) > (B) ? (A) : (B))
>>> +
>>> +#define MAX_SESSION_INPUT_DATA_SIZE                                        
>>> \
>>> +   (CONST_MAX(sizeof(struct ncr_session_input_data),               \
>>> +              sizeof(struct compat_ncr_session_input_data)))
>>> +#define MAX_SESSION_OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE                                     
>>> \
>>> +   (CONST_MAX(sizeof(struct ncr_session_output_buffer),            \
>>> +              sizeof(struct compat_ncr_session_output_buffer)))
>>> +
>>> +#else /* !CONFIG_COMPAT */
>>> +
>>> +#define MAX_SESSION_INPUT_DATA_SIZE (sizeof(struct ncr_session_input_data))
>>> +#define MAX_SESSION_OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE                     \
>>> +   (sizeof(struct ncr_session_output_buffer))
>>> +
>>> +#endif /* !CONFIG_COMPAT */
>> struct compat_xyz cannot be bigger than struct xyz, can it?
> Perhaps not, but the code has been written and it's easier to keep it than to
> speculate :)

What's there to speculate? :-)  COMPAT = 32bit user on 64bit kernel.  The
latter has larger long and pointers and possibly different alignment of 64bit

> It also helps document the fact that the data format depends on properties of
> the userspace.

Since it is a new ABI, it can be written to not need COMPAT ifdef'ery nor
compat handlers.
Stefan Richter
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