thanks your review and all comments.

----- "Linus Walleij" <linus.wall...@stericsson.com> wrote:
>    For internal keys, a function for compare of HMAC function results
>    could improve security considerably.
I'm afraid I don't understand what this refers to.  Can you give me an example? 
 (You already can use OP_VERIFY with a HMAC, provide it the key, input data and 
incoming HMAC value, and receive a pass/fail indication.)

> 3. A general interface for stream ciphers would be nice. The only differences
>    are that they do not operate on blocks, but bits, and that they always 
> require
>    an IV.
I think this is already supported: the IV is specified in "session init" 
operation, subsequent "session update" operations use a single 
crypto_ablkcipher that implicitly carries the IV through the chain of 
"update"s.  Is that not sufficient?

> - The big patch 0002 to crypto/userspace is including the Makefile
>   changes for patch 0004 making it non-bisectable. Also it is very large,
>   is it possible to break it down a little?
It must be :)  I was lazy when posting it for initial review.

> Many files are prefixed "ncr-*"
>   and I don't see why - can this prefix simply be removed?
I suppose so - originally the module included two separate interfaces, "ncr-*" 
corresponds to the ncr.h inteface.

>   I hope the patch 0004 with software fallbacks is not strictly required
>   by the userspace API so these two can be considered separately?
Those are not fallbacks - AFAIK there is currently no RSA/DSA implementation in 
the kernel.  It can be separated from the userspace API at the cost of loss of 

>   Else can you describe how the dependecies go.. surely  it must be
>   possible to patch in the software fallbacks in libtom* separately?
Right now ncr-dh.c and ncr-pk.c depend on libtomcrypt, and libtomcrypt depends 
on some utilities in patch 2/4.  At least the second dependency can be 

> - The big patch containing the entire libtomcrypt should be destined to
>   drivers/staging or similar at this point (OK it is not a driver, should have
>   been lib/staging if such a thing existed). The sheer size of it makes it 
> very
>   hard to review, and all attempts at breaking it in smaller pieces would
>   be much appreciated.
As noted in the patch, we are considering replacing this with a libgcrypt-based 
implementation; this was included mainly for functional completeness.

Thanks again for the comments,
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