Jivin Ronen Shitrit lays it down ...
> Hi
> I'm working on a device which include HW acceleration for few Encryption
> Alg (AES, DES and 3DES) and few digest Alg (SHA1 and MD5).
> My plan is to add support for this HW acceleration in a way that both
> the IPSec and the dm-crypt will be able to use it, 
> In order to do so in efficient way I must use the HW engines in
> asynchronous way.
> I did some research and went over the entire mailing list and found,
> that there are 2 main frameworks for Asynchronous crypto support,
> both seems stable and both support few HW accelerators:
>         Acrypto:    http://tservice.net.ru/~s0mbre/archive/acrypto/
>                         http://lwn.net/Articles/109475/ 
>                       with patch for using Acrypto through the IPsec,
>                       but won't have any further development?
> http://lwn.net/Articles/146802/
>         Linux-OCF: http://ocf-linux.sourceforge.net/
>                       no specific patch for using kernel IPSec, 
>                       under constant development.
> I also noticed another mail, asking the same question, but he didn't get
> any firm answer:
>     http://lists.logix.cz/pipermail/cryptoapi/2005/000470.html

Probably because there is no firm answer :-) :-)

> Any suggestion which framework should be used?
> Any idea which framework is going to be integrated to the kernel
> mainline?

No idea.

> Any suggestion which framework is easier for use? or more stable?
> Any patch for using the dm-crypt with any of the above framework?

Not that I know of.

> Any help will be appreciated.

You didn't say what you are wishing to accelerate and in what
environment (kernel, user, apps)?  That may make your choice
a little easier.

Either way you are going to have to write a driver,  so the effort
there will be similar.  So the difference *may* be in the application


David McCullough, [EMAIL PROTECTED], Custom Embedded Solutions + Security
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