On Tue, Aug 23, 2005 at 05:23:40PM +0300, Ronen Shitrit ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
> Hi


> I'm working on a device which include HW acceleration for few Encryption
> Alg (AES, DES and 3DES) and few digest Alg (SHA1 and MD5).
> My plan is to add support for this HW acceleration in a way that both
> the IPSec and the dm-crypt will be able to use it, 
> In order to do so in efficient way I must use the HW engines in
> asynchronous way.
> I did some research and went over the entire mailing list and found,
> that there are 2 main frameworks for Asynchronous crypto support,
> both seems stable and both support few HW accelerators:
>         Acrypto:    http://tservice.net.ru/~s0mbre/archive/acrypto/
>                         http://lwn.net/Articles/109475/ 
>                       with patch for using Acrypto through the IPsec,
>                       but won't have any further development?
> http://lwn.net/Articles/146802/

As author of this stack I can say that it is currently under
development. Next pont is to support in-kernel input IPsec processing.
Development is not stopped, it is shifted into application area.

>         Linux-OCF: http://ocf-linux.sourceforge.net/
>                       no specific patch for using kernel IPSec, 
>                       under constant development.
> I also noticed another mail, asking the same question, but he didn't get
> any firm answer:
>     http://lists.logix.cz/pipermail/cryptoapi/2005/000470.html
> Any suggestion which framework should be used?

If your device supports synchronous crypto processing, like
VIA/FreeScale processors, you can even use existing synchronous crypto
stack. Herbert Xu, current linux kernel crypto maintainer, recently
added new scatterlist walkers which allow drivers to use whole pages
of data, which dramatically improoves performance.

> Any idea which framework is going to be integrated to the kernel
> mainline?

In the near future neither I think.
There is alternative to both asynchronous crypto stack, which is based
on existing synchronoust SW stack, but it is only in early stage of 
development, so let's wait until it is done.

> Any suggestion which framework is easier for use? or more stable?

I will not answer this question as person concerned :)

> Any patch for using the dm-crypt with any of the above framework?

Not yet.

> Any help will be appreciated.

Hope this helps.

> Regards
> Ronen Shitrit 
> Marvell Semiconductor Israel Ltd

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