--- Comment #4 from ---
I have tried to use this one but it just doesn't work, my problem with this
design is that it gets too much screen space, the Nemo horizontal solution
ideal, less menus and screen space means more effective work.

I think tags may even have advantage with this ( X tag means X color), but tags
as it is today are too slow and too much work for the kind of workflow i am
talking about. 

Tags are very useful when things are already organized, not when you have to
manually check 30.000 files.


1 - Nemo color switcher menu is a MUST, horizontal bar inside the context menu
with nothing else, just "blue this" and "red that" is by far the best option.
2 - When it comes to tags to organize files, the MacOS tag manager is by far
the best option (create a tag, associate a color to the tag, associate the file
to the tag and the file gets the color accent), working organizing files for a
long time i insist that tags are most useful when you have all files organized
in the same folder ALREADY and basically useless when having different folders
(and that's when color folder switcher shines).

They are close, but not the same, let me give you a very simple example:

I want to organize my files in folders like this: Audio, Video, Images.
And i have folder inside folder inside folder... So i just go to a folder,
switch to a color, move everything to that, then i just get every "blue" and
move it to Audio, every "green" and move it to "Video" and every "red" and move
it to "Images". Fast and simple.

Now let's suppose i have a very specific tag called "fun/comedy", i can find
content with this tag in all kinds of folders BUT it is faster when i am
accessing the /Videos/Movies/ and i can see the tag for "fun/comedy" in a file
and i can immediately find the "Adam Sandler" movie i was searching for. Get

So tags are useful for specific files in the folder you are seeing and folder
color switches are useful for large groups of files inside folders outside the
folder you see atm.

IF you want ME to make a case for the situation WITH TAGS, i can see a better
solution BUT unless you have "color tags" by default (no color / no change,
sand, yellow, orange, brown, red, purple, pink, blue, aqua, teal, grey) in a
horizontal bar inside the context menu (just like Nemo or MacOS and nothing
more, please), that 1 - changes folders colors AND 2 - shows the "🔴" at the
start of the name of the files and folders then they can't work together.

But i have an idea for this...

1 - Put the "Tag" menu visible on the sidebar by default (or with an option to
always turn on just like MacOS), for easy visualization (take a look at
screenshot1) with the default colors (no color / no change, sand, yellow,
orange, brown, red, purple, pink, blue, aqua, teal, grey) FROM THE START. The
tag menu SHOULD have the "only show tag results inside the actual folder"
option (so when i click red i don't see anything outside the folder atm).

Explanation: If i am inside the /Videos/Movies/ folder and hit "🔴  Red" i can
immediately find what i am searching for with 1 click.

2 - Change the "create a tag menu" to a "manage tags menu" that can associate
tags with colors (and even no color/no change), rename, add or remove, enable
and disable tags (just like MacOS, take a look at screenshot2).

Explanation: For this to work the tags MUST be managed on their own and BEFORE
attach to a file and not ON THE ACT to attach to a file, so outside the "create
tag/attach tag" menu.

3 - Tags change the folder icon to the color associated with the tag which by
default is (no color / no change , sand, yellow, orange, brown, red, purple,
pink, blue, aqua, teal, grey), and always change the names of the files and
folders to include the "🔴" at the start of the name. If the folders have more
than 1 tag then they use the default icon and just get the "🔴" at the start of
the name just like files.

Explanation: This makes the "change folder color" work in the same context of
the tags without the need to be a completely different thing and having the
exact functionality as Nemo color switcher.

- Files and folders MAY have more than 1 tag;
- The tag should ALWAYS be visible at the start of the name of the file/folder
(just like MacOS, take a look at screenshot3);
- The files/folders should not lose the tag/color association if that tag is
changed in any way (unless the tag is deleted of course);

This way i can see they working together magically, but please throw away the
"Create a tag" menu and let's have a "proper Tag Management Window" with the
following functions: Associate tags with colors (and even no color/no change),
rename, add or remove, enable and disable tags (cause sometimes you don't want
to delete a tag but don't want that enabled either). This way i can just tag a
color for something and then manage what the color means, with this workflow
actions like "move all reds to green folder" would work amazingly.

Imho this would be a killer feature

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