--- Comment #14 from Alexandre Pereira <> ---
> Interesting, I wonder if another factor is at play or causing the scaling to 
> be wrong in cases. On my system and liveCD tests, the merged changes to 
> duration and easing cause the WindowHeap transitions to match every other 
> effect, when they didn't before. Even the old duration of 300ms is too quick. 

Its strange, here it was "on par" with other effects, which I then used a 1.4
animation factor ( one tick just to the left of default ).

> I just spun up a new local user with no config, tried plus and minus 2 ticks 
> on the global Animation Speed slider, and compared the Overview and Desktop 
> Grid against the open/close Window Animations (Fade, Glide, Scale) and 
> Minimize effects, they still match up for me and look very consistent. Even 
> extremes on the scale match up, and i'm honestly wondering why the scale is 
> so large as the center 5 ticks are the most distinct.

Yes, i agree, the extreme values are way ... extreme :) If Nate has no issue, I
could supply a patch to make it less "extreme" and more granular.
Its extremely weird, because the other effects are all around 150ms~200ms. even
old present windows. And here is very very noticeable.

> Could something in config be overriding the duration and throwing things off 
> on some environments but not all? For instance, I removed this line in my 
> config a year or so ago (around 5.23 release when things regressed) to fix 
> the issue in the title: 
> It makes me wonder if a similar thing is occurring with the Windowheap 
> effects for some users, possibly even the systems that 400ms look good on 
> (liveCD though..) I've also tested the durations with a 60hz laptop while on 
> a trip this last week, to rule out higher refresh displays being an edge case.

I can try a kde neon live cd in the weekend or earlier if I can. But that
setting is correct here. I tend to keep an eye on it, because there was a bug
that used to reset it, which David Edmundson fixed. ( he also fixed other bugs,
like this one:

Just to clear one possible issue, you are also using kde git version, correct?
Also as a workaround, the slide/glide effect allow to specify the duration.
Overriding it to 400 makes it more similar in timings to the overview/present
windows now.

So something weird is happening here... I don't know if its not my system at
fault, but I checked the kwinrc variable (it should NOT have one) and the
kdeglobals one (which can actually be a custom number if one edits it

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