--- Comment #5 from Natalie Clarius <> ---
(In reply to guimarcalsilva from comment #3)
> (In reply to Natalie Clarius from comment #2)
> > >  I believe it's better to investigate why some people would want to 
> > > disable the animation and fix whatever causes that need instead.
> > 
> > As one of those people, I simply find it unaesthetic, annoying and
> > distracting. I don't want stuff hanging around, blinking or sillily bouncing
> > around on my desktop. Especially considering that, as opposed to dialog
> > windows or the like that need my reaction, the launch feedback is something
> > the user neither needs to nor even can act on, it's just sitting there with
> > no way to get it out of the way.
> > 
> > While I don't doubt  the possibility that some may find it useful, I myself
> > actually did not even understand what it is and what it does until I
> > accidentally came across it while digging though the system settings.
> > 
> > The only way to properly "fix" for those who have the resons I gave is the
> > option to turn this off altogether, so I would like to advocate in favor in
> > favor of not just eliminating the option to disable this.
> The animation has the functional purpose of giving feedback to the user that
> the app is being loaded in the background, the same way a loading bar tells
> the user operations are still happening. Without it, if the user clicks on
> something and it doesn't open right away, they won't know if they misclicked 
> or if it's just taking too long to load.

That's what I pieced together when I learnt it was a "launch feedback", but I
could actually not make sense of it just from the animation,  and still never
found it particularly useful.

> Would a more common busy
> cursor spinner be a better option in your opinion? (You can see what it
> would look like in System Settings > Appearance > Cursors > Second cursor
> from the ones shown)

Yes, I think that would alleviate both points: It would probably convey more
clearly what it means, and be a bit less obtrusive visually.

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