--- Comment #3 from ---
(In reply to Natalie Clarius from comment #2)
> >  I believe it's better to investigate why some people would want to disable 
> > the animation and fix whatever causes that need instead.
> As one of those people, I simply find it unaesthetic, annoying and
> distracting. I don't want stuff hanging around, blinking or sillily bouncing
> around on my desktop. Especially considering that, as opposed to dialog
> windows or the like that need my reaction, the launch feedback is something
> the user neither needs to nor even can act on, it's just sitting there with
> no way to get it out of the way.
> While I don't doubt  the possibility that some may find it useful, I myself
> actually did not even understand what it is and what it does until I
> accidentally came across it while digging though the system settings.
> The only way to properly "fix" for those who have the resons I gave is the
> option to turn this off altogether, so I would like to advocate in favor in
> favor of not just eliminating the option to disable this.

The animation has the functional purpose of giving feedback to the user that
the app is being loaded in the background, the same way a loading bar tells the
user operations are still happening. Without it, if the user clicks on
something and it doesn't open right away, they won  Would a more common busy
cursor spinner be a better option in your opinion? (You can see what it would
look like in System Settings > Appearance > Cursors > Second cursor from the
ones shown)

A toggle to disable the animation is not ideal since it allows the user to
remove important feedback about the state of the system, making the UX worse.
However, if the current animation is not ideal, then it can be included
temporarily until that issue is resolved.

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