Bug ID: 365878 Summary: When define search column this is not saved Product: kexi Version: 3.0 Alpha Platform: Compiled Sources OS: Linux Status: UNCONFIRMED Severity: normal Priority: NOR Component: General Assignee: Reporter: CC:, When set a search configuration for a field in the tab column serch and click the Save button, close the table and later reopen it in edition mode the changes are no there. There is some debug info when I execute these steps: OK ("createdb") OK ("create-opendb") OK ("dropdb") OK ("drv", "dbdriver") OK ("t", "type") OK ("conn", "connection") OK ("readonly") OK ("user-mode") OK ("design-mode") OK ("show-navigator") OK ("hide-menu") OK ("open") OK ("design") OK ("edittext") OK ("exec", "execute") OK ("new") OK ("u", "user") OK ("h", "host") OK ("port") OK ("socket", "local-socket") OK ("skip-conn-dialog") OK ("f", "fullscreen") OK ("list-plugins") ("./kexi") QCommandLineParser: option not defined: "author" QCommandLineParser: option not defined: "license" QCommandLineParser: option not defined: "desktopfile" "get_url" QObject::connect: Use the SLOT or SIGNAL macro to connect KexiWelcomeStatusBarGuiUpdater::slotRedirectLoaded "" No URL Redirect "\"ver\":\"1.3\",\"uid\":\"{16e87db5-a71a-42a0-b849-3634a10457d6}\",\"app_ver\":\"3.0 Alpha\",\"app_ver_major\":\"2\",\"app_ver_minor\":\"99\",\"app_ver_release\":\"89\",\"kde_ver\":\"5.18.0\",\"kde_ver_major\":\"5\",\"kde_ver_minor\":\"18\",\"kde_ver_release\":\"0\",\"os\":\"linux\",\"running_desktop\":\"GNOME\",\"linux_id\":\"Ubuntu GNOME\",\"linux_desc\":\"Ubuntu 16.04 LTS\",\"linux_rel\":\"16.04\",\"os_release\":\"4.4.0-31-generic\",\"os_machine\":\"x86_64\",\"screen_width\":\"1920\",\"screen_height\":\"1080\",\"screen_count\":\"1\",\"country\":\"Colombia\",\"language\":\"Spanish\",\"date_format\":\"dddd, d 'de' MMMM 'de' yyyy\",\"short_date_format\":\"d\\/MM\\/yy\",\"time_format\":\"h:mm:ss AP t\",\"right_to_left\":\"false\"" "ok" org.kde.kdb.sqlitedriver: "/home/juan/prueba2.kexi.kexi" org.kde.kdb.sqlitedriver: org.kde.kdb.core: TABLE KDbObject: ID=-1 NAME="kexi__objects" CAPTION="" DESC="" - "o_id" UNSIGNED Integer AUTOINC UNIQUE PKEY NOTNULL NOTEMPTY - "o_type" UNSIGNED Byte - "o_name" Text - "o_caption" Text - "o_desc" LongText 1 1 schema is 0xc987b0 QPainter::begin: Cannot paint on an image with the QImage::Format_Indexed8 format QPainter::setCompositionMode: Painter not active QMargins(1, 31, 0, 0) QWidget::setMinimumSize: (verticalHeader/KexiTableScrollAreaHeader) Negative sizes (20,-1) are not possible QPainter::begin: Cannot paint on an image with the QImage::Format_Indexed8 format QPainter::setCompositionMode: Painter not active QMargins(1, 1, 0, 0) org.kde.kdb.core: 0xc987b0 alias= "" org.kde.kdb.core: bound to table -1 org.kde.kdb.core: <NOT SPECIFIED> org.kde.kdb.core: tablesBoundToColumns == [ "-1 " ] org.kde.kdb.core: bound to table -1 org.kde.kdb.core: <NOT SPECIFIED> org.kde.kdb.core: tablesBoundToColumns == [ "-1 -1 " ] org.kde.kdb.core: bound to table -1 org.kde.kdb.core: <NOT SPECIFIED> org.kde.kdb.core: tablesBoundToColumns == [ "-1 -1 -1 " ] org.kde.kdb.core: bound to table -1 org.kde.kdb.core: <NOT SPECIFIED> org.kde.kdb.core: tablesBoundToColumns == [ "-1 -1 -1 -1 " ] org.kde.kdb.core: caching (unexpanded) column's order: "user.""id2" UNSIGNED BigInteger AUTOINC UNIQUE PKEY NOTNULL NOTEMPTY "" at position 0 org.kde.kdb.core: caching (unexpanded) column's order: "user.""id" Integer "" at position 1 org.kde.kdb.core: caching (unexpanded) column's order: "user.""nombre" Text "" at position 2 org.kde.kdb.core: caching (unexpanded) column's order: "user.""role" Text "" at position 3 org.kde.kdb.core: "INDEX" KDbObject: ID=-1 NAME="" CAPTION="" DESC="" AUTOGENERATED PRIMARY - "id2" UNSIGNED BigInteger AUTOINC UNIQUE PKEY NOTNULL NOTEMPTY org.kde.kdb.core: FIELD "id2" IS IN PKEY AT POSITION # 0 org.kde.kdb.core: 1 OUT OF 1 PKEY'S FIELDS FOUND IN QUERY "user" destroying old data (owned) QWidget::setMinimumSize: (verticalHeader/KexiTableScrollAreaHeader) Negative sizes (20,-1) are not possible QMargins(21, 19, 0, 0) QWidget::setMinimumSize: (verticalHeader/KexiTableScrollAreaHeader) Negative sizes (20,-1) are not possible Clicked just on 'insert' record. Clicked just on 'insert' record. Clicked just on 'insert' record. EMPTY VALUE WILL BE SET ------ EDIT BUFFER CHANGED TO: RecordEditBuffer type=DB-AWARE, 1 items * field name="role"val="" -- INSERTING: RecordEditBuffer type=DB-AWARE, 1 items * field name="role"val="" EDIT RECORD ACCEPTED: QPainter::begin: Cannot paint on an image with the QImage::Format_Indexed8 format QPainter::setCompositionMode: Painter not active QMargins(1, 31, 0, 0) QWidget::setMinimumSize: (verticalHeader/KexiTableScrollAreaHeader) Negative sizes (20,-1) are not possible QPainter::begin: Cannot paint on an image with the QImage::Format_Indexed8 format QPainter::setCompositionMode: Painter not active QMargins(1, 1, 0, 0) "0 instead of 1 arguments to message {Undo %1} supplied before conversion." "0 instead of 1 arguments to message {Redo %1} supplied before conversion." QPainter::begin: Cannot paint on an image with the QImage::Format_Indexed8 format QPainter::setCompositionMode: Painter not active QMargins(1, 1, 0, 0) QObject::connect: No such signal KUndo2QStack::commandExecuted(K3Command*) QObject::connect: (receiver name: 'KexiTableDesignerView') destroying old data (owned) subType strings: "Byte|ShortInteger|Integer|BigInteger" names: "Byte|Short Integer Number|Integer Number|Big Integer Number" subType= 0 type= 4 subType strings: "Byte|ShortInteger|Integer|BigInteger" names: "Byte|Short Integer Number|Integer Number|Big Integer Number" subType= 0 type= 3 subType strings: "Text|LongText" names: "Text|Long Text" subType= 0 type= 11 subType strings: "Text|LongText" names: "Text|Long Text" subType= 0 type= 11 org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified! org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified! 0xca0080 QMargins(21, 19, 0, 0) org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified! org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified! org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified! org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified! org.kde.kdb.core: 0xc9a420 alias= "" org.kde.kdb.core: bound to table -1 org.kde.kdb.core: <NOT SPECIFIED> org.kde.kdb.core: tablesBoundToColumns == [ "-1 " ] org.kde.kdb.core: bound to table -1 org.kde.kdb.core: <NOT SPECIFIED> org.kde.kdb.core: tablesBoundToColumns == [ "-1 -1 " ] org.kde.kdb.core: caching (unexpanded) column's order: "role.""id" UNSIGNED BigInteger AUTOINC UNIQUE PKEY NOTNULL NOTEMPTY "" at position 0 org.kde.kdb.core: caching (unexpanded) column's order: "role.""name" Text "" at position 1 QVariant(QString, "") QVariant(QString, "id") QVariant(QString, "name") QVariant(QString, "") QVariant(QString, "id") QVariant(QString, "name") "rowSourceType" = QVariant(QString, "table") (oldvalue = QVariant(QString, "") ) org.kde.kdb.core: "pk" : "" -> "" "Modificada la propiedad «rowSourceType» del campo de la tabla de «» a «table» (UID=4)" "rowSource" = QVariant(QString, "role") (oldvalue = QVariant(QString, "") ) org.kde.kdb.core: "pk" : "" -> "combobox" "Modificada la propiedad «rowSource» del campo de la tabla de «» a «role» (UID=4)" "boundColumn" = QVariant(int, 0) (oldvalue = QVariant(int, -1) ) "Modificada la propiedad «boundColumn» del campo de la tabla de «-1» a «0» (UID=4)" "visibleColumn" = QVariant(int, 1) (oldvalue = QVariant(int, -1) ) "Modificada la propiedad «visibleColumn» del campo de la tabla de «-1» a «1» (UID=4)" 4 top-level command(s) to process... org.kde.kdb.core: KDbAlterTableHandler's actions: org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"rowSourceType\" property for table field \"role\" to \"table\" (UID=4)" (req = 0 ) org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"rowSource\" property for table field \"role\" to \"role\" (UID=4)" (req = 0 ) org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"boundColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"0\" (UID=4)" (req = 0 ) org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"visibleColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"1\" (UID=4)" (req = 0 ) org.kde.kdb.core: "Action dict for field \"role\" (4, UID=4):" org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"rowSource\" property for table field \"role\" to \"role\" (UID=4)" org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"rowSourceType\" property for table field \"role\" to \"table\" (UID=4)" org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"visibleColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"1\" (UID=4)" org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"boundColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"0\" (UID=4)" org.kde.kdb.core: "** Overall altering requirements: 8" org.kde.kdb.core: KDbAlterTableHandler's actions: org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"rowSourceType\" property for table field \"role\" to \"table\" (UID=4)" (req = 8 ) org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"rowSource\" property for table field \"role\" to \"role\" (UID=4)" (req = 8 ) org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"boundColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"0\" (UID=4)" (req = 8 ) org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"visibleColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"1\" (UID=4)" (req = 8 ) org.kde.kdb.core: "Action dict for field \"role\" (4, UID=4):" org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"rowSource\" property for table field \"role\" to \"role\" (UID=4)" org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"rowSourceType\" property for table field \"role\" to \"table\" (UID=4)" org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"visibleColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"1\" (UID=4)" org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"boundColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"0\" (UID=4)" org.kde.kdb.core: "** Overall altering requirements: 8" org.kde.kdb.core: "** Ordered, simplified actions (4, was 4):" org.kde.kdb.core: "1: Set \"rowSourceType\" property for table field \"role\" to \"table\" (UID=4)" org.kde.kdb.core: "2: [No action]" org.kde.kdb.core: "3: Set \"boundColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"0\" (UID=4)" org.kde.kdb.core: "4: Set \"visibleColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"1\" (UID=4)" org.kde.kdb.core: TABLE KDbObject: ID=1 NAME="user" CAPTION="User" DESC="" - "id2" UNSIGNED BigInteger AUTOINC UNIQUE PKEY NOTNULL NOTEMPTY - "id" Integer - "nombre" Text - "role" Text Calling appendChild() on a null node does nothing. Calling appendChild() on a null node does nothing. ALTER TABLE EXECUTE: "true" org.kde.kdb.core: unsupported record source type "" org.kde.kdb.core: no statement generated! org.kde.kdb.core: unsupported record source type "" Cannot open cursor --aborting setData(). CURSOR(KDbQuerySchema:"<CANNOT GENERATE!>" NOT_OPENED NOT_BUFFERED AT=-1) 0xb9cb20 QMargins(21, 19, 0, 0) Clicked just on 'insert' record. Clicked just on 'insert' record. Clicked just on 'insert' record. default NOT PRINTABLE: 0x0 "1000024" default NOT PRINTABLE: 0x0 "1000024" EMPTY VALUE WILL BE SET ------ EDIT BUFFER CHANGED TO: RecordEditBuffer type=DB-AWARE, 1 items * field name="role"val="" -- INSERTING: RecordEditBuffer type=DB-AWARE, 1 items * field name="role"val="" EDIT RECORD ACCEPTED: org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified! org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified! org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified! org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified! org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified! org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified! org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified! org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified! subType strings: "Byte|ShortInteger|Integer|BigInteger" names: "Byte|Short Integer Number|Integer Number|Big Integer Number" subType= 0 type= 4 subType strings: "Byte|ShortInteger|Integer|BigInteger" names: "Byte|Short Integer Number|Integer Number|Big Integer Number" subType= 0 type= 3 subType strings: "Text|LongText" names: "Text|Long Text" subType= 0 type= 11 subType strings: "Text|LongText" names: "Text|Long Text" subType= 0 type= 11 org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified! org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified! 0xca0080 QMargins(21, 19, 0, 0) org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified! org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified! org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified! org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified! QVariant(QString, "") QVariant(QString, "id") QVariant(QString, "name") QVariant(QString, "") QVariant(QString, "id") QVariant(QString, "name") "boundColumn" = QVariant(int, -1) (oldvalue = QVariant(int, 0) ) "Modificada la propiedad «boundColumn» del campo de la tabla de «0» a «-1» (UID=8)" "visibleColumn" = QVariant(int, -1) (oldvalue = QVariant(int, 1) ) "Modificada la propiedad «visibleColumn» del campo de la tabla de «1» a «-1» (UID=8)" "rowSourceType" = QVariant(QString, "table") (oldvalue = QVariant(QString, "") ) org.kde.kdb.core: "pk" : "" -> "" "Modificada la propiedad «rowSourceType» del campo de la tabla de «» a «table» (UID=8)" "rowSource" = QVariant(QString, "role") (oldvalue = QVariant(QString, "") ) org.kde.kdb.core: "pk" : "" -> "combobox" "Modificada la propiedad «rowSource» del campo de la tabla de «» a «role» (UID=8)" "boundColumn" = QVariant(int, 0) (oldvalue = QVariant(int, 0) ) "Modificada la propiedad «boundColumn» del campo de la tabla de «0» a «0» (UID=8)" "visibleColumn" = QVariant(int, 1) (oldvalue = QVariant(int, 1) ) "Modificada la propiedad «visibleColumn» del campo de la tabla de «1» a «1» (UID=8)" 6 top-level command(s) to process... org.kde.kdb.core: KDbAlterTableHandler's actions: org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"boundColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"-1\" (UID=8)" (req = 0 ) org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"visibleColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"-1\" (UID=8)" (req = 0 ) org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"rowSourceType\" property for table field \"role\" to \"table\" (UID=8)" (req = 0 ) org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"rowSource\" property for table field \"role\" to \"role\" (UID=8)" (req = 0 ) org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"boundColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"0\" (UID=8)" (req = 0 ) org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"visibleColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"1\" (UID=8)" (req = 0 ) org.kde.kdb.core: "Action dict for field \"role\" (4, UID=8):" org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"rowSource\" property for table field \"role\" to \"role\" (UID=8)" org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"rowSourceType\" property for table field \"role\" to \"table\" (UID=8)" org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"visibleColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"1\" (UID=8)" org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"boundColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"0\" (UID=8)" org.kde.kdb.core: "** Overall altering requirements: 8" org.kde.kdb.core: KDbAlterTableHandler's actions: org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"boundColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"-1\" (UID=8)" (req = 8 ) org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"visibleColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"-1\" (UID=8)" (req = 8 ) org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"rowSourceType\" property for table field \"role\" to \"table\" (UID=8)" (req = 8 ) org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"rowSource\" property for table field \"role\" to \"role\" (UID=8)" (req = 8 ) org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"boundColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"0\" (UID=8)" (req = 8 ) org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"visibleColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"1\" (UID=8)" (req = 8 ) org.kde.kdb.core: "Action dict for field \"role\" (4, UID=8):" org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"rowSource\" property for table field \"role\" to \"role\" (UID=8)" org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"rowSourceType\" property for table field \"role\" to \"table\" (UID=8)" org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"visibleColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"1\" (UID=8)" org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"boundColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"0\" (UID=8)" org.kde.kdb.core: "** Overall altering requirements: 8" org.kde.kdb.core: "** Ordered, simplified actions (4, was 6):" org.kde.kdb.core: "1: [No action]" org.kde.kdb.core: "2: [No action]" org.kde.kdb.core: "3: Set \"rowSourceType\" property for table field \"role\" to \"table\" (UID=8)" org.kde.kdb.core: "4: [No action]" org.kde.kdb.core: "5: Set \"boundColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"0\" (UID=8)" org.kde.kdb.core: "6: Set \"visibleColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"1\" (UID=8)" org.kde.kdb.core: TABLE KDbObject: ID=1 NAME="user" CAPTION="User" DESC="" - "id2" UNSIGNED BigInteger AUTOINC UNIQUE PKEY NOTNULL NOTEMPTY - "id" Integer - "nombre" Text - "role" Text "role"LookupFieldSchema( RecordSource TYPE: "" NAME: "" VALUES: "" boundColumn: 0 visibleColumns: 1 maxVisibleRecords: 8 displayWidget: ComboBox columnHeadersVisible: false limitToList: true columnWidths: ) Calling appendChild() on a null node does nothing. Calling appendChild() on a null node does nothing. ALTER TABLE EXECUTE: "true" VALUE NOT CHANGED. EDIT RECORD ACCEPTED: org.kde.kdb.core: unsupported record source type "" org.kde.kdb.core: no statement generated! org.kde.kdb.core: unsupported record source type "" Cannot open cursor --aborting setData(). CURSOR(KDbQuerySchema:"<CANNOT GENERATE!>" NOT_OPENED NOT_BUFFERED AT=-1) 0xb9cb20 QMargins(21, 19, 0, 0) org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified! org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified! org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified! org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified! org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified! org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified! org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified! org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified! subType strings: "Byte|ShortInteger|Integer|BigInteger" names: "Byte|Short Integer Number|Integer Number|Big Integer Number" subType= 0 type= 4 subType strings: "Byte|ShortInteger|Integer|BigInteger" names: "Byte|Short Integer Number|Integer Number|Big Integer Number" subType= 0 type= 3 subType strings: "Text|LongText" names: "Text|Long Text" subType= 0 type= 11 subType strings: "Text|LongText" names: "Text|Long Text" subType= 0 type= 11 org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified! org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified! 0xca0080 QMargins(21, 19, 0, 0) org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified! org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified! org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified! org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified! Cannot creat accessible child interface for object: KexiMenuWidget(0x8865c0) index: 1 Cannot creat accessible child interface for object: KexiMenuWidget(0x8865c0) index: 1 Cannot creat accessible child interface for object: KexiMenuWidget(0x8865c0) index: 1 Cannot creat accessible child interface for object: KexiMenuWidget(0x8865c0) index: 1 Cannot creat accessible child interface for object: KexiMenuWidget(0x8865c0) index: 1 Cannot creat accessible child interface for object: KexiMenuWidget(0x8865c0) index: 1 Cannot creat accessible child interface for object: KexiMenuWidget(0x8865c0) index: 1 Cannot creat accessible child interface for object: KexiMenuWidget(0x8865c0) index: 1 Cannot creat accessible child interface for object: KexiMenuWidget(0x8865c0) index: 1 Cannot creat accessible child interface for object: KexiMenuWidget(0x8865c0) index: 2 Cannot creat accessible child interface for object: KexiMenuWidget(0x8865c0) index: 2 Cannot creat accessible child interface for object: KexiMenuWidget(0x8865c0) index: 2 Cannot creat accessible child interface for object: KexiMenuWidget(0x8865c0) index: 3 Cannot creat accessible child interface for object: KexiMenuWidget(0x8865c0) index: 3 Cannot creat accessible child interface for object: KexiMenuWidget(0x8865c0) index: 3 Cannot creat accessible child interface for object: KexiMenuWidget(0x8865c0) index: 6 Cannot creat accessible child interface for object: KexiMenuWidget(0x8865c0) index: 6 Cannot creat accessible child interface for object: KexiMenuWidget(0x8865c0) index: 6 Cannot creat accessible child interface for object: KexiMenuWidget(0x8865c0) index: 8 Cannot creat accessible child interface for object: KexiMenuWidget(0x8865c0) index: 8 Cannot creat accessible child interface for object: KexiMenuWidget(0x8865c0) index: 8 QVariant(QString, "") QVariant(QString, "id") QVariant(QString, "name") QVariant(QString, "") QVariant(QString, "id") QVariant(QString, "name") "boundColumn" = QVariant(int, -1) (oldvalue = QVariant(int, 0) ) "Modificada la propiedad «boundColumn» del campo de la tabla de «0» a «-1» (UID=12)" "visibleColumn" = QVariant(int, -1) (oldvalue = QVariant(int, 1) ) "Modificada la propiedad «visibleColumn» del campo de la tabla de «1» a «-1» (UID=12)" "rowSourceType" = QVariant(QString, "table") (oldvalue = QVariant(QString, "") ) org.kde.kdb.core: "pk" : "" -> "" "Modificada la propiedad «rowSourceType» del campo de la tabla de «» a «table» (UID=12)" "rowSource" = QVariant(QString, "role") (oldvalue = QVariant(QString, "") ) org.kde.kdb.core: "pk" : "" -> "combobox" "Modificada la propiedad «rowSource» del campo de la tabla de «» a «role» (UID=12)" "boundColumn" = QVariant(int, 0) (oldvalue = QVariant(int, 0) ) "Modificada la propiedad «boundColumn» del campo de la tabla de «0» a «0» (UID=12)" "visibleColumn" = QVariant(int, 1) (oldvalue = QVariant(int, 1) ) "Modificada la propiedad «visibleColumn» del campo de la tabla de «1» a «1» (UID=12)" 6 top-level command(s) to process... org.kde.kdb.core: KDbAlterTableHandler's actions: org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"boundColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"-1\" (UID=12)" (req = 0 ) org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"visibleColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"-1\" (UID=12)" (req = 0 ) org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"rowSourceType\" property for table field \"role\" to \"table\" (UID=12)" (req = 0 ) org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"rowSource\" property for table field \"role\" to \"role\" (UID=12)" (req = 0 ) org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"boundColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"0\" (UID=12)" (req = 0 ) org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"visibleColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"1\" (UID=12)" (req = 0 ) org.kde.kdb.core: "Action dict for field \"role\" (4, UID=12):" org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"rowSource\" property for table field \"role\" to \"role\" (UID=12)" org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"rowSourceType\" property for table field \"role\" to \"table\" (UID=12)" org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"visibleColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"1\" (UID=12)" org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"boundColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"0\" (UID=12)" org.kde.kdb.core: "** Overall altering requirements: 8" org.kde.kdb.core: KDbAlterTableHandler's actions: org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"boundColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"-1\" (UID=12)" (req = 8 ) org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"visibleColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"-1\" (UID=12)" (req = 8 ) org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"rowSourceType\" property for table field \"role\" to \"table\" (UID=12)" (req = 8 ) org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"rowSource\" property for table field \"role\" to \"role\" (UID=12)" (req = 8 ) org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"boundColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"0\" (UID=12)" (req = 8 ) org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"visibleColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"1\" (UID=12)" (req = 8 ) org.kde.kdb.core: "Action dict for field \"role\" (4, UID=12):" org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"rowSource\" property for table field \"role\" to \"role\" (UID=12)" org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"rowSourceType\" property for table field \"role\" to \"table\" (UID=12)" org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"visibleColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"1\" (UID=12)" org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"boundColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"0\" (UID=12)" org.kde.kdb.core: "** Overall altering requirements: 8" org.kde.kdb.core: "** Ordered, simplified actions (4, was 6):" org.kde.kdb.core: "1: [No action]" org.kde.kdb.core: "2: [No action]" org.kde.kdb.core: "3: Set \"rowSourceType\" property for table field \"role\" to \"table\" (UID=12)" org.kde.kdb.core: "4: [No action]" org.kde.kdb.core: "5: Set \"boundColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"0\" (UID=12)" org.kde.kdb.core: "6: Set \"visibleColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"1\" (UID=12)" org.kde.kdb.core: TABLE KDbObject: ID=1 NAME="user" CAPTION="User" DESC="" - "id2" UNSIGNED BigInteger AUTOINC UNIQUE PKEY NOTNULL NOTEMPTY - "id" Integer - "nombre" Text - "role" Text "role"LookupFieldSchema( RecordSource TYPE: "" NAME: "" VALUES: "" boundColumn: 0 visibleColumns: 1 maxVisibleRecords: 8 displayWidget: ComboBox columnHeadersVisible: false limitToList: true columnWidths: ) Calling appendChild() on a null node does nothing. Calling appendChild() on a null node does nothing. ALTER TABLE EXECUTE: "true" u1 1 schema is 0xc9a420 QPainter::begin: Cannot paint on an image with the QImage::Format_Indexed8 format QPainter::setCompositionMode: Painter not active QMargins(1, 31, 0, 0) QWidget::setMinimumSize: (verticalHeader/KexiTableScrollAreaHeader) Negative sizes (20,-1) are not possible QPainter::begin: Cannot paint on an image with the QImage::Format_Indexed8 format QPainter::setCompositionMode: Painter not active QMargins(1, 1, 0, 0) org.kde.kdb.core: "INDEX" KDbObject: ID=-1 NAME="" CAPTION="" DESC="" AUTOGENERATED PRIMARY - "id" UNSIGNED BigInteger AUTOINC UNIQUE PKEY NOTNULL NOTEMPTY org.kde.kdb.core: FIELD "id" IS IN PKEY AT POSITION # 0 org.kde.kdb.core: 1 OUT OF 1 PKEY'S FIELDS FOUND IN QUERY "role" destroying old data (owned) QWidget::setMinimumSize: (verticalHeader/KexiTableScrollAreaHeader) Negative sizes (20,-1) are not possible QMargins(21, 19, 0, 0) QWidget::setMinimumSize: (verticalHeader/KexiTableScrollAreaHeader) Negative sizes (20,-1) are not possible QMargins(21, 19, 0, 0) org.kde.kdb.core: unsupported record source type "" org.kde.kdb.core: no statement generated! org.kde.kdb.core: unsupported record source type "" Cannot open cursor --aborting setData(). CURSOR(KDbQuerySchema:"<CANNOT GENERATE!>" NOT_OPENED NOT_BUFFERED AT=-1) 0xb9cb20 QMargins(21, 19, 0, 0) org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified! org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified! org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified! org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified! org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified! org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified! org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified! org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified! subType strings: "Byte|ShortInteger|Integer|BigInteger" names: "Byte|Short Integer Number|Integer Number|Big Integer Number" subType= 0 type= 4 subType strings: "Byte|ShortInteger|Integer|BigInteger" names: "Byte|Short Integer Number|Integer Number|Big Integer Number" subType= 0 type= 3 subType strings: "Text|LongText" names: "Text|Long Text" subType= 0 type= 11 subType strings: "Text|LongText" names: "Text|Long Text" subType= 0 type= 11 org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified! org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified! 0xca0080 QMargins(21, 19, 0, 0) org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified! org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified! org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified! org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified! Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Create table User with the following fields: id (Number primary key), name (Text) 2. Create table Role with the following steps: (Id Number primary key), name (Text) 3. Return to the User table and add a field role (role Text) 4. Select the role field and select the tab "search column" ("Columna de búsqueda" in my spanish version) 5. In the "record source" field set "role" 6. In the column limit field select "id" 7. in the visible column field select "name" 8. click Save option and select the Data Tab 9. Select the design Tab again 10. Select the tab "Search field" == the changes are no there Actual Results: The changes of the "Search field" are not saved Expected Results: The changes of the "Search field" are saved Tested from a version compiled from the source -- You are receiving this mail because: You are watching all bug changes.