--- Comment #3 from Juan José Morales <> --- Hi. I add the enviroment var that you said and rebuid the app. After that I try the steps i describe in the bug. FInally when i clicked the Data Tab in the User table the app crash. There is some debug info : QUrl("file:///home/juan/newDataBase.kexi") filter: ("*.kexi|Proyecto", "basado", "en", "archivos", "de", "base", "de", "datos", "Kexi", "(*.kexi)\n*|todos", "los", "archivos") path: "/home/juan/newDataBase.kexi" appended extension, result: "/home/juan/newDataBase.kexi.kexi" org.kde.kdb.sqlitedriver: "/home/juan/newDataBase.kexi.kexi" org.kde.kdb.core: TABLE KDbObject: ID=-1 NAME="kexi__objects" CAPTION="" DESC="" - "o_id" UNSIGNED Integer AUTOINC UNIQUE PKEY NOTNULL NOTEMPTY - "o_type" UNSIGNED Byte - "o_name" Text - "o_caption" Text - "o_desc" LongText org.kde.kdb.sqlitedriver: "/home/juan/newDataBase.kexi.kexi" org.kde.kdb.sqlitedriver: org.kde.kdb.core: TABLE KDbObject: ID=-1 NAME="kexi__objects" CAPTION="" DESC="" - "o_id" UNSIGNED Integer AUTOINC UNIQUE PKEY NOTNULL NOTEMPTY - "o_type" UNSIGNED Byte - "o_name" Text - "o_caption" Text - "o_desc" LongText org.kde.kdb.core: !cursor->moveFirst() || cursor->eof() KDbEscapedString:"SELECT 1 FROM (SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name LIKE 'kexi__blobs') LIMIT 1" org.kde.kdb.core: !cursor->moveFirst() || cursor->eof() KDbEscapedString:"SELECT 1 FROM (SELECT 1 FROM kexi__db WHERE db_property='kexiproject_major_ver') LIMIT 1" org.kde.kdb.core: !cursor->moveFirst() || cursor->eof() KDbEscapedString:"SELECT 1 FROM (SELECT 1 FROM kexi__db WHERE db_property=' kexiproject_major_ver') LIMIT 1" org.kde.kdb.core: !cursor->moveFirst() || cursor->eof() KDbEscapedString:"SELECT 1 FROM (SELECT 1 FROM kexi__db WHERE db_property='kexiproject_minor_ver') LIMIT 1" org.kde.kdb.core: !cursor->moveFirst() || cursor->eof() KDbEscapedString:"SELECT 1 FROM (SELECT 1 FROM kexi__db WHERE db_property=' kexiproject_minor_ver') LIMIT 1" org.kde.kdb.core: !cursor->moveFirst() || cursor->eof() KDbEscapedString:"SELECT 1 FROM (SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name LIKE 'kexi__parts') LIMIT 1" org.kde.kdb.core: !cursor->moveFirst() || cursor->eof() KDbEscapedString:"SELECT 1 FROM (SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name LIKE 'kexi__userdata') LIMIT 1" org.kde.kdb.core: !cursor->moveFirst() || cursor->eof() KDbEscapedString:"SELECT 1 FROM (SELECT 1 FROM kexi__db WHERE db_property='project_caption') LIMIT 1" org.kde.kdb.core: !cursor->moveFirst() || cursor->eof() KDbEscapedString:"SELECT 1 FROM (SELECT 1 FROM kexi__db WHERE db_property=' project_caption') LIMIT 1" org.kde.kdb.core: !cursor->moveFirst() || cursor->eof() KDbEscapedString:"SELECT 1 FROM (SELECT 1 FROM kexi__db WHERE db_property='project_desc') LIMIT 1" org.kde.kdb.core: !cursor->moveFirst() || cursor->eof() KDbEscapedString:"SELECT 1 FROM (SELECT 1 FROM kexi__db WHERE db_property=' project_desc') LIMIT 1" ":/icons/breeze/actions/32/document-empty.svg" "Tag 'img' is not defined in message {<__kuit_internal_top__><nl/><nl/><img src=\":/icons/breeze/actions/32/document-em...}." "Tag 'b' is not defined in message {<__kuit_internal_top__><nl/><nl/><img src=\":/icons/breeze/actions/32/document-em...}." ":OpenExistingOrCreateNewProject" QUrl("file:///home/juan/newDataBase.kexi.kexi") Added "file:///home/juan/" to recent dirs class ":OpenExistingOrCreateNewProject" 2 schema is 0x0 QPainter::begin: Cannot paint on an image with the QImage::Format_Indexed8 format QPainter::setCompositionMode: Painter not active QMargins(1, 31, 0, 0) QWidget::setMinimumSize: (verticalHeader/KexiTableScrollAreaHeader) Negative sizes (20,-1) are not possible QPainter::begin: Cannot paint on an image with the QImage::Format_Indexed8 format QPainter::setCompositionMode: Painter not active QMargins(1, 1, 0, 0) "0 instead of 1 arguments to message {Undo %1} supplied before conversion." "0 instead of 1 arguments to message {Redo %1} supplied before conversion." QPainter::begin: Cannot paint on an image with the QImage::Format_Indexed8 format QPainter::setCompositionMode: Painter not active QMargins(1, 1, 0, 0) QObject::connect: No such signal KUndo2QStack::commandExecuted(K3Command*) QObject::connect: (receiver name: 'KexiTableDesignerView') destroying old data (owned) QWidget::setMinimumSize: (verticalHeader/KexiTableScrollAreaHeader) Negative sizes (20,-1) are not possible QMargins(21, 19, 0, 0) ------ EDIT BUFFER CHANGED TO: RecordEditBuffer type=SIMPLE, 2 items * field name= "caption" val= "id" * field name= "type" val= "0" -- UPDATING: RecordEditBuffer type=SIMPLE, 2 items * field name= "caption" val= "id" * field name= "type" val= "0" -- BEFORE: "RECORD DATA (4 COLUMNS):" "0:[]" "1:[]" "2:[]" "3:[]" org.kde.kdb.core: "caption" : "" -> "id" org.kde.kdb.core: "type" : "" -> "0" "id" Text subType strings: "Text|LongText" names: "Text|Long Text" subType= 0 type= 11 org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified! org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified! -- AFTER: "RECORD DATA (4 COLUMNS):" "0:[]" "1:[QString]id" "2:[int]0" "3:[]" EDIT RECORD ACCEPTED: SHOW POPUP QPainter::begin: Cannot paint on an image with the QImage::Format_Indexed8 format QPainter::setCompositionMode: Painter not active QMargins(1, 31, 0, 0) QWidget::setMinimumSize: (verticalHeader/KexiTableScrollAreaHeader) Negative sizes (20,-1) are not possible QPainter::begin: Cannot paint on an image with the QImage::Format_Indexed8 format QPainter::setCompositionMode: Painter not active QMargins(1, 1, 0, 0) QPainter::begin: Cannot paint on an image with the QImage::Format_Indexed8 format QPainter::setCompositionMode: Painter not active QMargins(1, 1, 0, 0) QMargins(1, 1, 0, 0) QMargins(1, 1, 0, 0) no column relatedData - moving to setData(KDbField &) added: ' "Text" ' added: ' "Integer Number" ' added: ' "Floating Point Number" ' added: ' "Yes/No" ' added: ' "Date/Time" ' added: ' "Object" ' destroying old data (owned) QWidget::setMinimumSize: (verticalHeader/KexiTableScrollAreaHeader) Negative sizes (18,-1) are not possible QWidget::setMinimumSize: (verticalHeader/KexiTableScrollAreaHeader) Negative sizes (18,-1) are not possible QMargins(1, 1, 0, 0) HIDE!!! subType strings: "Byte|ShortInteger|Integer|BigInteger" names: "Byte|Short Integer Number|Integer Number|Big Integer Number" QVariant(QString, "Text") "type" = QVariant(int, 3) (oldvalue = QVariant(int, 11) ) "Modificada la propiedad «type» del campo de la tabla de «11» a «3» (UID=1)" "subType" = QVariant(QString, "Integer") (oldvalue = QVariant(Invalid) ) "Modificada la propiedad «subType» del campo de la tabla de «» a «Integer»\nAnd list data from [Byte,ShortInteger,Integer,BigInteger -> Byte,Short Integer Number,Integer Number,Big Integer Number]\n to [Byte,ShortInteger,Integer,BigInteger -> Byte,Short Integer Number,Integer Number,Big Integer Number] (UID=1)" QVariant(int, 3) subType= 0 type= 3 "Modificada la propiedad «subType» del campo de la tabla de «Text» a «Integer»\nAnd list data from [Text,LongText -> Text,Long Text]\n to [Byte,ShortInteger,Integer,BigInteger -> Byte,Short Integer Number,Integer Number,Big Integer Number] (UID=1)" subType= 0 type= 3 ------ EDIT BUFFER CHANGED TO: RecordEditBuffer type=SIMPLE, 1 items * field name= "type" val= "1" -- UPDATING: RecordEditBuffer type=SIMPLE, 1 items * field name= "type" val= "1" -- BEFORE: "RECORD DATA (4 COLUMNS):" "0:[]" "1:[QString]id" "2:[int]0" "3:[]" org.kde.kdb.core: "type" : "0" -> "1" -- AFTER: "RECORD DATA (4 COLUMNS):" "0:[]" "1:[QString]id" "2:[int]1" "3:[]" EDIT RECORD ACCEPTED: "primaryKey" = QVariant(bool, true) (oldvalue = QVariant(bool, false) ) "Modificada la propiedad «primaryKey» del campo de la tabla de «true» a «true» (UID=1)" "unique" = QVariant(bool, true) (oldvalue = QVariant(bool, false) ) "Modificada la propiedad «unique» del campo de la tabla de «false» a «true» (UID=1)" "notNull" = QVariant(bool, true) (oldvalue = QVariant(bool, false) ) "Modificada la propiedad «notNull» del campo de la tabla de «false» a «true» (UID=1)" "allowEmpty" = QVariant(bool, false) (oldvalue = QVariant(bool, true) ) "Modificada la propiedad «allowEmpty» del campo de la tabla de «true» a «false» (UID=1)" "indexed" = QVariant(bool, true) (oldvalue = QVariant(bool, false) ) "Modificada la propiedad «indexed» del campo de la tabla de «false» a «true» (UID=1)" "autoIncrement" = QVariant(bool, true) (oldvalue = QVariant(bool, false) ) "Modificada la propiedad «autoIncrement» del campo de la tabla de «false» a «true» (UID=1)" org.kde.kdb.core: "pk" : "" -> "database-key" org.kde.kdb.core: "type" : "1" -> "1" "subType" = QVariant(QString, "BigInteger") (oldvalue = QVariant(QString, "Integer") ) "Modificada la propiedad «subType» del campo de la tabla de «Integer» a «BigInteger»\nAnd list data from [Byte,ShortInteger,Integer,BigInteger -> Byte,Short Integer Number,Integer Number,Big Integer Number]\n to [Byte,ShortInteger,Integer,BigInteger -> Byte,Short Integer Number,Integer Number,Big Integer Number] (UID=1)" QVariant(int, 3) "type" = QVariant(int, 4) (oldvalue = QVariant(int, 11) ) subType= 0 type= 4 "Modificada la propiedad «subType» del campo de la tabla de «Integer» a «BigInteger»\nAnd list data from [Byte,ShortInteger,Integer,BigInteger -> Byte,Short Integer Number,Integer Number,Big Integer Number]\n to [Byte,ShortInteger,Integer,BigInteger -> Byte,Short Integer Number,Integer Number,Big Integer Number] (UID=1)" "unsigned" = QVariant(bool, true) (oldvalue = QVariant(bool, false) ) "Modificada la propiedad «unsigned» del campo de la tabla de «false» a «true» (UID=1)" subType= 0 type= 4 ------ EDIT BUFFER CHANGED TO: RecordEditBuffer type=SIMPLE, 2 items * field name= "caption" val= "name" * field name= "type" val= "0" -- UPDATING: RecordEditBuffer type=SIMPLE, 2 items * field name= "caption" val= "name" * field name= "type" val= "0" -- BEFORE: "RECORD DATA (4 COLUMNS):" "0:[]" "1:[]" "2:[]" "3:[]" org.kde.kdb.core: "caption" : "" -> "name" org.kde.kdb.core: "type" : "" -> "0" "name" Text subType strings: "Text|LongText" names: "Text|Long Text" subType= 0 type= 11 org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified! org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified! -- AFTER: "RECORD DATA (4 COLUMNS):" "0:[]" "1:[QString]name" "2:[int]0" "3:[]" EDIT RECORD ACCEPTED: org.kde.kdb.core: !cursor->moveFirst() || cursor->eof() KDbEscapedString:"SELECT 1 FROM (SELECT kexi__objectdata.o_id FROM kexi__objectdata WHERE o_id=1 AND o_sub_id='extended_schema') LIMIT 1" QPainter::begin: Cannot paint on an image with the QImage::Format_Indexed8 format QPainter::setCompositionMode: Painter not active QMargins(1, 31, 0, 0) QWidget::setMinimumSize: (verticalHeader/KexiTableScrollAreaHeader) Negative sizes (20,-1) are not possible QPainter::begin: Cannot paint on an image with the QImage::Format_Indexed8 format QPainter::setCompositionMode: Painter not active QMargins(1, 1, 0, 0) org.kde.kdb.core: 0xbc64a0 alias= "" org.kde.kdb.core: bound to table -1 org.kde.kdb.core: <NOT SPECIFIED> org.kde.kdb.core: tablesBoundToColumns == [ "-1 " ] org.kde.kdb.core: bound to table -1 org.kde.kdb.core: <NOT SPECIFIED> org.kde.kdb.core: tablesBoundToColumns == [ "-1 -1 " ] org.kde.kdb.core: caching (unexpanded) column's order: "user.""id" UNSIGNED BigInteger AUTOINC UNIQUE PKEY NOTNULL NOTEMPTY "" at position 0 org.kde.kdb.core: caching (unexpanded) column's order: "user.""name" Text "" at position 1 org.kde.kdb.core: "INDEX" KDbObject: ID=-1 NAME="" CAPTION="" DESC="" AUTOGENERATED PRIMARY - "id" UNSIGNED BigInteger AUTOINC UNIQUE PKEY NOTNULL NOTEMPTY org.kde.kdb.core: FIELD "id" IS IN PKEY AT POSITION # 0 org.kde.kdb.core: 1 OUT OF 1 PKEY'S FIELDS FOUND IN QUERY "user" destroying old data (owned) 0xbc5490 QMargins(21, 19, 0, 0) 2 schema is 0x0 QPainter::begin: Cannot paint on an image with the QImage::Format_Indexed8 format QPainter::setCompositionMode: Painter not active QMargins(1, 31, 0, 0) QWidget::setMinimumSize: (verticalHeader/KexiTableScrollAreaHeader) Negative sizes (20,-1) are not possible QPainter::begin: Cannot paint on an image with the QImage::Format_Indexed8 format QPainter::setCompositionMode: Painter not active QMargins(1, 1, 0, 0) "0 instead of 1 arguments to message {Undo %1} supplied before conversion." "0 instead of 1 arguments to message {Redo %1} supplied before conversion." QPainter::begin: Cannot paint on an image with the QImage::Format_Indexed8 format QPainter::setCompositionMode: Painter not active QMargins(1, 1, 0, 0) QObject::connect: No such signal KUndo2QStack::commandExecuted(K3Command*) QObject::connect: (receiver name: 'KexiTableDesignerView') destroying old data (owned) QWidget::setMinimumSize: (verticalHeader/KexiTableScrollAreaHeader) Negative sizes (20,-1) are not possible QMargins(21, 19, 0, 0) ------ EDIT BUFFER CHANGED TO: RecordEditBuffer type=SIMPLE, 2 items * field name= "caption" val= "id" * field name= "type" val= "0" -- UPDATING: RecordEditBuffer type=SIMPLE, 2 items * field name= "caption" val= "id" * field name= "type" val= "0" -- BEFORE: "RECORD DATA (4 COLUMNS):" "0:[]" "1:[]" "2:[]" "3:[]" org.kde.kdb.core: "caption" : "" -> "id" org.kde.kdb.core: "type" : "" -> "0" "id" Text subType strings: "Text|LongText" names: "Text|Long Text" subType= 0 type= 11 org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified! org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified! -- AFTER: "RECORD DATA (4 COLUMNS):" "0:[]" "1:[QString]id" "2:[int]0" "3:[]" EDIT RECORD ACCEPTED: SHOW POPUP QPainter::begin: Cannot paint on an image with the QImage::Format_Indexed8 format QPainter::setCompositionMode: Painter not active QMargins(1, 31, 0, 0) QWidget::setMinimumSize: (verticalHeader/KexiTableScrollAreaHeader) Negative sizes (20,-1) are not possible QPainter::begin: Cannot paint on an image with the QImage::Format_Indexed8 format QPainter::setCompositionMode: Painter not active QMargins(1, 1, 0, 0) QPainter::begin: Cannot paint on an image with the QImage::Format_Indexed8 format QPainter::setCompositionMode: Painter not active QMargins(1, 1, 0, 0) QMargins(1, 1, 0, 0) QMargins(1, 1, 0, 0) no column relatedData - moving to setData(KDbField &) added: ' "Text" ' added: ' "Integer Number" ' added: ' "Floating Point Number" ' added: ' "Yes/No" ' added: ' "Date/Time" ' added: ' "Object" ' destroying old data (owned) QWidget::setMinimumSize: (verticalHeader/KexiTableScrollAreaHeader) Negative sizes (18,-1) are not possible QWidget::setMinimumSize: (verticalHeader/KexiTableScrollAreaHeader) Negative sizes (18,-1) are not possible QMargins(1, 1, 0, 0) HIDE!!! subType strings: "Byte|ShortInteger|Integer|BigInteger" names: "Byte|Short Integer Number|Integer Number|Big Integer Number" QVariant(QString, "Text") "type" = QVariant(int, 3) (oldvalue = QVariant(int, 11) ) "Modificada la propiedad «type» del campo de la tabla de «11» a «3» (UID=1)" "subType" = QVariant(QString, "Integer") (oldvalue = QVariant(Invalid) ) "Modificada la propiedad «subType» del campo de la tabla de «» a «Integer»\nAnd list data from [Byte,ShortInteger,Integer,BigInteger -> Byte,Short Integer Number,Integer Number,Big Integer Number]\n to [Byte,ShortInteger,Integer,BigInteger -> Byte,Short Integer Number,Integer Number,Big Integer Number] (UID=1)" QVariant(int, 3) subType= 0 type= 3 "Modificada la propiedad «subType» del campo de la tabla de «Text» a «Integer»\nAnd list data from [Text,LongText -> Text,Long Text]\n to [Byte,ShortInteger,Integer,BigInteger -> Byte,Short Integer Number,Integer Number,Big Integer Number] (UID=1)" subType= 0 type= 3 ------ EDIT BUFFER CHANGED TO: RecordEditBuffer type=SIMPLE, 1 items * field name= "type" val= "1" -- UPDATING: RecordEditBuffer type=SIMPLE, 1 items * field name= "type" val= "1" -- BEFORE: "RECORD DATA (4 COLUMNS):" "0:[]" "1:[QString]id" "2:[int]0" "3:[]" org.kde.kdb.core: "type" : "0" -> "1" -- AFTER: "RECORD DATA (4 COLUMNS):" "0:[]" "1:[QString]id" "2:[int]1" "3:[]" EDIT RECORD ACCEPTED: VALUE NOT CHANGED. EDIT RECORD ACCEPTED: ------ EDIT BUFFER CHANGED TO: RecordEditBuffer type=SIMPLE, 2 items * field name= "caption" val= "name" * field name= "type" val= "0" -- UPDATING: RecordEditBuffer type=SIMPLE, 2 items * field name= "caption" val= "name" * field name= "type" val= "0" -- BEFORE: "RECORD DATA (4 COLUMNS):" "0:[]" "1:[]" "2:[]" "3:[]" org.kde.kdb.core: "caption" : "" -> "name" org.kde.kdb.core: "type" : "" -> "0" "name" Text subType strings: "Text|LongText" names: "Text|Long Text" subType= 0 type= 11 org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified! org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified! -- AFTER: "RECORD DATA (4 COLUMNS):" "0:[]" "1:[QString]name" "2:[int]0" "3:[]" EDIT RECORD ACCEPTED: subType strings: "Byte|ShortInteger|Integer|BigInteger" names: "Byte|Short Integer Number|Integer Number|Big Integer Number" QVariant(QString, "Text") "type" = QVariant(int, 3) (oldvalue = QVariant(int, 11) ) "Modificada la propiedad «type» del campo de la tabla de «11» a «3» (UID=2)" "subType" = QVariant(QString, "Integer") (oldvalue = QVariant(Invalid) ) "Modificada la propiedad «subType» del campo de la tabla de «» a «Integer»\nAnd list data from [Byte,ShortInteger,Integer,BigInteger -> Byte,Short Integer Number,Integer Number,Big Integer Number]\n to [Byte,ShortInteger,Integer,BigInteger -> Byte,Short Integer Number,Integer Number,Big Integer Number] (UID=2)" QVariant(int, 3) subType= 0 type= 3 "Modificada la propiedad «subType» del campo de la tabla de «Text» a «Integer»\nAnd list data from [Text,LongText -> Text,Long Text]\n to [Byte,ShortInteger,Integer,BigInteger -> Byte,Short Integer Number,Integer Number,Big Integer Number] (UID=2)" subType= 0 type= 3 ------ EDIT BUFFER CHANGED TO: RecordEditBuffer type=SIMPLE, 1 items * field name= "type" val= "1" -- UPDATING: RecordEditBuffer type=SIMPLE, 1 items * field name= "type" val= "1" -- BEFORE: "RECORD DATA (4 COLUMNS):" "0:[]" "1:[QString]name" "2:[int]0" "3:[]" org.kde.kdb.core: "type" : "0" -> "1" -- AFTER: "RECORD DATA (4 COLUMNS):" "0:[]" "1:[QString]name" "2:[int]1" "3:[]" EDIT RECORD ACCEPTED: WARNING: bool Phonon::FactoryPrivate::createBackend() phonon backend plugin could not be loaded WARNING: bool Phonon::FactoryPrivate::createBackend() phonon backend plugin could not be loaded WARNING: bool Phonon::FactoryPrivate::createBackend() phonon backend plugin could not be loaded org.kde.knotifications: Audio notification requested, but sound file from notifyrc file was not found, aborting audio notification org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified! org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified! "primaryKey" = QVariant(bool, true) (oldvalue = QVariant(bool, false) ) "Modificada la propiedad «primaryKey» del campo de la tabla de «true» a «true» (UID=1)" "unique" = QVariant(bool, true) (oldvalue = QVariant(bool, false) ) "Modificada la propiedad «unique» del campo de la tabla de «false» a «true» (UID=1)" "notNull" = QVariant(bool, true) (oldvalue = QVariant(bool, false) ) "Modificada la propiedad «notNull» del campo de la tabla de «false» a «true» (UID=1)" "allowEmpty" = QVariant(bool, false) (oldvalue = QVariant(bool, true) ) "Modificada la propiedad «allowEmpty» del campo de la tabla de «true» a «false» (UID=1)" "indexed" = QVariant(bool, true) (oldvalue = QVariant(bool, false) ) "Modificada la propiedad «indexed» del campo de la tabla de «false» a «true» (UID=1)" "autoIncrement" = QVariant(bool, true) (oldvalue = QVariant(bool, false) ) "Modificada la propiedad «autoIncrement» del campo de la tabla de «false» a «true» (UID=1)" org.kde.kdb.core: "pk" : "" -> "database-key" org.kde.kdb.core: "type" : "1" -> "1" "subType" = QVariant(QString, "BigInteger") (oldvalue = QVariant(QString, "Integer") ) "Modificada la propiedad «subType» del campo de la tabla de «Integer» a «BigInteger»\nAnd list data from [Byte,ShortInteger,Integer,BigInteger -> Byte,Short Integer Number,Integer Number,Big Integer Number]\n to [Byte,ShortInteger,Integer,BigInteger -> Byte,Short Integer Number,Integer Number,Big Integer Number] (UID=1)" QVariant(int, 3) "type" = QVariant(int, 4) (oldvalue = QVariant(int, 11) ) subType= 0 type= 4 "Modificada la propiedad «subType» del campo de la tabla de «Integer» a «BigInteger»\nAnd list data from [Byte,ShortInteger,Integer,BigInteger -> Byte,Short Integer Number,Integer Number,Big Integer Number]\n to [Byte,ShortInteger,Integer,BigInteger -> Byte,Short Integer Number,Integer Number,Big Integer Number] (UID=1)" "unsigned" = QVariant(bool, true) (oldvalue = QVariant(bool, false) ) "Modificada la propiedad «unsigned» del campo de la tabla de «false» a «true» (UID=1)" subType= 0 type= 4 1 QMargins(21, 19, 0, 0) org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified! org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified! subType strings: "Byte|ShortInteger|Integer|BigInteger" names: "Byte|Short Integer Number|Integer Number|Big Integer Number" subType= 0 type= 4 subType strings: "Text|LongText" names: "Text|Long Text" subType= 0 type= 11 org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified! org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified! 0xd98c50 QMargins(21, 19, 0, 0) org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified! org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified! ------ EDIT BUFFER CHANGED TO: RecordEditBuffer type=SIMPLE, 2 items * field name= "caption" val= "role" * field name= "type" val= "0" -- UPDATING: RecordEditBuffer type=SIMPLE, 2 items * field name= "caption" val= "role" * field name= "type" val= "0" -- BEFORE: "RECORD DATA (4 COLUMNS):" "0:[]" "1:[]" "2:[]" "3:[]" org.kde.kdb.core: "caption" : "" -> "role" org.kde.kdb.core: "type" : "" -> "0" "role" Text subType strings: "Text|LongText" names: "Text|Long Text" subType= 0 type= 11 org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified! org.kde.kdb.core: no table specified! -- AFTER: "RECORD DATA (4 COLUMNS):" "0:[]" "1:[QString]role" "2:[int]0" "3:[]" EDIT RECORD ACCEPTED: SHOW POPUP QPainter::begin: Cannot paint on an image with the QImage::Format_Indexed8 format QPainter::setCompositionMode: Painter not active QMargins(1, 31, 0, 0) QWidget::setMinimumSize: (verticalHeader/KexiTableScrollAreaHeader) Negative sizes (20,-1) are not possible QPainter::begin: Cannot paint on an image with the QImage::Format_Indexed8 format QPainter::setCompositionMode: Painter not active QMargins(1, 1, 0, 0) QPainter::begin: Cannot paint on an image with the QImage::Format_Indexed8 format QPainter::setCompositionMode: Painter not active QMargins(1, 1, 0, 0) QMargins(1, 1, 0, 0) QMargins(1, 1, 0, 0) no column relatedData - moving to setData(KDbField &) added: ' "Text" ' added: ' "Integer Number" ' added: ' "Floating Point Number" ' added: ' "Yes/No" ' added: ' "Date/Time" ' added: ' "Object" ' destroying old data (owned) QWidget::setMinimumSize: (verticalHeader/KexiTableScrollAreaHeader) Negative sizes (18,-1) are not possible QWidget::setMinimumSize: (verticalHeader/KexiTableScrollAreaHeader) Negative sizes (18,-1) are not possible QMargins(1, 1, 0, 0) HIDE!!! subType strings: "Byte|ShortInteger|Integer|BigInteger" names: "Byte|Short Integer Number|Integer Number|Big Integer Number" QVariant(QString, "Text") "type" = QVariant(int, 3) (oldvalue = QVariant(int, 11) ) "Modificada la propiedad «type» del campo de la tabla de «11» a «3» (UID=5)" "subType" = QVariant(QString, "Integer") (oldvalue = QVariant(Invalid) ) "Modificada la propiedad «subType» del campo de la tabla de «» a «Integer»\nAnd list data from [Byte,ShortInteger,Integer,BigInteger -> Byte,Short Integer Number,Integer Number,Big Integer Number]\n to [Byte,ShortInteger,Integer,BigInteger -> Byte,Short Integer Number,Integer Number,Big Integer Number] (UID=5)" QVariant(int, 3) subType= 0 type= 3 "Modificada la propiedad «subType» del campo de la tabla de «Text» a «Integer»\nAnd list data from [Text,LongText -> Text,Long Text]\n to [Byte,ShortInteger,Integer,BigInteger -> Byte,Short Integer Number,Integer Number,Big Integer Number] (UID=5)" subType= 0 type= 3 ------ EDIT BUFFER CHANGED TO: RecordEditBuffer type=SIMPLE, 1 items * field name= "type" val= "1" -- UPDATING: RecordEditBuffer type=SIMPLE, 1 items * field name= "type" val= "1" -- BEFORE: "RECORD DATA (4 COLUMNS):" "0:[]" "1:[QString]role" "2:[int]0" "3:[]" org.kde.kdb.core: "type" : "0" -> "1" -- AFTER: "RECORD DATA (4 COLUMNS):" "0:[]" "1:[QString]role" "2:[int]1" "3:[]" EDIT RECORD ACCEPTED: org.kde.kdb.core: 0xf10c60 alias= "" org.kde.kdb.core: bound to table -1 org.kde.kdb.core: <NOT SPECIFIED> org.kde.kdb.core: tablesBoundToColumns == [ "-1 " ] org.kde.kdb.core: bound to table -1 org.kde.kdb.core: <NOT SPECIFIED> org.kde.kdb.core: tablesBoundToColumns == [ "-1 -1 " ] org.kde.kdb.core: caching (unexpanded) column's order: "role.""id" UNSIGNED BigInteger AUTOINC UNIQUE PKEY NOTNULL NOTEMPTY "" at position 0 org.kde.kdb.core: caching (unexpanded) column's order: "role.""name" Integer "" at position 1 QVariant(QString, "") QVariant(QString, "id") QVariant(QString, "name") QVariant(QString, "") QVariant(QString, "id") QVariant(QString, "name") "rowSourceType" = QVariant(QString, "table") (oldvalue = QVariant(QString, "") ) org.kde.kdb.core: "pk" : "" -> "" "Modificada la propiedad «rowSourceType» del campo de la tabla de «» a «table» (UID=5)" "rowSource" = QVariant(QString, "role") (oldvalue = QVariant(QString, "") ) org.kde.kdb.core: "pk" : "" -> "combobox" "Modificada la propiedad «rowSource» del campo de la tabla de «» a «role» (UID=5)" "boundColumn" = QVariant(int, 0) (oldvalue = QVariant(int, -1) ) "Modificada la propiedad «boundColumn» del campo de la tabla de «-1» a «0» (UID=5)" "visibleColumn" = QVariant(int, 1) (oldvalue = QVariant(int, -1) ) "Modificada la propiedad «visibleColumn» del campo de la tabla de «-1» a «1» (UID=5)" 7 top-level command(s) to process... org.kde.kdb.core: KDbAlterTableHandler's actions: org.kde.kdb.core: "Insert table field \"role\" at position 2 (UID=5)" (req = 0 ) org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"type\" property for table field \"role\" to \"3\" (UID=5)" (req = 0 ) org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"rowSourceType\" property for table field \"role\" to \"table\" (UID=5)" (req = 0 ) org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"rowSource\" property for table field \"role\" to \"role\" (UID=5)" (req = 0 ) org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"boundColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"0\" (UID=5)" (req = 0 ) org.kde.kdb.core: "Set \"visibleColumn\" property for table field \"role\" to \"1\" (UID=5)" (req = 0 ) org.kde.kdb.core: 0x11018a0 org.kde.kdb.core: "Action dict for field \"role\" (1, UID=5):" org.kde.kdb.core: "Insert table field \"role\" at position 2 (UID=5)" org.kde.kdb.core: "** Overall altering requirements: 1" org.kde.kdb.core: !cursor->moveFirst() || cursor->eof() KDbEscapedString:"SELECT 1 FROM (SELECT id, name FROM user ORDER BY id) LIMIT 1" Trying to convert empty KLocalizedString to QString. BUILD SCHEMA: TABLE KDbObject: ID=1 NAME="user" CAPTION="User" DESC="" - "id" UNSIGNED BigInteger AUTOINC UNIQUE PKEY NOTNULL NOTEMPTY - "name" Text - "role" Integer "role"LookupFieldSchema( RecordSource TYPE: "" NAME: "" VALUES: "" boundColumn: 0 visibleColumns: 1 maxVisibleRecords: 8 displayWidget: ComboBox columnHeadersVisible: false limitToList: true columnWidths: ) Calling appendChild() on a null node does nothing. Calling appendChild() on a null node does nothing. org.kde.kdb.core: !cursor->moveFirst() || cursor->eof() KDbEscapedString:"SELECT 1 FROM (SELECT kexi__objectdata.o_id FROM kexi__objectdata WHERE o_id=1 AND o_sub_id='extended_schema') LIMIT 1" org.kde.kdb.core: 0xefe530 alias= "" org.kde.kdb.core: bound to table -1 org.kde.kdb.core: <NOT SPECIFIED> org.kde.kdb.core: tablesBoundToColumns == [ "-1 " ] org.kde.kdb.core: bound to table -1 org.kde.kdb.core: <NOT SPECIFIED> org.kde.kdb.core: tablesBoundToColumns == [ "-1 -1 " ] org.kde.kdb.core: bound to table -1 org.kde.kdb.core: <NOT SPECIFIED> org.kde.kdb.core: tablesBoundToColumns == [ "-1 -1 -1 " ] org.kde.kdb.core: caching (unexpanded) column's order: "user.""id" UNSIGNED BigInteger AUTOINC UNIQUE PKEY NOTNULL NOTEMPTY "" at position 0 org.kde.kdb.core: caching (unexpanded) column's order: "user.""name" Text "" at position 1 org.kde.kdb.core: caching (unexpanded) column's order: "user.""role" Integer "" at position 2 org.kde.kdb.core: unsupported record source type "" org.kde.kdb.core: unsupported record source type "" org.kde.kdb.core: no statement generated! org.kde.kdb.core: unsupported record source type "" Cannot open cursor --aborting setData(). CURSOR(KDbQuerySchema:"<CANNOT GENERATE!>" NOT_OPENED NOT_BUFFERED AT=-1) 0xbc5490 QMargins(21, 19, 0, 0) KCrash: crashing... crashRecursionCounter = 2 KCrash: Application Name = kexi path = /home/juan/kde/inst5/bin pid = 4413 KCrash: Arguments: /home/juan/kde/inst5/bin/kexi KCrash: Attempting to start /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexec/drkonqi from kdeinit sock_file=/run/user/1000/kdeinit5__1 kdeinit5: Got EXEC_NEW '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexec/drkonqi' from wrapper. kdeinit5: preparing to launch '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexec/drkonqi' found lsb_release Using /proc to determine executable path Executable is: "/home/juan/kde/inst5/bin/kexi" Executable exists: true Enabling drkonqi crash catching Invalid pixmap specified. No frame loaded No frame loaded No frame loaded No frame loaded No frame loaded No frame loaded Sending SIGSTOP to process -- You are receiving this mail because: You are watching all bug changes.