--- Comment #4 from Hendra Kwee <> ---
Thank you for your kind response. I have try this:
-open the configuration file gcompris-qt.conf with TextEdit (or another
text editor of your choice), which is in

-replace the line renderer=auto with renderer=software
-save the file, and restart gcompris

but still the same result.

I have actually removed the apps, and reinstalled it, still the same. In
the past (last week), it actually working, but starting yesterday, it did
not work anymore.

I have run it with the command prompt, and got this log.


exeCount set to:  41

qml: enter main.qml (run #41, ratio=1.5384615384615385,
fontRatio=2.1621621621621623, dpi=114,
userDataPath=/Users/hendrakwee/Library/Application Support/GCompris)

Downloading resource file "data2/voices-aac/voices-en_US.rcc"

Downloading resource file "data2/backgroundMusic/backgroundMusic-aac.rcc"

Successfully registered resource

Found box2d in  "/Applications/"

qt.qpa.window: Window position QRect(332,-1073741412 615x-2147483648)
outside any known screen, using primary screen

invalid window content view size, check your window geometry

Local resource is up-to-date: "voices-en_US.rcc"

Successfully registered resource

Local resource is up-to-date: "backgroundMusic-aac.rcc"

any suggestion? thank you

best regards


On Thu, Aug 6, 2020 at 10:36 PM Jazeix Johnny <>

> --- Comment #3 from Jazeix Johnny <> ---
> Hi,
> can you also run it in command line and check if there are logs outputted?
> Thank you
> --
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