--- Comment #45 from Valorie Zimmerman <> ---
(In reply to Pali Rohár from comment #44)
> On Tuesday 17 May 2016 09:29:17 Ben Cooksley via KDE Bugzilla wrote:
> > This isn't a bug - it's intended behaviour and conforms with what email
> > providers these days expect. It therefore won't be changing.
> I cannot agree with you. It is a bug, email sent by kde bugzilla does
> not conform to email standards. And more over it is regression, because
> it worked correctly before.

If it is a bug, as you have been told, it is in bugzilla itself, which KDE does
not develop. Please take your bug report to people who can fix it.

> I want to have working bugzilla again and so, I proposed solutions to
> this problems.

The changes you propose can't be done here.

> If somebody use email provider who does not respect email standards (and
> still mark that service as "email") it is his problem. But I'm really
> against mangling emails, make them less usable and similar... for people
> who support correct email behaviour. Still, I proposed solutions which
> does not affect those "other providers". And I could think about other
> options.

The world has changed, and so have the standards.

> But I really want to see this problem fixed, not ignored from KDE admins
> and KDE community. If you are going to do that, then I'm forced to move
> my projects outside of (non working) KDE infrastructure... which I
> really do not want...

This is comment 45! This issue has taken a great deal of sysadmin time, and is
creating a great deal of sysadmin upset. We would prefer that you find a way to
stay in the KDE community, but if that is impossible, we wish you the best

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