
Jörg Schaible commented on MSITE-663:

How else can you refer a parent from the repository?

> Build fails with message "Unable to read local module-POM"
> ----------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MSITE-663
>                 URL: https://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MSITE-663
>             Project: Maven Site Plugin
>          Issue Type: Bug
>    Affects Versions: 3.0, 3.1, 3.2
>         Environment: MacOS, Cygwin, Linux
>            Reporter: Shawn Brown
> Copied from 
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11260717/non-resolvable-parent-pom-when-building-maven-3-project-site:
> ==================================
> I am currently facing the following problem with Maven 3 when I am trying to 
> build the site. I will appreciate you help on this.
> {{mvn clean site}}
> {noformat}
> ..........
> [INFO] Reactor Summary:
> [INFO] 
> [INFO] Project A ......................................... SUCCESS [15.383s]
> [INFO] Project B ......................................... SUCCESS [2.232s]
> [INFO] My Site ........................................... FAILURE [0.105s]
> [INFO] 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO] 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO] Total time: 24.769s
> [INFO] Finished at: Fri Jun 29 14:26:04 AMT 2012
> [INFO] Final Memory: 18M/150M
> [INFO] 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [ERROR] Failed to execute goal 
> org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-site-plugin:3.1:site (default-site) on project 
> site: SiteToolException: Unable to read local module-POM: 1 problem was 
> encountered while building the effective model for my.com:projA:0.1-SNAPSHOT
> [ERROR] [FATAL] Non-resolvable parent POM: Could not find artifact 
> my.com:parent-pom:pom:0.1-SNAPSHOT and 'parent.relativePath' points at no 
> local POM @ line 12, column 13
> [ERROR] for project my.com:projA:0.1-SNAPSHOT
> .............
> {noformat}
> First here is the configuration:
> {noformat}
> Apache Maven 3.0.4 (r1232337; 2012-01-17 12:44:56+0400)
> Java version: 1.7.0_04, vendor: Oracle Corporation
> Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8
> OS name: "mac os x", version: "10.7.4", arch: "x86_64", family: "mac"
> Nexus repository: 2.0.6
> {noformat}
> The parent POM:
> {code:xml}
> <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
> <name>Parent POM</name>
> <groupId>my.com</groupId>
> <artifactId>parent-pom</artifactId>
> <version>0.1-SNAPSHOT</version>
> <packaging>pom</packaging>
> <build>                         
>     <pluginManagement>
>         <plugins>
>             <plugin>
>                 <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
>                 <artifactId>maven-site-plugin</artifactId>
>                 <version>3.1</version>  
>                 <configuration>
>                     <reportPlugins>
>                         <plugin>
>                             <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
> <artifactId>maven-project-info-reports-plugin</artifactId>
>                             <version>2.4</version>
>                         </plugin>            
>                     </reportPlugins>
>                 </configuration>
>             </plugin>              
>         </plugins>
>     </pluginManagement>      
> </build>
> {code}
> The aggregation project pom:
> {code:xml}
> <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
> <name>My Site</name>
> <groupId>my.com</groupId>
> <artifactId>site</artifactId>
> <version>0.1-SNAPSHOT</version>
> <packaging>pom</packaging>
> <parent>
>     <groupId>my.com</groupId>
>     <artifactId>parent-pom</artifactId>
>     <version>0.1-SNAPSHOT</version>
>     <relativePath/>
> </parent>
> <modules>
>     <module>projA</module>
>     <module>projB</module>
> </modules> 
> {code}
> The pom of Project A:
> {code:xml}
> <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
> <name>Project A</name>
> <groupId>my.com</groupId>
> <artifactId>projA</artifactId>
> <version>0.1-SNAPSHOT</version>
> <parent>
>     <groupId>my.com</groupId>
>     <artifactId>parent-pom</artifactId>
>     <version>0.1-SNAPSHOT</version>
>     <relativePath/>        
> </parent>
> {code}
> The pom of Project B:
> {code:xml}
> <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
> <name>Project B</name>
> <groupId>my.com</groupId>
> <artifactId>projB</artifactId>
> <version>0.1-SNAPSHOT</version>
> <parent>
>     <groupId>my.com</groupId>
>     <artifactId>parent-pom</artifactId>
>     <version>0.1-SNAPSHOT</version>
>     <relativePath/>        
> </parent> 
> {code}
> Here is the structure of the folder where I run "mvn clean site":
> {noformat}
> ./pom.xml  (aggregation project)
> ./projA/pom.xml (Project A)
> ./projB/pom.xml (Project B)
> {noformat}
> parent-pom is successfully deployed to NEXUS repository before the execution 
> of {{mvn clean site}} with following command:
> {{mvn deploy 
> -DaltDeploymentRepository=snapshots::default::http://MyServer:8081/nexus/content/repositories/snapshots}}
> And finally the problem itself:
> When I run {{mvn clean site}} right after the deployment of parent-pom site 
> is built successfully. If I delete the folder (with its content) "my" (it 
> contains the parent-pom) from the local repository (~/.m2/repository) and 
> then try to build the site with {{mvn clean site}} I am getting the error 
> described at the beginning. Actually Maven downloads the parent-pom from the 
> NEXUS. I have compared the downloaded files and files which have been 
> generated after the deployment and have realized that few are missing, for 
> instance maven-metadata-local.xml near to "0.1-SNAPSHOT" folder.
> So when I am trying to run the site building job from Jenkins I am getting 
> the error described above, because the parent-pom is not deployed from the 
> machine where Jenkins run.
> ==================================

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