
Valentin Kovalenko reopened MASSEMBLY-701:

I've tried *2.5* version
and the problem is still there:
- assembly plugin still creates forder 
- test case from the Description is reproduced with 2.5 version
- I still see the same code {{if(dir.exists())}} in the 2.5 version file 

> class AddDependencySetsTask doesn't re-unpack contents of unpacked SNAPSHOT 
> artifacts
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MASSEMBLY-701
>                 URL: https://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MASSEMBLY-701
>             Project: Maven Assembly Plugin
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: dependencySet
>    Affects Versions: 2.4
>         Environment: Apache Maven 3.2.1, Oracle Java SE Runtime Environment 
> (build 1.8.0-b132)
>            Reporter: Valentin Kovalenko
>            Assignee: Kristian Rosenvold
>             Fix For: 2.5.1
>         Attachments: test-Maven.zip
> Simple project [^test-Maven.zip] to reproduce the problem is attached.
> *Test case scenario:*
> 1) Upack _test-Maven.zip_ into _test-Maven_ directory.
> 2) Run _mvn package_ from the _test-Maven_ directory.
> 3) Check that content of the file 
> _test-Maven\p2\target\p2-0.0.0-SNAPSHOT-myClassifier.zip\content.txt_ is 
> "some content".
> 4) Check that content of the file 
> _test-Maven\target\p1-0.0.0-SNAPSHOT-myClassifier.zip\myClassifier\content.txt_
>  is "some content" (p2 assembly packs content of 
> _p2-0.0.0-SNAPSHOT-myClassifier.zip_ into 
> _p1-0.0.0-SNAPSHOT-myClassifier.zip_).
> 5) Modify content of the file _test-Maven\p2\src\myClassifier\content.txt_ 
> (e.g. write "a new content").
> 6) Same as 2). Run _mvn package_ from the _test-Maven_ directory.
> 7) Check that content of the file 
> _test-Maven\p2\target\p2-0.0.0-SNAPSHOT-myClassifier.zip\content.txt_ has 
> changed to "a new content".
> 8) Check that content of the file 
> _test-Maven\target\p1-0.0.0-SNAPSHOT-myClassifier.zip\myClassifier\content.txt_
>  is still "some content" and not "a new content" (+! bug+).
> Assembly plugin unpacks content of _p2-0.0.0-SNAPSHOT-myClassifier.zip_ into 
> the directory 
> _test-Maven\target\assembly\work\test_p2_0.0.0-SNAPSHOT_myClassifier.zip_ and 
> never unpacks _p2-0.0.0-SNAPSHOT-myClassifier.zip_ again if working directory 
> exists. That is +assembly plugin ignores the fact that 
> _p2-0.0.0-SNAPSHOT-myClassifier.zip_ is a SNAPSHOT (the version of p2 is 
> 0.0.0-SNAPSHOT)+.
> It seems like the corresponding code is in the line 238 (_if ( dir.exists() 
> )_) in the class 
> [org.apache.maven.plugin.assembly.archive.task.AddDependencySetsTask|http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/maven/plugins/tags/maven-assembly-plugin-2.4/src/main/java/org/apache/maven/plugin/assembly/archive/task/AddDependencySetsTask.java?view=markup#l238].

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