
Tamás Cservenák commented on MINDEXER-41:

GAVCE made the "unique" key now. Also, introduced new searchable field, 
extension, that is NOT packaging. Extension is _always_ present, as it is 
extracted from path.

Another change is that for POMless artifacts (ie. JAR with no POM), packaging 
is now {{null}}, unknown (again, as extension != packaging).

> Allow to index several artifacts with no classifier
> ---------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MINDEXER-41
>                 URL: https://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MINDEXER-41
>             Project: Maven Indexer
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>            Reporter: Julien HENRY
>             Fix For: 6.0
> See details in this thread: 
> http://maven.40175.n5.nabble.com/Search-with-several-artifacts-same-GAV-different-type-extension-td4902408.html
> The key used by indexer is GAVC (GAV + classifier where classifier can be 
> null).
> With current design the indexer will only index one artifact with no 
> classifier (= main artifact) + optionally additional secondary artifacts with 
> classifier.
> This is an issue for custom packaging types that publish several artifacts 
> with different extensions but no classifier.
> For example:
> {code}
> groupId
>    /artifactId
>       /version
>          /artifactId-version.pom
>          /artifactId-version.jar
>          /artifactId-version.tld
>          /artifactId-version.config
> {code}
> It would be good to include the extension in the index key => GAVCE. This way 
> a search will return jar, tld and config artifacts.

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